Th Mc ign Dily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT1OBER 8, i1909. No. q. V,"l. XX. WELLS DISPLAYS VARSITY CALIBRE Has Slipped Six Scores Over on [Scrubs--Varsity Tramples. on Second Team. tere) its,1 10c1o1e tI' the 001111 n 1(lt, ip one pOointI, 1110lt 1)1)1)111 to the1 usualt to at ure in' e pa111 of theOIO1 '111 . 1113 111 and 11 tomnPtgill and11 XX 11 Ot'.is, whoI hate been10 Xlin on 1 th1e1 s11 1(11010 Illtrl Bis pefimac of11 the 1111 iu clay I X setX'X' away se'alX~ pretty punts11, it wa 1110 n+ th' atIIX t1h1e 0 lack (1 of 1 pratic 1ha af fecte his( offensive pla somewhat.XIX1111 P yhi ',ork at'~l~~ quarr-bac 1on1 111 111)00111iI'eam 1 11 Patte gill' 11o10 his way Ito effective i1 running hack1 punts (('If(1 wh ih the 1111 1 I11 t g 110103. o av be nIfelt l' (1 1 013ll whoX Xis no o nly~iX pIfay- 1(1lg ) a l great XX foI'sivo gameIbu i the(1 11111 ongI 11h11m the1 1110r h1(111 comeX to1' big 11111)' aXI (hil, that1 do X'sXnot0'X)X'Il 111 a11ll li (0111 111 1as Xinc'ed 1a0 t1(dde1 oIX 1lXi ll on 11 0t111 r 1egulars. 10 11II1 311111o1X was th11 mI'ostI' effective o X (Ih varsit' n11 Igc r. CFrX')ick0'loA. I XXXIII)for 'appearance(111)1 11e10 100 XIII) 15(1m 1(1is (1price s ing mer th'e' ,I'll)) 3''(' dXIX ( so \\W hie, Oat t 110firs > lt c i ol d XXI) 1seem n 59.1 ill or the 10 il",'n Ie pc )1'~ b XmeXan' th ((XX' 'o','it0is ((XXXiX)hat1 it) 6113) 1 he1)) Fls XXo ic esfi the XXX i ) I his to l'X l XX ellXX i t X I X S' .;o 3)11 it i, .t r'' I3(11)13 XIX oIsieig te pc;n o IXIXII s l 1,10in 1. n esiX.olIhall,)0Ior30o' ,tnd~il soliitors '01:t clr cMs e (X i)'1n 3(101)10i. th Cllied : rcs f tlc ulgoi XXle 1f(th oe ui rttcl I I))te S.I_,' A.,)X' andXX)t1h 3 1 1 XXceoft o ichio. uc ord XX (XX .XXi XXX''an I tl a e s r Co 1k1an ""1111 0)1(aclI ( )11su 5331))') th h pe hld by il ( mot oXiX i) iX c10 Iii ' ('escn (('101 XXX 110 to XXIX))) it ;wdincc th tiodcns' ctre Is 101- 11)11 3ra t ndrso1 XthatX ito 3akes r a s lt lt (1)1sid ))s)in 1the )c IX Xlm)'1 that has arien o Xir.the i(X)) 10)0 X ('11)th ) H iXm) bXcausXI 3(1(1 lon theI oll' XII' ofI a1)a1(1 1a(3of X)he 111o ('II Th)e)) (14 so s))oXX Irets1thatit a beenII (((1)11)e53 1(11)to 311(11t)X)Xn'rease ill,, cost ofI tIeXXXIX)) 3 11 (1(31 e1l11 t)a) in gi1(1inn the pu31(13 XXX itdsirsX i trill 1(3met Ihlf «a v )3e XXXi the X'Nis- i [orb1of3theIII aXii )1111) Ims (5 a1co11'r1e of suli po por1t1 Xi (I'll's'r 5511111))en 'mlan t is 011'f)lXif (s IS I'' 1has e(XX (111(1311 IX) 1(1 inXXa''yItI XXIII) ioisI XI I X)''l'OX 3111 011 ThXang metXi ls to1)a11 at- (113) 11(1e,1ctt )t3te ealng ca ( 14)1)1 (1)31103l i XXX Xl Xightly Is ((((1111)1)31hunred.1T1re0ar [03 ltios'thousand1 Ilst1ude n in 1) 313111 ecrsil, not o n c tio te It o u - WWIIASS IS O)CXISC P1)11 F'RI'1011511'N ELIE'EN Preti~ss 1. Ioss 1331111h133 (lon 3) ial n I 0, 11 I IInaot h a~upa~cnI 1a)10of thllarIX Xlot'Ci''e past'1two .1)1)1 sides1irisX x po11) i'.nce 3111 lb ost1)0 (1131 'I'll, lus1t-y1ear men'sXXXne) 51(31 is)1) 0 IhenewXXcoach)(\%ill h('In) handl1.11))) blax when pract)'ie will11hegira. lan' of lbnsus and3111)1 any') X more havXsignified1 IThe 1yo ))n 1101' 3)13)1(1 (((1(1)31with1 a theX Uh1ill (1(11 111(warrio I1rs 1 '111 'rV i1't N 111)1 o (X Il X X IX) 13 ii. Tlc i rsXX i nfoo 1 orml har) or al ollege1 (01)1 Xo)all Xlh) womenXXXofItinle X~li ilivo LECTURE TOUR IS LONG Prof. Trueblood Is (iuest at Many Universities. C. Trueobo~lol, mow cnj11)iXXg Xa 00a's Irav of b~cme1 i' opilloomaking lecture XItear- 1 of 1the ('ast. H111 rgra bin, thlomslo 'nesol ollegs hlt leae lredy head1he1(' ,Iilligau pbrl- III IXIXof I (I')' '11nd atXall of IXse'oiii- 31111)111(113his bob hs5)3 ntti XXialyrc iv IX)))n II Pl 131) Sincnail ofXXRooheseLok- 'i)X''Osaid:01( branch ofXXI wort: 1in 1113is )1)1)11'), No '1 l I cmsvvbi XXXI II XXXII, ('orell andIINIw lb rk XX i eri ty111131 st1)1ill ')remainXto he(viited nd tenIPr(33111Trublood XXI mni )ersi (XXs. Ie 1will leave for '3' XIS' tIncm11,(14St lb( 1111 15)s pimay br \Io)rl31124 1S)11)) Xwll it o I' lyIII mg s lXoX'r'nt.'o)ilX' good (1.'pc wiilollorny1e1111er sI )0010)l)f A 1g1at 5)1)11ni)1)1toX X) 5'hsboo 1)101)13 atal. 4')onl. owprc Typwroor 1Co)1in0the'XXCoob House 511 ple rooss. ThvYare 1sho ig 1 lift Xa 10'' e' X3XIXI.)X XISl I XiO smokX Fr'not ibday)even))ng1,1Oct1101. fll' I P SIIIX)) IX0)1')1l E O T(1IC) , I INITIAL MASS MEETING TONIOT Several Prominent Speakers will Talk---Freshimen Are Urged to Turn Out. 'T(h (is OXcingX 1at17:15 XX'c1)1c11tho frs MS (meetng ,f X seon',3wil1011le 601)1 t 111)111 r it (ll.1)0 F 11or n ibornihe11 '(XXsiX(0I forXl the110'gamlith 1111Case 111 on 1aIX 511rshm bn orergedIIto t11111 t~'iatio1n X in' e(11of0 (11e4110)'ofn11Rel=s songs am ( d110sor 111e110111001the 00111- (Xittcin 110harge' has1 arran1ged) a1pogram1 \s3has 1e(nlthe ctom ill othe11111110year1s hefotbll 1 1011) am1] s)111011 wil1100119 hIXr row310(o1f Seats10II in rontlIo(f Ihe lal' Ir ls ld ho' Stllivao.'IIX, 5g with1 b 'e -Ioco))XXiXeo and)1the "P . of SI" 'Sllby" has0 IpromXie o0)II gob hils famoon 1000))) ho Booal,leader bof th11e110Musical \\ I coo InFt'oesh111e1' i h b-011 rison 'S)af ltoo I s Isore'to'XI1hav1e S-ftl oreo cells,1l,1 51,Chek il be XX 1111'o S divedll rom ' b1111i111 1a The cowdled by Be1c)11n1 wilg'he retake 1n1addres rTravis,whotois Unvrst inX(0311 11 1)(and1111whil' in1sch1)1l was3 at (t)e1headI Xf t111Comley clttb. 5Albho'g 10th 1 isoe 031r111110e1hehas 31poke') n here sinc 1)1)111ngschool, his "Fis oflMc~inSWo Sitg" will he SngI ate wich "Sully"1 13ill (0le~aiome~l Teming )11w10501 (close bthe' 11row \tMoFolnk s 110 to b 011111rthe ofIXh oveing and w ( ill 0 in~tiroducet the sogs 131))))) 111011 1qad311dIhei No 11child Sn ill)be ated inhe-"1 1110'(No't01k.10F.01 11011 gail the Xrlnn 1 1to)hae1t11 3achonptheir10 on'oour(fr'I'll'anXcap's1)at 11119pIr their i.Our))1model isl ttetrealtile, other,0 'areI 111 1 1)11 iII--t 11011gicn11 tWary br ol( or-t 11111( 1)1 hel10.1to maIll. 1-1RN R ' & CO., (XIitbes o Anwo K050) 131Rnn'. We'ostill (ale a few of t11102.50 IDwbarf 1)k penills lollt0a1t0r yesterday'. nisei.0)Stle1p1i0e150). St skittner's., 4 S ((XXIXg's IPals, ''NIX)))'etter madel," atl l('XIIIX''toIClotes 11for sblog 5101) (lb :11an's CbIbbo'oslshop, Sboill Sb. 2-7 lber s ClotheX'0slop, 1510ain t. I--l