Without Wool Nothing is Worse Clothes to keep their shape, to w~ear, must be made of pore wool. A few clothes-lahels are sewed honestly into pore wool clothes, not many. S'ui- BtocH' S lahel is, and each piece of cloth is tested for it. STci-,N-Bioc i offers you what no other makers can: A lit that is right, a style that is wvorld-vide, lin- inysa aot the hidden parls thai are the best that it ote rait bi1y. We are proud to he identified with these clothes. We welcome you to try thenm on, to examine them ant see how they will raise yonr looks and your bearing. Lilldellscluitt, Afl&Co. liii.M~sju~hN D~tL UNIVERSITY NOT[ICES Fi 11 I. 1 1h ra ul ;t o tc actclilt Massily iiiict llĀ£ o i i-sill ()I , It 111 T i citt "CIii o twit 1 r ii>11"wl \1 t\ l i i ittr liy 11r1i t ,11 fo th ll itt ti th isi i lii t t ith juior c11 ric rs alt 1 iti 1; rcl icl1+ tt t INTERCOLLEGIATE ITEMS cl lrtc l a1:ci ci akt lc i l icl1 i 1it P nit l 1ii citstt it hit. ~ et 1': liii i1 11t li],; 1 ii i i t lii ( New Whitney Theatre SATURDAY, Nov. 20 Motzee aznd Night The (treat Southern Play "Oan the SUwanee River" TUESDAY, NOV. 23 "In the Bishop's Carriage" Thursday, Nov. 25 Matirxee anad Night Henry W. Savage's ",The Merry Widow" MONDAY, NOV. 29 HIiNIIETTA C ROSMAN IN MONDAY, DEC. 6 MIARIE CAItliL IN "T'fhe Boy's and Betty" i i / t' i ti lr.< i' + s '>ll 1: tl t . l i ti ct1 1 ~h "Ti hat Somnething I Mercheknt Tailoring IIs Appratinour Ualie 1 EcuieWoolns in tor Fail, SI lMNi 5. VEST] Ni>. I s laie UNF l-COAT INGl, W.E. DIFTERLE Vta..-eity Tallov 117 E. ILibecty St. -itlVii 2tif t 'tit 1. c ti lllc' BFNDFT CIGA ETTLSi clt> fF * 20 for 15 cts. aiBit 1body happy. Swelling hearts. r -ladyou'realiveteelinig.it \j Contentmnent- and Fatima The smoke that suits the occasion. i Ar perfect blcnd of Turkish tobacco with a distinctively characteristic flavor 1, t tt I- / and aroma., M,. Iild and nmellose-- ssooorh ~~~~~and satisfying.IIl'kIk1MI - - THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. C r"l-t i V" ~t -- I t~~ til l ik ,C tItxtfxts iS ~ Iij lt r- t li-i iF tii-c t Sirrclt l'iii It iii ii -iii it' rctlt - l it-ic ' r t '( t l 1t i 1 - ll ttltlttl i' 1" Iiolj 1 l 1 - l tii trti i lii l iii ;. Thi; i liii iii U tt l l ) t lkI l ( C fi l U c tcV ti l tlc rlti - I I I th t illsi -l l+t . ti' 1iI 11 t I lii It 1 t" S ii fot'carriaae arndl iaggagesevc. WALKER'IAI ~VERns I I STO ROIINSON & COi._ W. it. S Al121 , t> U IIO1,MF- I l 1111 1 I( ) IF ALWAYS AHE~AD) IN STYLES MU,,F, ' A L R T~LBEST OF EIVER' THlING IN TAILORING