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November 19, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-11-19

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The Mic iganD aily__
-N ARDOR, M N I hAX, CR1DA). X\/RVEMBR t.40t N .O

Vol'. XX.

Great Confidence Abounds on
Minnesota Camnpus--Mc~iovernt
May Play.
NII11it-bap N\litt.. N,\. 18.- ( Spe-
vilto ichigant )ail-.) A --lthoiugh !t
clmoasitig ail) cotlitta-ta ill thteir ability
to defait Ntimteta , tis ihalfo
midat the Pl aza IhIte in the home ofttit
the 'oo hcr at ! 'clclITh No a ii
monig.11(_ ,clc Coula Yosiiit had
the i pp dr me aniat ntlil
Nvith a tabark Moor ice I hSmr
at fotot dlilt)lout, th iak to th igi la
ee withilta and tilrtill itin o dcn
1 iit-i foi at rd liii 11111 ii
ii(tat oft t ail itt a f l thea Gop er lit 'i I
to t-it lit 1 r Itt on ail t e am icutld tail
titame Thlis aeein i Ittaot illpreiltso!
IliCoach a i i at I h iml f at t oill l(
oalajthe h at heI is1 donghi es1 Cn
611c th 11111vha mccli li t -
il-i-a-iplayr tha the ml a-t a
' iett thf il te11am i ll tat l tah t 1111 ' Ir
iatii Mc o,,n m r e nt h
flit l atimii- l a ie tlthe sat o
\ltal lie it-hsio noc~gct
-ti a t s i tho ea m frtels o
thus an i i ailt i tte Iv t do
f atain \\ i ll pt n ede l ift io s
wat to run rep1 itv Sort l0 it score outl
ft-la- tr can las- i' t err flitni int tahil
f si g fiot iro days- l ht a at hi
lit- Jo toint Itritlb i n the11 gam ,td
ti-tiltrsar p l ii- Ito cIh-iti a-s
it-tiue i tee-i l toas g-ie la
tr iltol stitl ail ft u li ala iii l
aintItitI 11111 bI aIttbin thal

ThC anneail hIlangnit (o tlta Y M1C 4
t l t Ithld 1 nl hlt 4,ti(ti P.1 ll.,1 ,i
\e~eriv h ll. ( tik ittil ld(°d an
iifti tcket ar' to ht' issud i tlI1111
wil heoilsae foll \ till lr ii t yi i a-;
,111 ii- li'I litia 1111- irs ii .M )tc aia1 iar
Subscriptions Will Be taken For
Ulucky Ones Today.

SCORES SUCCES tS deayetittrpatr ationsI il ft there
ft lt t he ii lit it Ii 11111 alit hail
Miss Von Volkenburg Presents ,afaer 'lThanivin hg. TeifeshanIi
'-Merely Mary Ann" to an ck-ptil iagiv li tht ithebos llgrl
Appreciative Audience ofthe ttfri-alt l atyt me ttach
oittrtat t he tlit fcta vi soilt h
ft ilet liii IC ale a nyi Mii taysa twhichi of these affairs a s i ven ta st yer i


t-ill v rsty sq ad \%ll atli
a'n h le hc will ll Ittii
?ta tat1 1
h hmii ito i ~ ci
tr a sitt l dafor 111 ii a i
th 'alistilt ali iii i itc s o
ac tic t i f lln u; f;
he ti r ly admlit tat
unc t. i. t t itla' cr
alit ii.
i icc t -ilel taci -ta

taor Mla-

it t)t (11
clllc r 1),
i tlW
11 }I"Ilc
1w t<'I-
I()ts tt
(Ills U'l'
t lilt'il

-tl l c'-

Il \\ ll l k1 \'-
dellt c-milk'li
c-lld(-- t\.,)1.11':_'
v rilll tllt
"il-cttlitc i it
;ulv vv.11() vv i"ll
vv-ill cal-1-1%
urt tO SOCUI
't ilt- .A111
:tb:') ht. ',Iles

o~nl to ,"I'lc \' t itulalithagrtal
liee'alit i l-hatoii of h Ictri o- ola
-- ' hllan aitc lt but \suarelythi
la tfiht -t i iiclt fori- Iit-ittptir aitn
-Dilta i ol at ti eceltr u'l l
V 'm \ aiike ihu lacc lied ttae still
tior s v rc ta k f iatt 1)1itiimp te in--
A con~lte I a atn (ll lsense it \a
o ir tall 'li lialasoii alithe S tiae tutu'.-
alit at ill t tail t o tut chbitt e
sherc~resllc? iss t-oitltti tt 111
,milc t+) l amie aln()st a iter iii per-
\lar \11)" ltand t m isilt t i igl
Th- l ititiatit c ta t )) heti -s iatyatd
the stiking Ihmll Natat,-itange into
.aefllatc~ioi odailsaniit-- enessa
ofa'' r taiN t a t tat a vicig
I<lh andi Ial i ll i-i ~,ud rc ie istan t t liii-
,titi\ri f c~r -itt itit hitasi that ci
"\h- atatitaa a\ a- iiith hi ina alt la ititi
iuicia tw.,aaitia' alit
\Iiitartiae-at itig o 1c y M r
It w i lvvt li i 1 11and1 alit i ti-ll l
w nad ( " nd itsal t rul el t i )I>.
\liss oli O kenhur's stleiAii
a-it ilalt luhlrI\'litet i l odlat ed
prtat'ittI ,) I t l -aioI '-t l l'hrat
A m dinI ll -ftIdell I taI ln s l

