('I A IN' )A TL G. Ii. Wild Comfpany MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- i gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suzits a Specialty CALL AND SEE, US 311 SO. STATE STREET Atthie NSte at G. H. Wild Colpally Correct with Full Dress or Tuxedo, equally proper with a business suit. TRADE . MARK READING FRONT 21t4 IN. BACK 1 % IN. Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. State St. Sign of th big xwhiteho A. G. SPALDING '& BROS. The Spalding ata~t~~ h wrdl Trade-Mark cal' OFFICIALE QUIP MINT,for t thltc toNo sprtand pstimesr. (!' A I 0 o It yu a t rt.' e'st- 5" 2 I in AtheielSnoSrt 'p~ tNU y r~athe t'litnttditiS (tt- i H i'1 Iknalut Wha's Nw' in Spot Guarana~teeof ()Aivn reone Quatity. ii e. A. G. SPALDING o .BROS. CtiagtDtrot Gymnilasium Suits Football Outfits Runnifig Shoes Sweate Vests Jerseys And all kinds of Athletic Goods at Ithe lowest prices. TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY. !ManaugingEdittor Busine's a ager Address: MICHIGAN D)AIL , tPress Bidg., Mavinard Street. Office Hours: Mlanaging Editor, S-11 p. n, Business :Manager,1--, 7-8 P. im. Except Sundcay . Bott phontes, tl' tiitl'1 5 Slfvteal It'i o s}lt I Iii1 t , iul i i k 1 ut'. c fti t* (tic tt til t t)ha t liicdit )(Sy ihi 7ii tilt' I S I r itctiilc III1 wr5 Na Iitit I 11 ii c \Ii i ii1Ni . t ft t! IVI ll 1?t ; ill i I it' I' iii NH NI 111< N 1 EDITOR S. i t ;; ;it New's...... _Ne s ..a.... Athletics . ... . Womitett.... M~uscandatilDraitu . Excitanges..... ... .. all r(eer Frieda Elcitistuik *..Ifotis S. Baker 1li B3NcILIugit 111,1. lI) isl'tliiF i [\ l I 'N 15 iti . i :l; NiI',I~I ,ti I y1 Jatmis E. \Watkints 'tiorraisShtafroti ChalriaG(ood 1. 5.blstier lie .NAN\Wiite \\'tier K. 'Ttisers Dionittiirics' It. N.Hin ckiey A'rtituiiK'Ns iibmin iia'ielli. lNit BUSINEISS STAFF Walutir Q..WNiigts i'/ thei (it )r 'tjt fi t t p is tit i11";(t iO i~t ali ti ti it1 vic htttit 1 I Q !i'n tiiti Xi1 a ta dIlt.. at ht ti.' wat ii 1 ltti ii 1 ) 1 1 . NN'li Nt/i XNd ITXiiN iNiGIli\T it.ris i'\XV I\'N~TYtC INtit NIR. N mi' -Champe Chwkt oniAiii No -e 'tlitt ir sNit hait, tai. i . No .ii ---- ilciutait EtiWitnesiT'ht. riie 'iet.nrbotir. Niii. 3--Michligtain ' tiltii ntut cins womeinistudentts' fromtt thNtiii c i e'rotrtof that actitniti siopnlyadtmittedi theire is ino reas ont w ii' isholtiii tibe whiicii w'iuliiigreatlytimpoeth hr acter and ncr'aseith value ofthise of tmtnt and womeii' i i ni' the iti haa lea te safltuotlii aititi ii mi ng the ii rater' xltan r ti pn.Te itt ssiiiiei gjinsi"criowdi. sliit"' ichu' ives toi the body tfIttitonthI ii i fi orm itshu n itii, islii g . siii t'grs iuit Asi cuisitmiiastdecreedti tthe maiicii n lily lltt i1 t111( t <1it I cull iiI Iiclr )it t Ii Nil i l >t ii tillciii ii i i al s( ak s Ii i'in, a dt us- i l i t i tta.nc i r tiri n t t i t ii tt i 1 lass t c 'tI i t 'lit, i GOODS from ing u Needle wotrt fite cntitlo aSpaliinE Offi- cilFol ot$5.00 (Gymnnasi um Clothing You can buy ot $2.50 Gymnas~tium~t Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter it swill pay yiu t see what we have to utfer in this line. WAI7IR'S University Bookstore 316 SOUTH STATE ST. C. [. DARSIB[LI BOOKS Law Medical Dental iecndHaund . aciBook s s~4aa Ieitcl i Iictiot ite iompl te liei nl S e Old itioks take. ii p 1xchItitEt C. E. BARTHELL, 32 S TATE STREET Secnd Flour Tel 71 Gel your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical ' - Dept HARMUIIS J I[LRY STORE 216 SuOCh Maim. S. Hlot rinks' Chocolate Coffee Clam Tomato Vigor al With something good to eat l~c E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 5St ate St. k4 t llll/ i~iUniversity of MXichigan Union's lit z t GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor ]LOOK AT THE PICTVRES Pt.5 iushowa itotiteiiiMritt onveirtt~ Ititl ercat ttuis wordtiniistornttl atnd itt tleatit eth he ii pli ia teted tillait itiw ds ino trinig ilt pro te-ct yotrtr oti a 'ai u iist.. "it the r N/euu it italiti feitature.t Mut Overctaits atc esiiii i tigne tuttlmae hlit C\'tia'ilors. ll iingtutIn prices atev oe rat- Ntt te. Stytles. - - - ,TAT-ST. Sheehan & Co. I Clot] WTAIDHAMS ea CO. Hattev- hl r RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Pthonie598 121 WashingtonIL.