Ihe MVichigan Dail
-_ ----_ - - _ _..._.ti,.
x'01. XX.
nTURN TO MINNESOTA \l)lc iligaltal ilfc h
Gridiron 'Warriors Return from s r ilteannssl Iastrs liltercolle-
Eastern Conquest with Fewnit tirioiiYi
was siedl i r-saits Ihellint Sasueday
Injuries-Miller Plays Quarteraildawill coinist of ISaxon, McI ingh-
lin__ h, t2, 'siles' 12.Spa)ngler, ' Otte.
BOY 1ij ( ujl (LL vno cisits t or the last few\ rears -Mr.
laff iha lsas encondicnting litigatioenin
H lE t51 iluriwhnce Ie tans tein retutrned
TO ROOT TOGFETHER iit1)boiti fmeand eal ltt. Withs
p iieui initng laws, ' lis sbeen
singutlarIlyi sticessfntl it protectingssride
Admission to Tonight's Mass 'sN,,ica~sin interests iii Mexico.
- --
.'l lehian 's hopp' foobal warors
tok thiri prialltis sonan oil iiorn i
lonwsth Coachi i 1iiii sits Jhssst Taine s
at Iiwaici vasint) lhall an i a'h.
tea through atll t sesitis intoy that51 a
nouns beat woke 1 t55 ils. ijosi Milltie ,vs
:i luat i ti s tin the isis l ~
oti hiss' t liei ran ths e it a il hrough5 isi itsI
nsitin ior ilt( sinspif
It se as ve o sisii hitzpins 5st
wirt: tits duin g n sts whl nl tie g tiul
\thes'i ig ea 015 d tis i t o m1155 ilt 5551
usitute i iin ti t' 5555 tea55 ac
nitne ni~ ninn st no Is i ttl fns
si ns t sent li t'1 'iii t is st intAl tint
W llcrm i tre ints go sd soltiln afiit
lasitiiSaturdin ,; game.ss i oklns
tils ing it nl rs Who were
Mothnnn' inn' c tel 'sill Ileinpe fet on
dtttiti ns be tlta'a l t ei r 5sinjulis seren i
s" ilt- ni tts rs nd frhisirtsim
histseso hadstt tin' te n fo hi .
bline iii gh i e 1 ar insti oled il
1'agds n fo i i 'sit r aginst nP ilt
touc clsitn 'siil(( list M ih ilitheii
inpr is o is ,13 o i t iti f i e"
annr the leadin t int Alih1515Idf
'sientionei ofgus telt s ofithis sao'
iwstil tiht n hl fir st ills i cke it r Onwii iii
va st q al i t sil t11n si that ltil
('sd tin inn glls sn s ttt is Ilxh
moreI t "ain s not un i tillhs silts l 11
sknfr tingalmit sltrce li nsst nsid ltsI l i
no ie thsat ni heoa eIo s cm i r
is nireally s retn salfbc.bum ic e
io ns' noe's5i 's ols s plc si s it
Calini hloi c vasi ruder'aigr'at
tillv i lli tof co is i' io , ''is n o''sii ts''
I t s tists bit re15515 ( isil'i sins I sit
in hi' sta l ing.i t Dei te ti' h n i
nitt i'ho iiis'd the i's st int nil stit tilt isi
is' e by' sni tick'itn' sincl i t i s pItl a nd
pnovingia hltd steay;;mo hlgot
ratc l Ii N Niva s )tel 'stil
to sni l work. ])ii ls fins Siftitoctit lesi ,
twill Instbl be' a ligh'ssn mwnlc'i
tidert ou1 inn' inns' h i t m iiic pratiin
fit hs Just poiton tok intsn ktiit
a . tmits il' d asiti srill gamtilli
itrce si to Irt sis in i sin isis
12, (iifstisssi 'r?. situCapiniss Sh 'ti.
fTse, tins W sill its tin)oiner tinsix-mile <
C~nrc o th Masacises'' nlnstitutes'of V
Teh ooy in isissnil int sanditill inshinsist
sit Cambrsss s iiidg i siles tint tine C
Iember oi is nf tinsvarnssssn Ists still got
Veteran (Quarter Displays Stellarc
Ability in His Last Game.
his coillsegialse sfootalicarerosn'Satusrdasy 1
ins a biare'onf gsory'. It wil arger- tin
mcclen jugmnuldIhislbriliatim- 111
ii tilHlse nabltill prey its tte 'slit-
''eois B"ass nnititosi is ndtriVCofr-
ciccruesheis sits'ligiles htining iplayesdi
mi yara 1a iyts' ibeforecinng tog i
foootbll tra ning icishe itam nof he Dc
here to Isillte or Ine tl u% IIc
insit i ii t i it i in "qis n sillex
i ti sing n raseills t'e lfootblll lints.
but hnitwa ist la lilting'sti)"nt
,istnns''illsi 's l domiI 'sn' ln ,a d rt
iiq tinse t sintin n itsh t insIss is
Initt' i'inssigame he tin t ils'a
Meeting Restricted to Stu-
dents-Tickets Must Be Se-
cu red.