ati it- la

So Says Chief of Police Apfel
Regarding Celebration
"l htai,- hadttlass 1troubletta ithtillttt1
11111s Ibis fallt a e a fIr, aid I
Chefofl' li i h t a l i iis1111 sIite
co tr al ltdett elInration clii d t
afti- oll "iat T heit my.,t itfre tu tu as tlat 1
biinag lis'i at'5glassi tuu tueila tta''riit C
them a air shos. In a dliyt Il l- 111
te hna i~ tiidalit( ~otlk
oi .itcc i taeut gl itltll le, isgraceit~
t ii liii 1a1d1dw t u \ri f, i rin il
iii ld lnd ti ttli cl aitltitat'it-Itt tilli
No f Ihc i' li clt tla y tat I1 a
ha e 't teac its lil tat \4 c arc1 ,iti
tc n ii t emaint here.1
ik tie lt it ht Il ill lli 111a
o tat ai I h itteche, h tiailtitthi
1'I M r it]sa h"c at isl trta o ''t it
trln , [ p. ill e~c t -I t ilt . i t
pit oel. IlI iai as illI It ill a t
t o li e. II~d" :il Ihc Iiv t till sh
\ t a o lt i iiIli t a i 11ttight ik
ii tl titta iti t oi ltp o e t tl
Ii I ii 11111 t i ll lt- lic lit iii 11 '
riii t Iii ii i i i t riio n t isag r
iat- it i htilt anitdt- tii itaitt tle
11w tlt. Itrutila t ow I t il c a y i
ft tc lt-brats.iala, I toetu eIt ill, nt
" I h w i dn'it tlt11d1t11111 kl t
cllii yit h at 11111til 1lngts ~o'
tat oo ti t I tlt logs tititabItadei t
secttalthey b fIt t ' -' fi)tRi tb
SOXIc I I i Il ' I fihol Ibe Ioe gI-I I
I 11la-t Oit ttt tilt ill1ao ttjt iii tilt
balt--it (tat iii t-ittshoittarttut kittit tti it
I do it i I ailoitgit ptt ut it 'itsthItrdi
I iiittt- Sal l tr ri-it tl t- c~o-. oar
spots iii 11111 ftto rma i aigto
terms w 11al 1fc lt iii tt liii Itone
beg - it d t liappyll uti-a thought-11
listchief detit redat Iiiinsl iln
t ooii amawih teltudeniti ll Ilila
p silittia}to-i111111 Itt 1for11 lebp rairans.
Deli hul n at id 'irt t i' althe ase ior)t
111111 a ll yit II 1111 ortm tihe taIotilietil
itt taira sgen iior I Im t il 'i h ntit-
it- f ala oltayand a 1111apttci l
11111 tc als sli tttlyil l 'i tem watn a ts
I hon r, 're aiv bathei hare ( itheatten

