TheMlichigan Dil _NN ARBOR,\II 'HIGAN, I I I SI) Ni NOV I NiBI i23,1904). Voi,. XX. No. 4 3. r MANY VETS WILL t xl x '.xxiiii itwill(r itiiMCIANDE O NRETURNNEXT YEAR Promising Scrubs and Fresh- Men Will Be on Hand for 1910 Eleven. iclhigan. Wiestein Chlanipioinsfr [909i, wiii he evenx stroniger i[ 1ito 'rle great mxajority of mni on this year's ire"' Miars tire slite toi reitvttur and ther are lxxix twxo wvho (liiiitiivei)- not dim th i molxieskinsx at Ann :Arbo aginx Csev ther'e is sonic dob ixitix riegardx tot others S buti at xxxy exentsx the' X\'ciui wxxixii xtart iixv seso iiithxi it'iiiiiiigex loii ofi mtixieri than in yeai rs xxsti andi w iii ieami is i xironig pibiitii.i Micigiain's great vcoachi has noti yet madxe xipis xind ini rxegto is re- tuirix. Tihv possxxilxitievs arv iiit he ll c stiedi It( dclae tihit iiv ivyl hin vxt i isxcacinxg carveerwxiia iingIx ietimi. iie has (tiiei that but xiii dii feat uimpirtnt asi tha wasi i , neverhls 1. raxnkiex. .11x1iii xxiII lie ixardtfo lx "Coah toii giixv tiiiii troisieci of te- viniig a great ivixm frontx tiii abunxxiidaxxi 'The capini of tiie Miiciigall tvamx lxxv iigii xxil xviiihaily bei cihoxen ait tiix Techiceiivint toi ie iii ec i A xxilein- rcxvii tisx yevr and xxiiNgixixxixx, wxihi. if hev rvetuvns, xiii wxiiihoutx ixtx ibe tiie greexstx iixiv xxfhcl ixv exoutrxy nest thei ixi fr xei sexasoxn it is cevtin that.i i ixvltiii himx (if the melt cert i toi 're-v txxri therevi axvi iiiiiirtixk. Wels vii titen-i gi, Conxklinx, Sxxiiih, Ranneyxi tzinm ifixgern. iWaikins, iatn ii iix. xi iv. ont is yer' vrity III aditxin to thixev xxxii tihvrex is a istrxng pi iityi tat Ma 'gixixixixi iiler andi iCaptxiinxi Al- keyn, ixyer xxiii ls allo tisiIl, of iihe vxrityii sqiuix, anxiii xxx xxviie of fvexi- duinth e ii asov :Amon xxiig tiii tist wx iihveie xxvi Cxxiv whos work a xtt tackl hxiviaisi ixeenx excveinili iubl i whioi ivitt made anii envil recor vastaxixlace kicikex'; ii xiii, a' guard avni Thoimpisoxiin, fullibacki. xxxiiet l are cx uniout xd iv'ii n be ofxi other ith ctiv dii s xiiive and wl-an vicx xxiii. 'iti iihv handyi difeat xf lxxiii andii tiii smothinivg xxf Siraxue Mxici- i xx ii he eix xi viii only hich tiii xxxi vx'vxieshltx ixtivitiwx liv ani If toi 3 scor e Unforinvaxi tily, tat gam, iicix lircitiv eastnx critic', WaNe xii ampxii 'ivse ide o Niciv'in'x xpiowesii ifx nizte inuirt itxringthx of iihe 'N ileiiii ax xt a v tiltvone. Thatx tliis in ivrie i renateixbylheii leadersi ini athleicsle at thi' Gophxier isihool, thati "i Notive Dairi playedix Micign a hundred tunesvi theyx, Nix leadiiing xxx iii \ h s a;i' ix xnkeat All-11 estersxtcam. lthiiughNoENTFR BIG EIGHT IIth irst team. Whxei 'n atoi t oCollege Applies for Admis- ;lionsi vuixixtiiiit ciritxicsitiviti sion--Changes in Rules Are axx iilii iixxixxiix lx ixlxi ii Offered by Stagg. i' ti t i11 glavxes ilinthe I1; i ledi 'xxxx xlithxxi, xxii ti lt a tth t \ ih do be litx lshlfxxi i n thxii l estivx tiltx tx; itxiiii x xi the aXli xxxai sleetingixix in xi.' in ali allix ixixitlixill 1.. r ; t1,011i Allerdice, Wasmund and Casey iIvrc~c.0ahSa. ) h Close (i'orious Career. l'l xlix f C'ct" st fn h tt N'iivii thliv' raivndxix i pedx ni xxi liciti l>(sti1ii tniiii ii tii eicix'i.,' fol-x ntxla am ,theeofthriiucix