Anitsmombenr of tie ne iversity isasy
atedtilts'mss mnestinig ntonight ipro-
vddatitckst is secusre'dilfromsthnie Ails-
this moninltg. 'line mnembsers nsf ts'
ccmnte its'ethere lto pas5s tlt tint
Ami tiickssts'stntdsilly oestillibe'ggvess
ta eaohn itrsoni. T[Iis synsem is iused
mnereln' ton irt'ssist tins'ownslignof nine
aislses. Sthstild1ai catasstrosphes' result
from orroinitg tine 'tlticn Asot-
stit nts uldbineIhnld resps5 ibile. Nit
admi its in nitchrged;ibtninly
iit'hse oling ticke ts still be peirmtittedl
inn insitrtinsisall. firts wstintsinsn
its of nthetins. intsrsity msnofstcounrse no-
Illsmass 511et1ing willstarstiiprompitly'
tins:30. iPreidensltillins aditsedsti
tint isiiitiiitts innhoinstileil meintilng sat sn
hilt insipptrnitity tolii.studyiltse
Coach Oitim tnt s ageetin nit riset'.
eiresuni 'tsIinte'd teleing.ie'I1,1 ine
s1sn stiltlisbe tor stlla'5series ofnssein'
ie nsofitheifsotbslnnl itinna siitndsf tine
isct ii ii tnsquish Ias for Inthe as
"Stilty"stillisead tihe tills asitu I n il-
ien. ssiedbythe indil silt lessd ste
:s(1'!.. illeof he iec s tiled bytine
"Mnsinshin" sailist aP'itaseltiS at-
insa sissiltlibe erdl samonng ltii'foamiliair
collegsonn isgs. ei s'nsnskrnntswiiil lion-
slit t iltinteting. issttsurlo itsnolois
cxiii' ond1tinsieashr sl:ainut the
irac nliltm Judgenn' 'shi i, nndsithi aer
>1;' mys "t<g i isillititit s in'ii i st ssn'nnnssoiss snisnlumN i lvesis.' tnt 'sts'loi
'sit inby i bcniili rinsg' t'e Mi-tins sisin 55555iief ntspeeche''ossssof eiss'oetrigs'sssi'
'is sinhe ns a ssmntof plasicloetil nn"lisp;'"iHaskinsstints Ilitiiciiiisill aso
,hat ihigaossis n sns'ada inc s ise'ostint. iss 'in ve smeting tonnsty' sboutsi thes'sathltic
,y ih « , s i s listsve ilst 'sicintgtt
,hcga e, ut tiefats iprumeint hatiiN.i
inva nst to bl5551
He e wnt i totheus ensylani 5ga '
wthl a I t n uinti i n mtshow tieseast-
'sus~a aMihigasn us inbac
sin nusd liW liandh h wIsnihin Il eii nnt
stlt piancirstlts asnandsCasltains 'Ni-
st f e n n ilid lls-, listshadi tins
whle Quin ta s " tins sn "sndni
foitd t ieery 11'171. nte s wordsiiof
tiii 'swisnKtnisitit ''.ts t. sni il
slt il ians siisthroi'uhnxep o
ine sinciii insisco Ina ishin s e 'sanivinrisss srn
tns li Insislngn me,1 an1 is nlyregret
istht e anothlp theinnisin'ts Iins doil
'sic i t tides 's \a'ikNe. L~K i
Atsametnnsn g niftth iis'inigan Vmi'ssss'inn
asnsoc itsiio nseld ins Jacsosi sn (it Novem-sss
1w n o 'ssin'nnsr RstiltandtiliRe-
: ct Halwer am ng tine seakeortin
tra l ec stureinns fin ottlstry wostint oa
;mdsi descltribed in w sin er(otints gsin
thi co nty ad i C nadai.t
Amofth n librst sin s sh
helinisormerpesdntoi tennus
sn i I n sm lahrnnm Beaut otins.'
