Cit M e -eN T fl ,N G. H. Wild Comlpanly MERCH-ANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Sit- iL gs, Overcoats and Trou, sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEEUs 311 S. STATE STREET At lthe Net Stet G. H. Wild Coupany On of th cost popuat shaps at ptsnt TRADE -.s MARK( - 18AKO' LINEN C/OLLARS & CUFFS. FR --FOR DALL AC FRONT2/6N BAK1X IN, Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. Stat St Sg of th hig hit sho A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Thie Spalding aectllaasian( Toads tMark ofOFFICIALi QUIP- MENT o al [Iathletic y P OINY < prs tanodtpstie. 4 I ( O If o ar~eit aterx- [tic c~rld s a What's Nw'in Sport Qualty. 'qUte) A. G. SPALDING (a).BROS. CkiaDtotWBSTER'S Collegiate Dictionery, For th etdents0r11) [anllto)carr Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 Card Idex's tiavln,7 pcasedta ob lot of r ie Wt ae aing t10)0them atapI it)trac01 o ever S ton 3 x 5size - 40c 4 x6 size - 50c Extra Cards l~c per hundred STUt)ENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan & CO. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mtanaging hI'dito Btiao~s, a, uoIge.t CARL Ift, O. ioti. Ml Lenard Street 'Otikt- (lt 1*'' Nii igii Olto, p. ITn. Biness NItanager. 1-2, 7-5 P . I Except1 Suntday. Fotplrotee. ..- W111o11 at la cm rtolw h i1 11)' 11w 1, faorbl)t 1))l hk C1 a>> I 1* l d l7cr ' .v IN surf llt ,(as,11s )r; Ie~t Im 11t l i h l 1 I s r 1h~ r e it 1)r II2) 1) F(M('I" L I i )01.t)r I~c J MICHIGAN }t STATIONERY New styles of Seal and Vey lok M Sta totr. Stantp- tfr e nblueor gold1 or emboss w t oloi 25 1o 50c per box ENGR"AVING t> "lOF STATIONERY V 1) 1 Illou'; Athletics. Womttett.... 1Nlasi attd IDramat. Exclhanges ... .be 5 551)j) *Frieda. teinsttcl. .I.. H lltis S: lakci NL . I. It. I11)1l lass 11)h tl <1 1oan J atmes 1K. Watkins -IMorrtist) ShtafrIIIt Chatrles(1)oo)dI. S. las.e) ASStOtITEI17' W~atter IK. - lot ore Ilarro N. Fol Arttur It. .\Iettlnttatt)kusseell 11. lame, FtedL awoll t)HarerySMt cl Fran1k 11101011 Chartes II. \I la1)1)1) BUSINEISS STAFF' C. -. Eottan N Illtl ll.) It \VateeI) \Vitga- 1 ) SC IIINLISII S. N(IVINI l~le17, i <), . Ett . s iri 1 m ' 11 t l 1111" 1 ) , \ < 1cr 11 1 11 1 1~ i S t i I I('t id'_\\ 1' )1 ~ t1 1 1111L; , 111t I i t i tc ll I a li111111 os, fo ).1 tt r1' I i *{c1c3t ltitt it)1)t1c u i .1r I ), c -n h i t1 . rt rl,.,r {)11tilt 111,11 ac w v ~ CHICAGO, ILL. ACCOUNT U.S. LAND ANDl IRRI- GATION EXPOSITION NOV. 20 -1DEC 4, 1909 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION NOV. 27 -IDEC.t1, 1909 Reduced Fares Michigan Central 11til<:Cl S7 with riSnII(11 1 r" \t11 17--- ttt t1lt) I loLhtoe ext a~1,119111 Ntt Japanlottete S", iuotn Nov. 1S-iettll i lltttslc v-il. lce;Itec) Nov. t-S I~eio i No S tmltett'llle \(, o--Michga i rot eed aatt 1e;. 111)1)l l Nj .211t \tAnn Arbo SIr. t~elo N( )~22 tettf. /'ttg'slec ttre ~n-tO) S 10 Die ad tttin ttg Card plates, ttt ot ret tand tIo- elate e les - WXorkntanshtp and prc guarO5tt~ itteed. 10cards tfrm your plate 75c WA HR'S University Bookstore IC. [. DAIIIN[L lie1tt 1,r1)10 It tI > i l t ii .i I tt. 'r i t I)t *Ii It) cu t ittt itt lt For tculartese costt Ttcet Agent 11 University of Michigan Union's lit < )t Club lousse aBo r .,-Shop 11 GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 1 i I BOOKS Lawe Medical Dental Largest Stok itt Nlicltigaot Second-Hand Law Books Latic aI Ni etil tDictionaries Cotmpltete line NeNs. attt Sec - ottd-batnd. Old httoks takent intlExotange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical' - Dept FinIe Watthsod Jewelery tepatrtng B1AIJIR'S JlIW[IIIRY ST0ORE 216 Saoth Maint St. Hot Drinks Chocolate Coffee Clam Tomato Vigoral With something good 10 eat 100 E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. Nttt -):Nichigan Un)itntlalut 1. Nttt. _21)-Senttr 1It()1 et t C.)x i: I. lTh) e t~- site edt)aI~yi ntbe Iihe ttoligtttrat toee aitLPt t fro te Uniersity: elned Ilo ot~lwt)) lteasti)))isl eteL I 1)11)))))the1)clippi1g-1this llt tll' t aed11 th v r oee) t It et tte ) tn: I 't t ,oltoime)1that 1thstte 0pr1s 11e)ats fo it tomttleof bltetli oothe1it versityatet . lre t t o l tat etgttttitot- ot T IT Whttheorct eot or Nin inttt wllrthl~ atvtheininte mat) otler, toky I (1to w rett ly jtiisttte tttslyite a10- reothet-WitI) othe ta ~tee t-wherttan o tn imesl io ssibft l e,11) r t e a t 111--ttI prief eot tolttter are lterl rgt en)0) )( ed t IwI lft) trotttthUersltti tof lci, I i II ' 0, 1 LOOK AT THE PICTVRES Elton show ou how )1) tIt themltto C 11001Iibllt(Ovterctoatisewtotn itt stormlty and1 itt olsa attlhot. 11)011,11atentd olltt 1)00 olslt t tulittg ttpto pro- tt )11urthrItt a 111)1he sc. N; t, otheOcottt01111a)st ts foatulre. NI Oto Overco11at olo 0101)1 1 tidll) It- 11y experot 1)1111-s. The)0littittgs attd detaied ottIcItreI1 7 ldtet riln l te pato1110 ate exclustivte. 1111 pries rSeItver017yt moerateo. 1)I)R II Al111,1 Nh I Nl,,NI 10 0 nosutl11111ill fthe seasott's1l11es1 s1tylos. WADHAMS (4 CO. Cletleva H latteso.Fooo-oobas 12 1 Wshington f1 RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Pdte595