he Michigan =.SN ARBOR, NlICi-IIAN A I T'\i ESiA,) VtNi I AiRhi R4, 1))). Vol-. XX. SHOULD MICHIGAN SEEK CONFERENCE? Old Conference Question Arises Again-Some Say Yes, While Others Say No. io t till- an a i on li nit t it Ttil toilee cntanc i nto ththd1I h Mr. A hott lair( that the i r A ir.l ilic l et the i lier nec Ncre the i Aue. the [iregam rule the prii i mii 1rilii 1111 ( and the .illis nct " t1Cr taiii i tableC-A tril these." aid Mi r. "Ill lii 1we11 ha gme chdue t l ii1 . i''lisi i ChcaIIgo.I Of1 thest rIlAiinoii\a-ie)il ne t slick thei contrct ian M iigan I ltis I''''lt The1 e tga r it IeeC. C Ni- in i. N % th t ( r ,iiio f t,i O N-l ~ ol ol Cill ain :iltrltilt sid: I dM111 tar 11ob 1 t uli lie to iiC ie M iig'ui itm of i the iioi trillc 11h 'ti iied itl AI. .lldC aw rad All hga ha,1 i til joiig the1 co frne tilt dei eiiy' ,(,I1 in~ l fa o ofl iet ern . Dr . ' ittlin fiV'oni T" l.' C G g IV t i- a: ai l ti c t l r' I t i t t r th thf is 0I I lei ii te mill tll 'tie lile haC. ain oif. 't. IF 1)AV To B I,;\J()VI?1) A Desiteiithe Mos t tit-I b ut m iiday is Micign sudntswilifindtil p tield A ier tittit iion AThursai-il n ageri-Heathr Cl-ill Iich111 igan titWInihai ulc hcr nd th i ldefiendii . git r - tigelts hait ll itti it he fn, a t11 Csevera l of t facult lmen11hatilt in- vite istudents i-io Cheir his ndai e tard ormainilli iAiIll1 Aiithif'i Th ilsseethavu reaizedthatii some etrtalii e oti I i li heil p i thet are1rced too ipe idvait i Ii tit i 111 i f N , >, i i } I i f c . i 7 i c' > GIRLS PROVE GOOD CATCHERS OF MEN 1ue Star Campaign as Waged by University Girls is Suc- cessful Financially. Aiictilti ta;tag dyirii sa te t sCad fr ttit 'cit o iii tilyi liig ibeforeom.1l1ad11houghtill f i i zh ;cl1o111 k, smtiC iling, l iii iii -C icd its il of e initilytkt e i r tad 1n jtac '1 s te tu and it li crtutu 11111 111 iantdlocai I Clity. 11n111 t i ii Cl itr(' ti il arnes m de Ct Csiblet for thiCe lt ha itt ilt'n tlt ined and "l lii Iill,'ch r tbll'C it v~l' Ciittogil' CC it rit' tIm il. h CilltIt s r t tre t tig i-im ilt ti il ii Il oc ',i is fic i i t ito ay ithat ''if tittcon lgt.ii o if th fir('tcs.ll sitrelt genertally ithe ocsi f ctvii r i 111 li I'ivalieein i t n tegithe ot frei ro li te i ii adiii i ,VAINthe a real izat ionofthil t thati1111 ir schem- iteen layeWl t;tR.T eciipeitit tal-Ilghl Prizeed Emblem.q a i b Th llmoretimitl-i nc1111 i, d N'' r ii IC '11111 tyliicd softh i dens11 .t s t t lityh d n v r d n s c h nbf r , T e i ll n t tr ill t o d ai , 1l I ~fi t irst C tag Cay ili Ia ol ce< the ire 111111oftilt' IndeavorIli I ut ' earlyiti Nlue iv asuanethtteixw Coso til t i-ilotimtitiN c Ceret' Nit c tilt tilt' t ii''i'totei iti f foh ltam It trC man11 NIloply" tiltes1111 eit hCisi' lft('] ttt1i'tig i x C I i C' C tti in l s c m ae thilC li till ii ire llo reciiet hi ut t ~I i isdictHm, especially those dealing wi c the nlakint; lip and handling of