_he ichiari Dail
Vol- XX.
No. 311
Few Changes in Varsity Line-
r up For Final (jane-Tearn
Leaves Today.
PPosrking, in unisn lilac ill, partis of a1
Nell o1le1 1110011111, hoe IIlih tgl l~
held1 its last scrimmage practice0 of 1111
1110 l( c 0100011 ;lt50 fil, 1111 1 of oo
or0 chliceos 1eng 1011111 m11 1 ill m fIl
scru1 coa line11111 four t0iiri lg l rd
j 111 111e PPcno~ lllllclllso t11 e11111.110 111
1,1111'1 to t'1111 th 1101\ ' I) lls r 1111c
ma he\'111110hac d~l,11e
respectl~l for 1 ;adtoO 10o him ]ro t d i1
1101011 o I ls i llan g out1 th111 ih
gal011111 otis fl, a tahtc
joy11 111le1 111a s g 1n11 111'' c and111 1
and~~i01 the 111' chances ar 1.111 olg i
f or fhis 1 ta1li11 h1e1 gain, ;u1 (.11111111 11
ths 00111 c s11 h a i t hI l' gk Din ;w
11111e'n 1 iiiissltl c in11' 11110 1 11 -
1110n oocnpa at circ 0111 ~f he
w ill 11mai Ills, fgcd 1111111 i1111111 51
make the 1011 p a111111 tril1eue1n11 l
instea of11 at111 11111c 11111 ins though 111
11e1 sclt ills (1111he1 G ph1r1 arc1ired
At1 such10111 a , 111111111gettspedstl
ma 1him a11gh1111111t an
The0 soun1d1 wil 1111111' fo111napli
this 111 101f1e11o11 at1133 111111 A te
practice11 last nigh tile111111 11qu 11d left 11kil
0111 11 ott 1 fram1111 mi11 thn1a111
11110 11111111111 this seaon 11h 11 (1111s tic-
tort (ms1,1v11 t he re111dnc. l
thei n11111 , 101lit and here so111ma1
on th1 eat1lo1o' otc1pc1t
humle the Gopher whe 11ict 111 et
1011111 to s(l1l the 01Ur h fpr~slp h
1he held1 fo o m s ers Iinsl
ha l1110,1 ' ht ethrChcg
nor 11 Wiscnsi .fr toI beco pre wt
t11 1't
111 1110
icc. C >ci11111 11111 1is11tie1
11111 '01 1' 11line-p. 11100'I and
wcu1 (>f' osin11j1uiti''appea
wil arc1 pre01'(ltl'). for 1111 11111rdlst game11
()f1 111 1,~.If wc itths11a 1101Wk,1
\1i 1 c d al rcc)rll 1,11 1111111111
111111 if h fllmv ,o Ii wit11111111 tic
Prep Schools Will Play tor aTip
to Seattle.
11 1:,3, v 11( 10 1r ic
"'1g 11' s" ;,i
1 111111 Pillip1~s v
Bc ~1g11 c 1x
,-a pwsi fo tO'
t 11111\11111 (1 a11
b1 t (1lc11f11-01he
s11t 1i1it ~
owla1h rd m( ,'ttti'l IItcl
haI a rlin c r a~ P)111 ;1 fur
,A)":rhn (rrrnd Ra is li 11(11110 I lilt
Ir 4 1 -a lateI 'fms the h ri a s
P-huldte . 'ol squad11taIl's 11
Tuberculosis Crusade Will Be
Actively Begun in Ann Arbor
-Meeting Today.
