MIlCHiIGArN DAILY. nlike tacticas b ttit Iii;t,- , . .... _ _ -r :.e. ..., ^_r::.3 ^,._'" ak a --- __ . 4 ._.., _ _ _ e Go I Wl Comfpany WlMERCHANT 17ItARLORSa r r IW e have com plete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- igs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fuall Dress 'Suits a Specialty CALL ANt ~I TS 311 S0. STATE STREET At the AN t lua G. U. Wild Coffpally [HE I VMaaging Editor VtCi-,RNCE E. ELDRIDGE. BVtsiatt eanoager CARL B. O0 ADAM. _Wlres : XAteIttee l)AtILYPress Bldg., lavitiret Street. tCic( tlors : lanagiitg Editor, 8-11 1)oi. Iltitness Mlantager, 1-2, 7-8 p. m. lacettSutnday. Both phtones. LaDITORS. Nat . . . . ee A Whlite N istalt.........IHaroldI Titus NWomten ..... rieda Kleinstiick MicN atnd1Drattma .B.ollis S. Baker .Alh'i .. ... . M.B. AleHugh ani-, tOK,\Natkins 1litrisol Sltafroth Charle eta td G. S. Lasher NNtc t K tI. I ittrrt tarry Z.. Pale l)101 1111'i1CtV 1I. . Hinckley Nr-lltttr tB..\Mllttttiaa lusestll B. Jamtes 1rol1kit it larry -Myser 11 I< ocl Cles 11, Alylandtlr Mortrits I [ottser BUSINESS STAFF WNaitter Q1.2.Nitgius MNeyer Rub-init NVI-,l"SD,\V NA. NI Ittilil IR 24, 1909). IlittI r Tloitr i I tee (. Al-ea;R. l NIl\VIl,'ISITA CALENDAR. -T Nie(rrt Itt'iit .' New N - - I ilti ttt(t)ti itt iin Shaetear- i pl :i yait hr Nett Ivut'itticy I St i ir littane, htarboutr gyti, agters. :mth ~er tmemrofteQ t speakittg otmtote etiilkaitd 'It i isitoilt. o cc n e o highly thte recettt jolliiain ftem dents after the twobgtt tris aalkdidownltotw butt itJ t to Merv, the conttiitftttie ihoest it duin the etireceltebtratitnft aiit 0 1 va in l artc it ich tctu li yte aet sr t I of the itmagitnationheciti crd t I~ ort tutiliatitng.. yolWlily, atndIthat lithe cili tri i 1 thatelt etutierraat arc ra -i to .) their ptecutliar iterests. WNhent w ltd It b~ ) s in e itti I it t i thtesposibie liti;ladrt il t t;i teogiesI thr ate I tiar e liv th Lildterl itill hItn(> - ili it c- tie lt a t bd N ha ') ,,)thet, ti\er s't- l ie- l h e l ie Unieg rity li iii irtli 1) t -t I Cli C Idae leter hl sauithati tich ai t Foeirilthre e-asith-i erli eil liesn at te ltik ofte f,)halS ;t eia tte rnesoitceil iii 1s m a, it iS fearied. il( I l 111M ' cal iii ti :il.c ti i, . "zl tl ; I" 0n. of the most popular shapes at present TRADE -NA MARK( L!" % ' GOLLAiSt & GVES yai t( )(ai11r~d ced' tasthle c ritt tuta tesnoe lit ''rsit , c~ ich i dhI more. Whi tile hii~' 0 Bake the 'a1 ~ la~ fi11oi~tl.1itre is tic lcr Oh-c_(veut() i o is,) - t is a liassipar ty, I iirc iat thti ill arctititot - Itt-lli'a~ li )(slmd tnll i lt isuper- it e c :N~l hch as liilt ac ', ittiil it iati ttu ill 1: .)P Titit iii(glit1l (mi 1 .'C I f i)lthe t itu it1 -t 1)1 t i 'hs r r Lu ia (11s tit, ell((r fit we e lat w. i l i It t ihad i te Iii - ri-twes\ci t flit lci lit ;iss. That ttitti~e is egig to- rI tdiii t)iclhr -tiM k - i - i l (((f 11)t h p ld in- t() i~ak ' 1' 111io ls lii lie t c l itt rd to 1()sc an t)upcir ;o (i- FOR ,E FOR3 25 ...1. 5 DA LA FROTeo r iN. a At le I p Warranted linen WAGNER & Co. State St. Sign of the big wohittoshoe A. G.SPALDING & BROS. The Spalding facturc ';iitttioic Trade-Mark iof OFt ICIALL Q910 MENT forallathictic ypfN tsptortt and pattimes. iit tu I r i .tl it dy !jo, ~~ Iittrtil tc' tit g it nw t lte atit WhatsNew to Sport the world asa Gtoat arxtee of c tit.ttut Qaiy A. G. SPAL.DING ea. BROS. Chtage loDetoit WEBSTERS Collegiate Dictionery, For the tudet'sitt xr Prices. $3.00 to $5.00 Card Index'7S Having purahated a Ijob lot o t0iles we.areplai thet at a prieti ra h of everystadent 3 x5 size - 40c 4 x bsize - 50c Extra Cards t~e per hundred STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheelial & Co. l'iTit-tiear it-re can bi etI() Illit - y titet'ft the mentutu tii heIpldt I ai lit giient t-eIrigt t ka te f( 'l--li 's'-l-M, n tei s nlit iii iii I "A me t s tuctat n-tw- ;It liuet, ii et thati etanI-ileyiii k ,\ o ply tvrtl e iandtit itt tltw s itc o rg _i ly inijury-tsuttali iine ite N1 tr Jaimeltgamie, i-iltli t h ii iIart ii tc itte tias aginsi t ilad O inu et im t ttlofithebi I -of h ea tt at hi-lirs er o aic r trety itill lit-re-tardd b trW ewl yietr. he tlyetic talt-ciaitin adattt chtt i nt eo itt. wt he f or t noaiut iit ianid iettonsibti fia thep set aasfatn i sumio f lie Athtletic Asoit n lsi tittli hat-i- blite'i--l n atdi n -it teesisleney. Ad haut c m ii il ntn iwhto aiwaridedihl " "thsvI i MICHIGAN STATIONERY New styles of Seal and Block M Satiottery. Santp- ed ini blue or gold, or emboss- withotut color- 25 to 50c per box ENGRAVING OF STATIONERY Dtes and Visiting Card plates, ini correct and up to date Styles - Workmanship attd price guaranteed. too cars from your plat 75c WAHR'S University Bookstore C. [. BARIN[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law at-d Medical Dictionar es Quiz Books etc. Clomplete line New and Sec- ottd-htand. Old books taken in Excange IC. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical ~Dept ine Wth ad eweery Repairng HIALER'S RIWLM SOR[ 216 Soatth Mlin St. For Thallksgiving Of course you will send home a box of Candies. -SEND - IHUYLER'S E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. A 1 1 s t i 1: ;friter re; and aketicthe iere :hct % 11hc. L'n ou tedly ev enitita h3_ c ar thoe tv w11 cntenad that 1 rc 4om thirt vr o ig ithi the ath- ciic