rThis Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcihfieki. :: & Co. :: Ann Ar'bor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully G4uaran teed Watch: Repal,- tnsg aSpeciaaty THE F'ARMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capnital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $!00.000 Genseral Hansking Bustlness. 3 percent paid on Timse and Savings Dleposits. Safety D~e- osis Boxes to rent, at $2.00 and upwards It. (eases' fSe. If. (a, Pises' esAN. Vice-ies. [I.A. WILLAses. cashier '. T. Suscs. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capsital :teels $50,000ss Ssrplus j-)90,0i00 itessasses v',soxoos A Genral Banoking Busness Transacted UFIrEogns: Chas. E. Hisecock, Pres.; W. ID. Harriman, Vice Pres.: Ill. J. Frime Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Heath Jute. V. Shseehans Wom. Arold Dr. V. C. Vaugihan Tas. H. Wade F. F. Mtilla John Haarer Jnss. Koch Prat. H. S. Carhart itenry W. Doeuglas Cbristian Martin tin F' durnes m FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ofr ANN ARBORs, MICHs. E. it. K I N. li t ItIISsI Stilts. 4 Pres. Vise-Pes. S. 1V. sIX IlistIN, Cashsier. Carltal, $100,000. Surplus asnd Prosilt-s. $60.000. (jeran Ame00i M mainQ(s BA Corlmaeroia. o~rid Se~virags Cog-. Maj lm ad Liber-ty Strest CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. Fee Rcsti--_Mn(eseflat, ferniehed;futr- stare heat, light anid gas. No ether reosomers. Secondtslhettsefresit;Mate street, l6o3 Eh. \Washinsgtonss street. Phonste 24t14J. f gle rosost:slightistt,''nesandtitlns. 41 1 Ea-st Un'tiversity. t2e-J. 4(6 LOST. DIrsawsitsg, tile rights kintds at tigist ptricecs it lte Stssdesnts' Beelstere. Shseehsass & Ce. tf Lss--A5graty i(wercoti t thlit.Orienst Sast- urdltay tilht. ib ersal rseswardi.Rtr le(st-.\istsslas ce sitsg,spice ofwatc fo -Ae-rtaved wsithtls 15). [ii- scs'tur t tII. Joltnstoin. ;to) F. Libtyn. Iisril. 44 NI ISClA..Ill.Fl0uL'S Iss-I w tl ~'illll ~ Sfossihe st. sasss'icf IBsnss 44et . - lsse 55.IX lpy 2m$ 5fo e Niprspecsst tia coe for- lift' in-suransilts .X1'I Insusratte lis., 2I; Nastilfak 3ilt-1. 144 .S'ttlcs't.ctltutse, (trr epail a Is its Plaltis Roya'tl,"slit) F,. liet SIit. tf sti-)r Fiancy \W'orka its-,' stir itas gilts. les lite inthelstcity- tsh PaNShislists s," 21" I. Libety l~St. tf Smtise litt'netswt is teMnissli eti 'liet "'Incomparasbsuise" ITwini IotcitMando-t lin st ju itlst ethsing tor clishwork;tl n sI biin tScisteblss'I& iiSits-Musie I msrto 55S. 'lfainSt. tf All11thse latest oratlic mssu sis nssleat Seliteierle & Sit's KUisrlehose,Itoe :Pai .NtitSt. aglf IBarsgatissits tsiikinssof Unsiv'ersity itl)-.s is sit'e Studentss' Blist ase. Shseehants& (is. tf "7 lit' $iet orcestru'.lsa wsill furishi i isis' stits'your-See'tar. smoster, sf5- tr o tishnsits s t' Cutiig C('st' Th'sanklsgiv'intg nsoont. 5A deliciosturkteys' an del dnnrfs is'ycenstl. Yisit esiss sil to Iisgite tasnks fir tit. 4; Fifts-sell potetr sir pentttfreet c ithti ih ve-re$2 pusrchset'iDI)srlinsg & M;Ilsleatxs. 