fi cig trains. A fl those inicrested are welcome. r t < ' I i t t i e s. ila FiC ( , -() l iz(t ii i I t t] lilt'r thi' lit cl 4 at. >IIC ii tt1 11 CONOMICS it 11 r,11 I' it7" 1 1 1i l < il C;:1iii ' ll It ?12 CLUB STAR TED lit-il I i PTiI' 'ii TOi I')tPtiI ' IN l I-INTP It d c l' - 1 i t S t ie t lc t,' cl is St 1y Id is. cd k. It ild 1x .r_ 11. in for nd in , tc f ir- ith ;lit. -Noh I iIl N(Ali'.I N ili~lhl NI iNs it C lpit 'it. C it -1110 r SC('uu 1ii'111111) illi Itit tl7"Inuit iii, tu i I i I h lhant I ms C Rii i the hos ital llv-, anal Il 11111 h r l mutt Init Ithr, a Upperclass lPolitical 1- onOmIY Sdii ents 'lave Organized. (ndtitt li.' 1 l Iilt li ti n i' 1 1ctin-\I ~ di ; Crhi It lll ' i i 11 s r} 1cl 11 n t hC . l: ice lint C I it.N, M .A k } I c ~ll j ) t c ) h ' kI 1 till t h i1 11 1111 ( 1 t 1uct hut orit the n l~ l- l andiii ( 1 11 t em111[ 1 1 til UNION BANQUET IS GREAT" SUCCESS Plans for Union's Future Dis- cosed--Many Good Speeches by Faculty and Alumni. frrthuelull ue'uuuu'u l'I e ' ii ItM 11powerfuli in. C 1us uthe iprove-i elacItcrt ~al ,c-t~ te ac ltst 111 C1 htttthtoif111 I lIrcus c d tll iu'uuu C'asu 1 i > r i t i t 'l ta it t l1 i i n to11s111 att' 1 liiitdrraut t. s I ''ttii litittof tit L - i-tutu"beeninu a-ht . I.. hi«tlm m 'l iic l nioni I I i o ibe ithe hinutin of rill lt he lsi gntuiifo it 'C \illcitorCaihi~l i t aIcd thuMll lite th j 1C11".ll i l rin l CC tiI' lt iil i llCCC l i I ttuoM ,ht'i'll' hu t. -l li i f' l l'' ioi ll ''Ihoft j'it C 'iIttu, h ee t u in tii= t11 if it it-irs . l l pin C+i Il i itneclitsaryt - 1 i i il evert ity.l' 11 111Ia, h'1pla iied lbef uoe ,,lho r thu w rl.' b 'C il irI Ithrill iiTChe il (Ir iiit']'Chitpaisi~i~ l tl ll la ii on ithaiti'i ill 11 Ir ad , l 1 I -t1 d th idih 'C mI Frida iliht, nd l w (" i th J. Al dst , r . A. Il A. I, ijt. l, t;c t J. 1hi. Nit. I ilt tuotuht h1-it tuJot irtttr iii'I)( :1 ;i< J. -cl fl T ; r 'r > , ii - te 1c f t ll I t s gllut I t-i i il hTith ~ lC iii 111l11 r 1 - Pt) is ir) a ) il t i I<]fli )1 c llcr l-it 'S\\Il) th c a it tl t'e ii hsl. cl tf 11 tit)1 thereI hai C hc l y" i k rk Attn 1 ) iti t 1) ( ~ it It)(s ilt, f r a - 1t ) c t A1 I i dh 111it 1 itof 111itrt ich lii id'ilcsLl ; t iii' ex tilt() imv ,m id thl Il diid tiului 111t1 I111th 1c I I -1 Ilu-it-ut l] \]i lll 111;l thei iteresti icents t'iehininter clas in I it tlll As son a Dirctor lt ll rturnstt fri'n iiN ttu ltlisthi ntrls a k baH it Chit lii iW ill ibe imadit I t. AH ii- cain in ttu iiic I tyearitor slut- lull at NMihigani Thi ctuiti tutu hit arse, sice i-e vars i ut ityta asbe blihd stoli tilthc meniiiiii laye on te arit hint bearl' I l 'tltutito partiiteitWi inteclas vra 1 . Tis tilt nit i ll i bei dfiitelyi deciidet ttuhit next11 meting111 ,,f the liii trii ii ttlt ici rctourit. Por Suttnututiith igj h ns will hbe Pt 'ututtug i-ttt-ti i I'aitlhStohit-ll' htu. NI. Sttunti tt turinct i). Lun I laii it a