Aany Publishers Bid fr It-
Actors Can Hardly Keep from
Revealing Tunes.
The nnttitt at' hicihihas ill-i-l i tni ftotr
a-CC producedtin . iintuAr that ofit
is of tha u t pl la i'wichtis h itleid
on ti l utah 11 oring t er-ti T hetttt
is paled tit' 111") OittianItheftC li
,tatis h eardi loa liitintg tta tiC te cia-
tatittl he11 is pr i-- tlllan-tltIbiagis tt
lookabou thu-leI e ui tiltNole'has htar
-hiatim .t' t
-alt inlbitds I aast t" spr ing orthipiilg
d preaselitig h i tilt o g o ts pubitch.
'i'b contrat1tNii liawi.1 a uld ttoie tJrmte.i
It. lRem111111ol, tio pubtishedthluuitthe
Nhtuhut dauth1111 1uttiutt umusiac.Jue
deign stou lir it-t tuusic No-t -a sigblg tach
line1 wiill b en o h 'oletircver.i
at hagei- tlati [tilt l iaa ies tti it a
tlt- iu, tutu' stanldhalokiagtu p iat i.
Thei slN it- ar-tidthe l nmohit istarit at luto
un-utntilt litis right. ti larik Ima
of :'Iit gICfarct shouw upothe ttpage
lut all -c tc Itattthe mo t uth utlou s have
broeniit I m theuwu-ut--taili tlan(Ii u
Coa hiliughin iiast yelttlo-tigtt.
fnotheritarttu-at u-t iiItucadlthis
pl in f :tt f uii-anc aude aign tthitihta itto
thei oitterat. ar-uttuit achti a-u' -of thur
T ih ulomlep-t sorta' sill againt hrc ttit
a-f'tr uof the p ralutiit -u thi ytra's
tahc iti l be111u'faut-hit-itrh uuiii Ithat tosett
of r"Nous yers mt, [tll hitsligtl
itale i.h tsill ftrmlat mtii attrlacitia
to i ~t ig e i t ilt ay iof hoseia
of l to it'lla 'ita-a tla at Gooad
Nihu hut bRotutoit la a nd ihrd
I at iinis a a tn ttat iti I a ft"When
tiuuititittit itto 1mit~iiautwing t it
vrit t auppsut is In oneilttefisht tie itt
hasit played.t lhiiueok 't'ant
is ittheri"Ml ttictaptitursa teattentionat
at theifirtte.laThittawas "ttiti by
t -Irtt s orittrrhua' Cttuirin ioasl..
_ :iThetitithihia f ott ortgantiztioni,"tt
saidt C'ommodutoreu aSantiordutfithetitatQuta-
teudackal a is tI bit)"i(its lgrthrasot
muarnet''utgitneeringa stueatsl, tftr thur ea-
1111gof hutul tutuas ca-rig our
work. S111 aIii t ii ilt suacg ll h
hitg emii "tiit lullsc atr, it hu ro r amstttt
w hich-c tlk u onstlkiist iteireadttg
0011,i i -hull dhut l ii t en ineesl ar
ligltttiutt th 1 hunt ilimtedtoit
tttail tit(: T eolcr f te lub fol-
h at loihasisitantarlsterC'ristianti
R ttu'tiu' : tt wardii I -tt st unhuta teaI ttu i
trausith aproum i lt at hag ttgtain
ta t itirlt uiuut ah tatross tcti traro
I i ti t tirr t cut 111111 at i n tau h1e

bahlor's andt dottuoirr's ldegree. thfehao
j atongirttig Cit f r ':L.Rhodttsrschnatior-
ship. - i-hf h int la hto hut eal l itattthor.

The ool(,vin nlcr wi ltala till tail
PriiateIXs hatilc.Chnlr
llegr u u st ta it" ir. I
till tiqnllf5IJft N Iil il
Al I 1(.A:1; SI \ 0 lst IRSIt~t
Tilt I itt)at ndstai fatdil Owi Mi hian
('nsill ar instllcd ill thi-it )d ly
tilt-ti iiaatuaaunati(r l t - t'ulaaatl
dul y tal' ith l it uIraititit'.
'The u' uuttata ati-itt alsirat saisi ' , alaoat
at aia' thaI is u'aaand ' at -it-an (w Q
sc r' tha- hu I 'at hit a
wil h sccrg i po tillnt i hat
I )( g thse is uheilaing(ftesno
tit r s itla i (a hted hut' c ()
haiiI ()I iI 1 1 t~rc I i t 11lt1
au-itt ilt il1c il (1 s
ta ait ii Pinltil a ndta hil ha ; ar ()h
liii uy owthipt vnma-
sip lcAt Iu il hs ya s a hg
tha' cttahe scued an ngtllat
it It i r i i fe td ( d 11
itll1 a u it()si a ig taheitatli a stat ss
The h ak itiat a ii t h itWititti' ai(,rt
a1 o u Im Mrte ctr sudn cl'

l it hat-()r it-itliti ,)i tst Ii I iiaaih t --c°it
Chcil th art iaaihahaf ia ses iafittitl l ila
~t u iwsi 'stta e u . Th in- h
a-ip i ii I iis & atst O e taiYv cl
m'aitnsatut, s rsoe y Im es
Oclilisn i apears to ave hua ai
sale aee t i h i ut-t Ohitt hatt t <ta
l''li Ia this,11 thet tlt t tuha iI aperi
mehin wa red.theauttwasi
(purse oftat hleture.t


I lua
Jla I-

it ,a
ct pol


VCI el7 MtS t ot tit )-

t it hat a I , ift~ < > t 2 ' ~ tilt'
,hlc iilpath luc i a uta'-kit(c)i
s i" . h hiatt tillat t hitillath --
''it crr i fui eldat-
tlt ) t tu' i i'' )"s pu tc tilt
atg h ard i lw it e c r d d t
k. I~c i5 :m i ut ddthat i ,m
alsr,"d i t risill'; a Ivictorhilts
fa a d te sas hit i t ,i pcrfeI

f I to s m-. 1lu aal uuuu iicntuta
tilt, iet-ti i n t h o l-to
has {lnlila :Miga~atithitf :uteas.
tutu at r '-auth e :Al A. C.'
cl ;s tetru tutat itll om
I -i-itt-a'w~l h ; sor
'3 ast iiSa utlay ticaIrt ,at
art bunt a t2-0 uscu-ut
gene tt iithuAlbttitnthttacarin~lg
at t\ill cthtc(tuIt heutheii aunt-
hak u l tPiucstrrtuuuucu's aClieiitC.
haos ittiut' ci taai1haconitenIItuotu-
isy~radis an tcuhu to lit tt)

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