'lush tnt i
'rumphiant Eleven is Borne toti
Campus in Hayrack.
luts'Arbotr's Sabbathnstil ulness nt-tin
ruskeunb heatemtioihegea-)
t cloratitotn sintse Iiig nunfist '
'suns thu s'ten champn'ssionsip.shsIt ws
nun sins tmunit nisboisterous gtherig
unusu'ss's, the- 'f1-ir noing musseitsyithe Ins
Iahee n'n i +tssgreell-
stun frtstd nt nodyntoldIbnture lt1
sitto ing~re''tnt'e linsnsii'n ic stostrs
lunsoro t hms Is roonens ins sr ggs-I us lihay'
sol:, ovee wins'nisth illigainhInitingnun
me: satiomnssns swhinds uo place tienslayestuns
Aks thetanae s isstnsn a olng dranlrt'
tiotti, elt sthtledthin passengers'
tut nf tli enss nd tisIesitsysneitrunsitd l
us tint'smuth insileot ile 5 sic5 is
MaonsugernGallinus mustin, s tofthet
uil s slitprsemuledhis tsrrWlvetins un
y tie officers uil sumesnutf tesU. SS
'lioiigsun. I sitsi'ssis'rutescarrsisdt
'ilts ofnul'ms trshonulndes indtush sl
ie'rnotthis'levtnin i' 0-greet edminun
tine nsaiimannier. ri tnrts Isignlssk
sins-il nithtie'sitnaiic Snu smmitthenngitouti
of the lasut cioahs'nrunninng up nti
hut-in ns-'55yneco suldtsc hm
Scarolyhinstil trains tisuleil unil he-
fnre tie gaily o' tratedl harocsta ssre
slowluti intins-hill, isullu y til uling
arsunsnsnfutso hundnredl rootes, heaed-tuivlx
te hand.un ~ it 55was t noveI sights ans Sots
nevornbhefoe r-sesnuere.-A'silsonsg ts'
miute sidewaltoks'ntilhInss i-wisre rwd-
sdwthllspetaOtoris'. Singing' "Thiu
vtictours, ie linto slowilyrnischednit)untie
catm~pu5.slnhere'"Sulr"'Snnlitstn iadlte
wsagniidrtuggedi intiltie coller ofth
strs.ut andnlhie rootunrsicrowdedlsnaroiud.
fooh ls asyr wscus llutedi un for a
siteelih.-ns most 'mftiemssun po'ndie.
hi''Sreml, 555rmmiii by theinsntusistii
reetsthson sIfaiedm tsoutil winto - exnut-u
srs hir mnssnd relyns' uitsIetnt
ivnr.p satrica.ttunin er5 a nd'ut-i~hint
chiss-d husts siithmut qmus'ehahu iit.
Wsu itmuas dofftud hun'yu''sinshe'''c'ihus
atnt insueandtil ti ers d
()wing stn tins exceltilt superv5n'iinion1
tins lar t testuent co is .unclto i sunp i-
ierctassmio. Sitatrsdio'-soolebrttionmussss
deoi f sny' damatig innp rupry.
('inos f luliss- 'Sti ndtth suns ciI
me55 nunsits-nio inn tauslnsins orer. .Ati t'
nitge nitnf thi stnis- thetishniatrs
in-ru- closed nd muhetit-routsrs ksepst timN'
frmsscertsainpotin os f tlimownnswhere
event mu asil ntuirohvtsainknn piston
inn siloas.
WtIl-11SlAVsIRS 1P111
sI a lcture.' nns"Th'in-Noun'Crisade,"'
CliffordlG. Rue spokein nterestingly- nf
tint' siie skive raflis- S sisulsut' 150
at hiohiilluni al.
hMr. Ruesdeat ochify'stillsforesin-
51 sencnsgthiss'lines-sof te I nsnlen-s nf
vict us n f itho legisationns rtatirt'(
inn uroonithe revil.
IUtinil msany' soialireforsmss nocu," le
ssaid, sue ctan tuit Ihope tins sque' the
einit.atihoughiweittiny' in' utle inn rgulatse
it ton mu certain extnt.i"
5 550050 si nus o otss utANun-u.f S
Thle fresh denslwuill inet te sesni
tiats ins lie semii-fnals nflie interclass
nonies thinsfterniuonssatIld. Tomotnrrows
afernoonn the junisior it antlJuinisr en-u
giiniet-ssclshsl agsis.
t :
l '
_ .
\rut 3y
oanzaland Artists Boast Wide
Experience in Varied Fields-
Dean Reed Favors Trip.
Wsit ial feswtsesxcepitins timeisal selec-
nns nut thes on-uins d caml stsissave heens
liaie- Mist Iofutient miichsosnturie insits
rino havte mmiie'o'mm isn 'stnsniunriorior
iwhr in n uasts-ur thseatricalis anid
tintsis iiha ] sel ilthtie urosfessioia
Te rinsearsuit tsr tine unte raisse.
Wiens 11im annnnmn' n instunel -- Tlineonisembnle
iils sirsents time aut'hle close omf te
)ci chrspronmiss tinbhe ineisoni
in s't- evn-r ireseunthselsre.
