GOING FAST Uur tailors are certainly busy with tape and shears. We're not surprised. The fabrics we'reAC exhibiting for Autumn and Win ter are simply irresistible. They've kept us moving at a lively pace scince the season, opened. If you want to see duplicates of the shades we're featuring and the models we're endorsing, you'll have go to the Fifth Avenue shops in New York. We're a season ahead thea--s erage tailor ini style--and a decade ahead of him ini workmanship. ?Make note oni your slate that today you cain purchase tauloriniig satisfaction at a trilling cost. NOW the range is coiupletec Comne TODAY. C -wC-C J. K. Malcolm 118 Ei. Liberty New Whitne eat re roTHURSDAY, NOV. I11 I Sallix 2:15 Night 8:15 tltA Succesful Romance ii ~ '.t A Sa 55l~T hr11io11.o'ttit ul i ,t1aM '" GeLe Brhictheon F(rv Wd TUESDAY, NOV 9th DRAMATtZED FROM THE NOVEL OF tt ,t rlii inkan unstrained cu.rentof Melifluous Song. AUTHOR OF i -< li }it t t 1ttllo tt'}iii Faatiu Sayingsanad Daring Awe-inspiring Uk ir, ic at;it'l 2 Un dertakings. Brewslcr 's Millions l il c3 cc i I ? l i r tlil ii -- i ' il~ttal :rrrllllt Reiterating Former ------. Retriumph Frereter ^^ an tns.ay.excite I GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Casesfao- Ladies and Gentean Taesday and Thursaday evenings, 7:00 ta 8:00 o'clock. Jianiy time ermiegins awhen-ayauida. For particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office flours: I-5 P.MV. ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. 1 Ann Arbor Gas Company - BIJOUi so CHIANGE OF BILL MONDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBEIR 8-I0 TED ROBINSON - - - Novelty Slack Wire Artist MURTHALERS - - - Alpine Singers and Dancers Motion Pictures i 1:i. 11111ip ') -2111 hdplia tl 1! i ii 1'c'jilr ' ll' II- t, _' ;11d 11) ,) til' 1 .' C'l 1 1lm rc 111 1 1 1 c 1. r c t fq 1 1rll w *1 tl .c ttt tt-. . f <1ihIt- - I TRADE fAARN FEGSTEFEO iloo It's About Time nfor you to walk into our store iiVs and ask us to take your meas- rl ure for a new Fall suit or Il overIicoat, to be made as you want it, from your selection of - -i' > Ed. V. Price , Co.'s 1 £ tt- elegant assortment of new }1 i£'I Fall woolens. 7" Will cost you $20 to $40, Sand we guarantee style, shape, wokmanship and fit that will ;t ~ meet with your approval. Come in today! F.W. GR~OSS r I, r . tliil, sil-I teill. 1"1) Itc l t-l~ Ihc -t t I-rc. .cl I ln t I - 1. li-tt.' I lI s Reduced Fares to Saginaw Onaccount ofthe- Michigan State Sunday School Association Tickets good going Nov. 16 and 17. Returning to leave Sagiaw n otlalter thant Nav. 20,100. Far particulars, consult Agent Michigan Central ,TheHonie of G00 rlathes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. Reule, onlisige 200-202 South Main Street. In Newest Swagger -Styles L argest assortment in tthe city tiow oan dipliiy MAC K & C. 'You un'.s Have you~ heard that sinager at the Theatorium Better h-carry. -She's Grea.t!I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES A ,L®rr ,R THINO IN TAILORING