Tr14 E MII C I A N'D)AlLY G. H. Wild Comfpally eMERCHANT TAILORS ; We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- UL gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fusl Dress Su~its a Specialty CALL, AND SEEF US 311 SO. STATE STREET At lee. 'ew Stor G. H. Wild Comfpaly Oeeat the most pplar shapes at preset TRADE MAR tARPl =k' LINEN COLAR & CUFFS. 2L2- FOR I FOR 2K ;25 DA LA FRNT025 NBAK I% IN. Warranted linen WAGCNER & CO. State St. Sie at the big white she. A. G.SPAL~I)NU & BROS. Tjj ee thalworgd Tarade-Flaek of OFFICIALE QUIP. MNT,te alathletc y a *g sprts ad pastimes. i o4 GI ttte' ttr etereet- i+ t e in Aithic notes qat IN y )f il te Spldinge at- F. aou. It' a eompleetee th e woldtt as )Dal What' New in Sprt (Guaeanteae of oees, ent free ON re 0 -leity. 'e'et. A. G. SPALDING e S ROS. Clestaadn.Detroit WE BSTE R'S Collegiate Dictionery Forthe StudentN roomt Ia It1totearry Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 Card Index's I I e A tote hate- d a ,ol ot of Tilesw te lecng theme at a f)ti fit(rea hof) 3x 5 Size - 40c 4 x6 Size - 50c Extra Cards t0e per hundred STUDENTS BOOKSTORE SheeChan a& co. fTHE MICIG4AN DAILY. hlanaging I difoe lhr. est11. Eerueo Gt+tet, H. O. . .\Aehrt. Address: vMictAN lAIeLY, Press ldg.,. Mlaynard Street. Officefloors: Managing Editor, 8-1 1 p. itn. Business :Manager, 1-2, 7-H p. en. Except Sunday. Both phones. C311 C l' '1) l79'(50th 1S I tee tee 1 P i el'-tfi ft tee t ecc it \ elilc'i 'teeepitmter C e I e n ) I J(I (14) 1IM e1 toe 1 l c i t eec~kk eli .t. he't s ' .'.:}+ .v see' tee lee e that ifs rrt7<< t sity. rl htat z iiiw . hlI orellll Stile i fcw - i t'. .k h eeelee. l l l s1r\i ~l hm c eeeI.eil acete iit Iee~. locieecl l ileeeeeeeee ell tte' liii- Ii e helir e l isce'.i it \cxxhl lrie Cali~ilc3, ( T B-r. ],c >;lctt a SCHIoCf, ilAGO, -I~a1 1)kLL. ACCOUNi_',1 ric~sT a1 Iti -- U dl.I S. ttt W LAND AND s IRRI- GAiclwlmt I EXPIilcTIONl acil\ NOV. 20 - 'l l"t's ii ) is . 4 ,'1909c as INTI ST{ NOV. ERNATIONAL LIVE OCK EXPOSITION .27 - DMEC. Ill, 1909 Reduced Fares cia MICHIGAN STATIONERY New styles of Seal and Block 'MelStationtery. Stamp eed ein hltteot goldeec emboss Withotut color- 25 to 50c per box ENGRAVING OF STATIONERY Dies tid Visiting Card platesteen eoerect and p to eate NS'yles - Wiokmanshp atee prce garaiteed. too cards from your plate 75c WA HR' S University Bookstore G. [. BARII[[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Lartgest Stock ine MihIigan Second-Hland Law Books Ia a,, e icral lDictoiaree eeiz Beetks etc C leetefl lere Ne ee t cr"c- Ol fboks teketenei nil;g"P C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S TATE STREET Send Floor Tel 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S 'ie tchrand Jreweern epirig HALER~'S JtW[I liY SlORII 216 sth Mtes St. For Thanksgiving Of course you will send home a box of Candies. - SEND - HUJYLER'S E, E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Michigan Central I o perticulrs consult TicketAgent University of M~ichigan Union's Cluab HOIASa Baa-baa- Shop GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor f LOOK AT THE 7PICTURES They show yore how te Mto Cotevertible Overcreate is worneteitt steecrmy and it clear wealter. 'Fleepateitted collat r el e o ttritg eepeto fpro- tect yourcfleeot efnt elwfrrt NeoteretOvercopat hlethftis leatture. XIuto Overcots are designe teddeistb y cxl er-etlorifets. Fliee fitintgs andr detailed work are fttelydte eattd tlhe patterns ate exeleusise. 'Flee prices are s-cry modteraete. OUR HIAT DEXtAR'l'M+EN' Is as uesuael tell oefflee seasoe's latfest styles. WAlDHAMS (ca CO. Ba tt. -s Clothlea- RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Ph-age 598