At liemorchrotsra try-s iiiniesld Satime
i-us-lark numbert of godu mstn
sun un til ndthiprospestis uohuk ibright
fr -inn orchensun If igshlcsliber.Shoultd
hue fitcultIdecsdes ioSum lolwuthmssrliststti
rsiutirn mmil inacc oany tint.cast.
Tee insistimusts uhi nesforua suitiss
tn trn Ifnuts position ishonnuldltoll jig ozi
-'ituson Stt'shacadem5yonnsThuaiiyn
nt7 P. I.i
The 1ast sun)\ itlistousnfollows:
'tc hi fit-itt-hi.. .
rtssssnn - .
inon inimumthn'
Ire Strung ..
mml S itnotito..
isinntey hisi
. Chasm staples
C.F rankini
.... ewt. Fox
..... .. H p. H sk ins
I.. ( soiyt selectid)
... .C. StA. u-rgsns
A blnckho nf n;eats fuor tihe 'sinnsusie
hone i sumsae tihs'thicn' asso15m-
shia tsin 'lt ' Tepice os f ttinsctkets
foir thc is - wester''55 n io tetun is is mini
Prexie's Great Son Will Preside
Over Final Celebration.
keeximforlii'hi Michigann ' nins
ba n-iu wichcelebs-i-iratsn the illscis' of
;cViit ri i tal es onsmthoiltthis'even1-
ngsf Nuns'.r;,stillmnu ns' bibeuntoday,
ins uiis nnttt n nt t'e u-nuofthest lits'e
art-i-n ticets.s NstnFrIiday us iuseens
tot as the datne funrusos-ening ihe resent-a-
ti nsof ti s nd ni theiiy mmitinse sinrasis'at
'slsnir' Stateo stretooo tuk stotre. Tin'
chastnges' lsteleit deeitmdiaunial w
stiuseofnilheiss - itmnint ich -tonunld
ri-sutl if tte 'sresrvations n -s-nere mitdie
durn-ug th school weeIks.h
Aminong mihe-unills-uma utsotrin' ofasts-n
diinnerispeaklswhtntinsl 1lippean iithis
suitehrautiln -re rs.imelis sR. .Atgelliof
1155 am andmmiV.IJ. IITaffnsf KansssCity'.
's'sr lutshi Jimmes R.'Angnell is intso-
ducc bytsiins tfhemsrtins['residesntr l1ier-
mixs f misse. Usersity, misse suents mwill
nreetmasiasuniwhmiiihuasbinusknonta nti
itoe byss ainn icuhingain mnuns. formieinse
1 i-ears, \ mmmiiiedlsihminIin duntil earcser, lie
us ius nullsensf temitousti mp~rssivesants
usa15 speakrshumu s r evenn ros aptpeanredl
insr a Annssm tnsr'sruni dmm ine- list
tlk uniliibe'ill thus.'moreinotsnewonrthsylie-
tufthIesInfant Isis sumes bees nomt
sun Ifrestintl m einmstioned b y tetents-
pasmsi in connec tionittill ilsfficee nf
l nut ftie n Ctivtersty.
humusous ShesforemonsiIstayerin itine
rcntryins 1?.J.I Htff, arduti sronf hblls
tihe Iiserairsy ssintntinns nsssiss is io1the
StA mnIntn niusm .I iombusrg-n'ntn ...
.. .. . .. .1. \V niskesrm
Shortie Ineisuc
Runseiet.. . (mNo ~smce s.(-nyell
lii ntti, lIstsn m- is insist Iiskems
us sunly is ~lli tnns I this n is ett t
Picard, mss nntnnnss ilRogers, 'sn-ilo,
iner ti nsitm
brouiers-Isisr, inoussmn umHowell,
insist.'slsli s, W ite, Roy A.i(it
Sm ilitinst utrdJoistn'. Cvan-t
minus.iris--Coolnidge, I IutihtrMmel-
man PnkrtsronihnrintuPaIsons, B-stein,
l'luttii Dav is,-m itC let
isoo. iowar, Gilbunits on Goeten laielan
'M i in irl i s ii rnl in lasat,
Steri~lns Vominussns aisi usWousdwih
Wrihtinns xamsens eProisnnf sai-
uenl ein ,Silt n siner s totne s-s
hin1 euswo u sin uto ns e i bosita e u ai
tip if thes puswmorn ts sitc.sWhfnn we
do'stt anis a vstuncinns cissmst o fsn an-
zalnd s he mssnwosnesftheirns
<f weethis peawo i riusssnms-almoducedIssi
tussee neonwheiromutn sheoue-
hept inIinnueogiar uimin e ho or te
.'in thu.'bors lse n-s-mitn' rnnc n se gys
tru tusissiMn1sinly- F ORsh usi sitRstie
sn tterysf boxusfmintaningthu nme