tlete C s 1 xxiii nech sit m g n evrtreioiyte'.ltr-ip 1a ha h} b a lcei i paxxxi Nix crixihe i , l alxx xxi ~xi lii NNeiWohxvinxx xxwihth p sil exciepition f llr ii . \N xxii ii liiwith leachers ix ixtitt i i efforts andi ill) more i willth i f lih v'ipiiiix igki n aga x iist teiri xliii ii w ih iii xlike l iix xxi i liii xxiii xliiM V th l ii xii iiiii xtlliii xlixhga i lo iiiiiit"All alwxiih of the liix xii t ime len i ixhilititl xiin lxx lxxiii easu t xInd wen and heii \011 ii ise) biiexii rcxinx re alsilii t i rs cii inti ibea fo hs uston ) is etire careIer.i NNhat ithe I loixe liiiwere surpr ise. liiie Bes i' tbli ixn iiis'lti lxiii anl hi ,-cy ilst amex ix l l- v i s axiii I xxiii xi- for Lafayetteii' heicamx e tll(xiicigai efforts ii xwer iil r w e ith sc cs ,ai n the Pennsyituix lvanx' i gI li 'xxii puti up a u a~xx x ilty i footallxtatr id- iiitio l~itx it wouldi be haridxtiii xli an eq iaioft acyxxi i lxiii luckyii Ii h-i inau hasx'xx pl iiay ii (l xgret i x lxxx ixfxrxii W- gll underxxvl xxxv cn i ins wichxxxwoxuld ikeep thexord iirixxxi afrin theuxx gr ii entxiely Bu Casei ws nverxffeted He always gageiis bestiiiiiie'nsii(and couldiii -b eeddN xiix I lxoxxix''xinr lxxvn iisx ;hae if hxwork.In a woriisiel ix1'\Itiil i'iiiiiinIxt(xxi4i< i~i lx Ixt IkI. ali iii x x Wlllieivenxl Blxxxix gy "t ie pi tisiii xtip (lanned iparticularly ifor thorn irxl xiiho iareiforcd xxto xspendixtxe fwhih xha e restlixi ix11c deth )ts)' '(iv sec)xviin ix'g~ t fm nalc w sta 1;e allxiii t) tixiix i i i l thiiii ame ( afteri th ir ph sial t iti i xss te ii'' t~oi'~ abii" Tix i s i'' i lix iii xli ii has I beeni Nadsx1)\i1xtIx ix mpiiaxiwi iner (lx Nt iiiiiui It\ iith u htt ati n,"fth s ale %w ownii' I'i'' t, am lxme xx)ie xliii Ni Mrqutti )lxxxiiiiCC \oIii ii t~ii y ,,ri dmi' C toihe o feic ati thi s mi''ng.CMveC othe NuN Ipreeltxi 151 xl , ni XN/ esNi n mmie el c stil r n'lints he 1i,, lighti Ini sii' lx ))f the i (ii i ii tix id(of iaiy-x)f C. It Hu t i)ft he U nv ert () the i s ii x iii1 Card i ina Iit'' i s the ii Ic 1w oil lyd ir 0, w itxxa xlii txiileniiihi ofxtie xin ii i 'ihal- thatlx (llxx iilv i l x I(xitiri v Nexar inN rl nrui i liii t) the (xiii) xxx Ni)('x, I'OS CADSxx xxT'nlx) x NN n te ary ix oi x il c wichx are t))iii)(xiii (xxiii in itu e xxx vertxiingti (iii o~lr~la d will he the liii ' i lr p)xxtx (lxixitxiii (lxxi i iil W ih il he Ixisalei ll :()lxxx ten days tthe S (tate streetImm 1,ii xfi~n Jnge " h l xxi ltxi ixi o and NN"(11 eItNece ntr IN gure.I'NSeat-i ed iiuponixis lackxvviill he xx uxr igurvesx fantastically a rbediniii e t uxvofdxx edb icM c ian x (xiii vlitihe lxxx ((xxii Th ate, xxiv 1, 1xl 5,li 09. Pu liiit :Managerxi (ii i ngbr 'Ni OR l Ei l iI IN''' f \itii:iCU N xxii xxxiii irt lix in the senior xxa i lass began ii xuxx vl anetF iti xxauternoonuu, hllii (li (xi r 'xvguxuui'uxI Its n i xnIIin a'4('re' ''xxxi" Front'2x1x'clockii nil "ixi te op-xx 'vsiii' ttxi iio' ; tgnn tts catil t li ne xiiii tiit xiandxineca Thei praclxx tixoutlioiln)ixasxici xii ii k ith lix ii xiii xt ixmoss iif the lxxxiii ii EDJITOR ADVISES SCRIBES Alexander Discusses Requirements for School of Journalism. I~rl l. .Nl.exn.'xxlxv. ''I)( uxuivvni~d I iinmb lxx of ilt-ix, niffs f the l l iicii- u'xiinxw p per'r xitin il x