UNIVERSITY NOT[ICES ouheatre Ipraise of our $20,00 Over- coals. You can't imagine what swell cloth we are show- ing at $20.00 and You hear loud talk they've got the wool in them too. They're simply'* the best for $20.00. \Ic:n 1f dic S>1 ll l ~ t ;i l.ll Ail l X1111 1lz,1ll ('1 Em s l1l. , 118 East Liberty J. KARL MALCOLM I )i SA 'RD Mtirp ee lbe(Orcat Soo "4On the Suw, TUESDAY, ",In the Bishop Thursday-, Matinaee as Henry W. "4The Merr MONDAY, III'SEI IrA IN MONDAY I 5101C IN 1ll' 1)1 111 t ill 11\ cr 1111 11 Crt , Star la' -da t 11 1 5 \ 1111il, fo til cll1ilt1 (iC 1 >ta .1 r; tai [lilt tr td l \ 7.c atI l I n ',Nov. 20 uthern Play, 'anee River" NOV. 23 ' C arriage" Nov. 25 and Night Savage's vT Widojw' NO V. 29 CR05SAA r, DEC. 6 and Betty" ajesti'c: REM EMBER Ilhqt 11 Ilill b(, ca;11c1 1111tll change Thursday Night MatineeWednesday .°. ' 11cl ./ I GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING0 Glasses for Ladies and tiestleman Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 7:00 to 0:00 o'clock. Joiiany time. Iers. begins wshen yos do. For particulars call dt Academy or Phone 246 Office flours: 1.5 P.M1. I' Yo UVn 's Have yous heard that singer at the Theatoriuam Better h~zrry. She's Gra tI Men's Neckwear In Newest Swagger Styles Largest assortment in the city now on display MAC K & CO. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company The Home of Good Clothes MAKGE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we' a llo w n o o n e to u n d e rse ll u s ." e l , C n i & H g l 200-202 South Main Street. JACKIES' SONGS HELPED Bluejackets Proved to be Stickers, Cheering Without Cessation. \lIi 11 t ip r rili>l i k 1111, 1c ~1111 111 "Ilk Boy's Carriage and Bag gage $ 0 11 11111111 1« cii r,=t rtic $2.Il0. I 1 11 1c 1 I. W 11(.11 I Il 111 1' 1n ' ill(% 111 1chc WC 1t 1 hl c11 I1( 1 c .. h tr l. 'h tt he ll1 lc1 Incl 'I} r h IC t r i lc I c 11 " 1 -c i , I 1 11 ; Ii 51111 I1_ 1'r rnc 1 :11 hc c 11lc . fir71 1 I r 11 1 1Isi s- IvI it ' , r ,' I tii 11 I 1}1i)\\ I A__I__ k______ I______ ()N___ &__ C r,_,__ - il t I ll 1 1 I> vi 1 5I1l t I1 I t ll i l > l 'l ,I I k M 111 1 I II II1 1 IM l, Illd fi S\ll 1 1 '.u t l , ..1111 .. ad( 1 I> I I .''111c Pi w.,,1 I 5 v1111I Il f -i k [ -rI 1'111 11 1 ('1 1 ,t 1 1 1 1t1 i