'r til mst 1 rtii Ill s 1 m(Is111me1n t 110-
111111'' II 1111 111lls it 1 1111 ArbIll or11is1 1101
ciIto Its and loils ity111peo lilikse to5
sit " allowcondiionI s te ity. ich 11 I
wIts tedt hcka a sposbe h
It i ; ld " iliilitI sc I '(ld sp ic iial 1111-
Ih t tis Iw' isl he i nc lua l
mor tan lm ot o laiss, shoudI idi 111ls
Th ts I 'ut I lisbings l ri d on i
Gldd i io syl istrictPs.sIalsh1lof
()ii 'I'esda he _;rd t11111" t'l
ou e-;lm ass- for liii O i tlionlh ill h110
coimtte lIs willr k m the1 streets an1 d 1110
111110 pllhnld li ilf lithe camp 1111
The Isbsitio s lw v, ilbeN t
cal l or 'm the carii is 111 ts sl'rcsd'iand
111, m 1 1m .1111 ,boat th1111 0c1111110,1will
III It h I in 'Silahii Psirll 1Ange1ll alia
I i n a . Iah faidlil andill 11111
(t ill iste a re 111111111iii 11tonal1 plans
i61nh n lios Ps 1,and Dri.ii Plihio
Ills de lartment P1of 11medicine 15will11spe 111
I o itis an111011y 1 iond iin s liot ths
tir" ity s no 1 wihin il is Ilt lli ol
1111101 N 1 SosllIr' o.'IO S i~l~ik 11
Tw o i "m 1111'rsilro 1(11011' cr
tissmotho il l he fa ily of'1111151l 111Ills'
Iulicai 81101PThe111IIcP 1111011 111101
fite Chicag 'o.ils hiuwassoiatiso1111d
'itisi-Uilersiyof icig n lushamisl'
11 111- PPUlkcsiy s ichigan1 lo.
te C'Piros' Record~i-HeIslad wl011111e
hp-ii i -iso loll that lpap r t (a ltrt
hi 10ae>>t. Piioiiitt'des0iingto10hea'r
Plr. (Shawis111h11- welcoulltO (1,lllthlls
TIIOL'8A1011) 111.1.ATTENDs
Me mbe10s0ofhthrPMihign ion111,
membersho1p111tickets. ''ll'is ea 1r0i
111ke11t11111011e0t11010 getting, 111i10rsr-
811110' Olomsi ll ho 1 adeIll '101
State stleetstreFrdy feron n
111111 ig101100a Clommteo ty will
sa111' of t1ikes is gsinlg 10011t1110l11111
Dace and1there i~ y s 1111 (15suance tat-
(((((P1 Il 1111' 1111 wi1l11 he11 c1upid thei
ber (twI'elty-tird.
Senior Engineer Committes Are
Plo - imuh lslilbolaiioan ileI 11' 01-
the 1111110 me i f thes 1111110 olll-
1(1111, 0. 111e I Ilililtlih ils 101 s 1111
Iniaiol -JII. 1Mc1ver, lollollot
G is II tllIl P11
(sieclo ArrPangementl5'1 s- 1'.S 1111 11110
chiislo P PA 's1H.0Lcwod1 G . m
dest;. A. %PPV 1111011
:1i loly.
G. Ray, If.-. R0oiso, P. 1F. P1,1
;rllllV..\ c o el
ma;J. 1.PAlriechtJios PI'gishll.
Memia011).I P.PP (lsll slharma.
A.PC. Loud,11.S.lirowneisI.S Chuirchl.
S lot eiir-P. S aillo, hairao;
J. I"f.:MaoClot 0(10)1)PP P111 dic.
Singi-PC. I shuStsllhairman11, ,. -.
fs, PP0W. IL. I lss I P. C. My
P.. I. P. -P.IN10118 1 CI' P1'IP'
ll81IT )'s8 1F1101II'N01)101?DS1
If resultlOs cuti for110 aytiog-thise-sl-
1111(1ys-llmtbreau11t MPi hl lit all as
been a 11011nouncedlscs 01100tis fall.
part~iallIy o((eni'ly earno~oinlg tsir' w011
through Pscooul Po aPirceie rom1011
that 1sollOs. 1The n11111100oti11ss'rk is
lmiit ia11 varie s- he10 n1m1' r11 o1 pos i -
1t111s themselves. 100111 11ki1110c1a1e0of
leavet-o 11111'spap1er'coresondling111,aod
bookkee0p5'ig, 111e 11n11a1101ngaged0,it
fe(om11111111ws'koroiaoo hisurs allw'eek.
Secrot-lris-Cal Smlith estimates tha1t(
lheltudenlt'ssave01'$s,o ai 1year1. Tils
011111eems111argethil oieingII hat111
itlllutdd stdnts 1011111'table11silos' at
1l-ast1$12001itomonhithePst111imtis Vryr
Ottlss'ltiy10. AP1110 (0111111ixt e
ceosf11slthe mi id1111dby tasociati-on11
perclassmen.1 O1 n Ilih about1 1one'-hilf of
111ose' working t11oug111cpool1receiv1
aid11from Ills smllyment1 sllbira.