Iii c\ad Dtioi i i ii ews, i xIi(. Iiig o r ;tl h xe ic thy l ii x'theycpac wor er ,ar t diaidp'i( lix'saidiin is-(li tIcco)e ith iucoxxluuluu i iixiixx Axi i r tan lxuan xh xii igi Int l I- a irport ir xIn lixd i ig the rex'iriiivvi( xx of xa scoo f j(((xxxi xxMi . N ix Xxxxxxxl ,:id xx ((Isinioi n techni i~iclitix xxi- (iii iisn tes i al. Notx howi tox writi ]tiit ifo mionoihiubet b kit xi Six,\\ i lixvcxl e. ic iarcter. William owkenaerns tappear.i Snlclc hakespeare las. dios I l ii N xii ii/. II xxei t~liii)evi ix the.i vhe edr((tire. s ~ix'. I in - -\'uuch xxxtd is x -xx Reget ii xiiik frnt(il o Xilixei-tx 'xxxiinthexi Npaperinlxx i William GweniPlyers to ippeaXino Shakespearei NvxhxxtPclXay xc. Nit .\' illinn 'tin x i x lxx x cxo ll lxix t'iv' iit( ii'il not admxux it othexliiysiunas- muchxiasi thenxvare itit includedxxiiil he rveglari'prvxgraimu. BANQUETERS REVEL IN GYMS TONIGHT L.arge Attendance Anticipated- Tickets Continue on Sale Today. %i lxbv ix, ni ( xlfhonxor atithx grvt N iiuollsitnui tulci t nix dxxii xiumuxi w x ilx at iiin-ei' ixxca liani cheervihxxiii ronti w i t -hose i cinrcx' w i libe i lxnddinihisithliiinl cei vlibrationitofiia 111051i inucessful seaxxiii. Te folloing(x membersxof the footballiisqiuadi are vi lxxx, \'atxxinsxICxxviy, Nilr lark I. xxx itt, smuith, Ixlxxuaxuxi IBo rvske, lxv xxi xxxii XX lix, Paiivnigli Rigms (viiene xxx ii nt iul'xixi I awtxiti precededithe biuxgxxexxuf'utheiiiean xxad itis been ix xcsi liiiforthyiveami t hex lxi x vvAt ixhs xxxiiaionssixrit wasxgeneaedi n ipaiutinofcolax cxxxst ix'tunoe lxTonightxtlv dramsxi(f xxii ii xiiii n t o tr ciex til-e: huonoxr xiixiid ixue [i xifr i Il oyl xicixvhx x tuxcx. NWhitilii vcapaity ovxf the gymxi xi xi b uqettalx ixlimixtd the tunat xenogh tohe'aleiito aittvnd will Vnrc wliiheihialithrougx lBarbour unto xu m iixi m xil xylxlivownuoixnx M l( ixhe iaml itirs Itak thir laves at the ii''tabeslx lxxii iv i x'xuii xlwhoxhax charg (lite catevring pruomie tat titloftheIanuxuxuxu i valxi bevn satisfied andi the 'cigarsipa-se) the pogram ill for it iifutienivability. The mu-~ sical clxbs makeIthexiix ir ipearaxxce of tiii year thisetusxxviiig ii li-nutic lbviii xae io alvw ths woimot ((attendii (ias lhaqeter to xx~ri liv himslxi xof lihe opportnittxui'al Ii xx lxxtotheprigrvxam. 'The gallery wvi l i e iiip (xiit a l xIt vi xeced that ladies and iio unxixuueuiv lfle especialv gla itxtleis xx mevaxif atexdixg the celbionI. ixnxx adxiionixitxf'ee of Thefoloing are x'xi'the toastsixaxl ile xIntrdution ofii Toastmastxe'xur---Presidient Toutma(tiii-INA.'L. eaocak,'73 ..TheiOpenIDlinux DrJamesyx B. An Mu ic v nudiber xii.xtx "oshlitiex'x lProtesxxxivClaude 11. "The 11d llcuxi-Delert niJ. 1ixff, (illX901 XXIM I " l ti iixg liT in , Jamesx'x i. Ai-' gll, xiiic - . " xiix'vxxxgrxulxtxtvdxxi"---Ae Xuil nx umbex ir Vicir." The r isera xi iuixurcecielv I xx ti - nI noti xaxliii ilace C"11lasmnx vinxu" 'ITle ciuxmxit XX xlixahr's from r to 3this oa (lxviiird ihm. Brbiour g ,)pen ;tt xi i u tan lcxs ae xrait lxi tumtirlbexxxiii xi ithexi 1'1.\ .t x Itdtixxx nu; x xx']\, 'evi1i5 AF Instead ofi the reilarvxxx'i-ekl of lpayr," allxinifotrmxai Than soiavililih eld at xuiNxexi)ixev ()'xClock this xaftcrnoon x. iAfter Florvce Patonxxxx.vx'iehments servedl.