44 lists girls tisdent it Ills (Usfversity if M issseseta shoedsherself lt be ,a shi- lesep~her. (Chagrissedthosueighsheits' it ja thetiunexpeeted defeat ef tile leashreels reseninsg her almatmatster-, shseecsuasslly remiarkesd as . Nagisseis tesste lier fa t'e seeontouchdowenti t : Xits ittts, wethathe isb etter hsitu 'I'isssssphist5wa5stmly' insize t'a h slits simustcaltggregattiosut tritssedt thesir visitinsg rittls, tt'eXolvi e stl porsterssweres'' swilisng Is sticeest it'- thei little sastisfaetioshe slt' satiesfro X I>ItI1 Ilk' 55A' IS "lit' lUiviersilst X lsrlsgtsNiw Llstteris iss'ameif astistsuiation iswhel ists'as rct'sstlit aeisapcrn It is, iubslisedisli-tsh1ee tilteks bithe Xlmmstiss' st.ss'cisslsiandsisslasilhanstld iassmanassginig adsit las , ili' 'slitos. ,, Is t'-,nsttitinats stit- toil oum ndpints-, Uniltersity ' news onstly'. Tisis it 11111551n sits hut'tilt ;iieoftetlt wi-,othsialttrtilestilts he ssuilpss I tiltoin tterferinstg wstll itanstogeete ersils teir-, is is IIX(,stte55 ' s h tliv stt lilt' a i lisugt'its.he Isin steresst'themirndis t i lls, it-s i l'tle litand ihsr So stiepasttill iotItathsti.st slit' st se's s st ,I ut'i-t'~ si it isd tisisisiigHisIto tssesideth Irs'rslsssg iltstll 'cr~ies willie lilydnx its bisistth best: tsir KIf Univy. eityofdldiffern.Union'sth Csnting beHoer.tha beareshopig- andLO. V.atsfatonLsassredris our y et tr 'loth . ,& s Si The uuAR-A.-s makes the "Mt sit per <, ., . 15C., 2/zr~ Cuett,t'sttsh,t3 ARROWV Yous carn, get a we gave sattst/actis:i I I st 5 $.1' ~ pSuyRestaurant sitetie 'siLt~1tio s >Ialtind-. Esev '5c I,, and *,tl 55'e 5' 5 ii A rbor V~LE & CO. I Celss l onfectionery Laundry X- ROW E, Prop. rift}, Ave, Ii CllPo t4Y- vA'; aER SHOP so toss'rsty Ave. sit 0E. itI Il o ce4r ii Coeadseus _ Chev ot uitngs are much in demand this season. We have a fine line of them and at popular prices--$30.00 and up. The patterns are exclusive, no two alike, and cannot be found elsewhere. State Stret WAGNER & COn. Importing Tailors I FIFTY=SIXTHl SEASON SIUDENIS' LECIUR[ ASSOCIATION The Premier Lecture Cousrse of America.. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHACKLETON Wine han reached farthest South HON. ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE U. S. Senator from Wisconin MAUD) BALLINGTON BOOTH Sociologist, Reformer, and Orator (ERALD STANLEY LEE Einent iditor, Esisayist, annulLectuures LCORADO TAFT fhe foremost Sculptor of ihe West SEUMAS MacMANUS frelannus foremost Poert, Authusrad lecturer Watch for the Prospectus Season Ticketsion Sale $1.50 Portrai1E111'' Choral anion ana fMar j'fe 4 Cecil 5Fanningiilueisel IQourttteIs it'.e s 5Ier fiCI wrIEt (31111 cles),1Thre IThomas 01rcheser t ) (i csl 'l, O yseu" N w ff" .arE len." Tidcksel e tN s snyic 5 510 I li fomstued 'II -;or University School of MusNRDST LAW IBOOK. 40th ysan- DICTIONA&RIES 4Otie<. is QUIZ BOOKS AeanAn-ho.- LEGAL MISCELLANY 9Acrn N Callaghan HICCo. Aram An-ban-BeSeeds State Stree~t, OppoSite Lesed$du Q Afi.KfE) LINES -0-Anon Arbor and uets.nd 8s0.7a.. X itl- houuas i 'is 3 5 .jit u sitit '_. . m To 111 5:15u a'i tit., iu 1, rs .() 11 ) 1 I.Vtinks - 1 1, Mai Street. 31jast t) treet