Pooo)herIfeatu(11101 hehoburtea111isth-
sirigoruig thi e v111111 a111i11n1enr1ol11
111000her. So01110 'letIters 00' r-
ceived at he110ofifiss's-aci 011i11111'0froml
pro~lsective studentsllI w1511e1p11001 to
woorktewyt hro1ug0h09 111((01sco)11.
Band and Scrubs Will Attend
Minnesota Game- Enthusiasm
Finds Worthy Expression.
to hrithetsilimno ileave th11is'aft1(1
nao fo AlnncpoIs.A IlhollhstIe at-
Icln a s n11o1'iai( greaP t as athsuk1of
s-owh d uus'ul10 (1111100,11(1 15 1(M ail'inil
thes gl0ly 111,100ils andli by0100e 11111
thcY heere it o tt Ihey 11fe lilo
st -1cc w ichbares h ems- frii o thIs
meetiniliig.oion l
Ihlill'ppreciat1 iuofthe ind's serice1so
(lrin~g Illsesoon a ollectio (ils 1111101
'iised li musiciansho (100ixtu loli ih
me (t Pll Ih is 6 ssi ai sed.lt (11heho 11101
11h101'eherig osinstoAsliahoit r3.l0
is(1 st l-siln -heil wasi anu nced11111011
to a no teivm n f i( tO ii 5111150
an tseho h ave noot1(11 et c 1iontri1111
Themeeiglope1ed0with'msic liiby
thoe iiaid.iAlois he mi anitill 0 w1 sh1111es
thrown15 onoothe I co ls ionei shoing 11
th liag 1(nat1(11y111111-Pat (lsllwit
th is'an Ltuis bo i s e i sidthat at
hels il Prof. (0it' P11 wh1 wa
nothe1 resnt CoahP oht heided (111
pran s) ote''throug(11h siuls 10racti
which11-preIvented 1 it s h 'oipr snt. Theo
"S1iulo a -Pog oh leaer ltouh
provdag o od a song1) io l eaderlI I hs 11-lbs
leaes t -:;o thi athis'oon umer Pth o
rihg Jn.cntrafio r sIthe ea'st.oh Ileol
urge asomnyrs ip o siho to"Aeate
santos'fhierothoe menthu osheli
ho '(lulldeartmith,111(0 whso11 0is lyn P101
varity (manus,(made 1 t1111 isportat 110101111
ofi itlevsi.lie(spoke11nIA PottSa
fiel' aIoll an1 1111 pei l ed110 05it o phe lstu
1111s to1s111 gnco i tho otlohr ,
g tlis Prof.o lidsid111 in t-"lu t(10
1an1b01 oh r an hila iou swela
''111111' hiI lius. lie canenjoyth im
self is'las mhandfel lothette-ri t115
1111- morn a I 111 1 in. ys a go,111ina
"'ieverSill hei nm l wol a
its itti heuu"lPntsno ti"11,'h (le 110
th srus o io (hit dsa ~'J ilha
the 1111it (lisonthuslocition hatdl
set orSlly t li 0,olu~ techeri101
A ns' ituongllMblob)",so thetgleap
- Osdd it. 1101uas owite blum rtu
liK 1srooa(5Im-PliI.~l
iii l-(oitO ahft1e(11the 11111tig, twhich
her football 0:1111(55.As thisrep~resentls
per0 csntof the tal enr1olment111, 0we
cocutiha111 t itheKasas have 110-i' is-
11110 oilhi' s iit
tttc'r the S
11at1 Strug, lc(
rail n1 5 ut1
t nlll x111' tl
111a1 c't111tcStS
I 11c 1rtW1, St'()1'
tc i1t111t1tCS
111.?,' lllc <lcllt
w11111 111la sha rs a
h 1 rrvAdd 1s c 1(01af
il 111in er l silt eit es.
; t
till(- \\'ati stl ppcd.
lllc clli(w laws
11.tcc ill the scllli
lli()rs ()f the sally
t\ c a str()11L; teal
lccd lllcll. 'I'lls s
'lit tc:tlll li( sill its
Id little f)pp(wtllll
lid 'I lic"dav.
'I'lle (AlkIr tvv() clc
c challipl llsilip
ic1 will meat ill
litc5t this :litc°rli
-I s by hcm 1111~
Ic(ca It 11l1(The
a titli i -theh lits
It )t
thus-i jilo
Itto- d11c uIitti to ott ofa s I Ics
I-ss '(litctoo. "l'ltt IIl-thtlfos boast
'If ((to{j h1c it sis 1Polo 01011110- fits.