ltU CME1I1GAN IAItV 0. I. Wild Compally .: MERCHANT TA1I ORS :. We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lugs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fuill Dross saits a Specialty CALL ANt) S1E17LS 311 S0. STATE STREET At te New Stare CIIAN DAILY. .latiagiig IEditor CADENCE E. tceiinii. CmL It. 110E. ADAMN Addrtesst: MItCHIGAcN. IILY, x l-cSS t-idg-. fla}Hantd Street. Mciue Ifteuet: Managing licitort8-1 P. llutiies 1anager, -2, 7-8 p.n. lt\cettt Sunidax-. Both p1 line, r i it ~ i Ih 11111"'S iialio por ia t~r~f~ playiit it 'VW lt (i-l l i h t thtey noti il Ownics Littder til c .- z ii c ci ic . s, it ll11: 111R R PROV, TIt: stt-l ,tLt? ,t. . clss (m - ie )i ii t ) ,1 a >e> f s e c .- Fl it c urc wil 'keI mlayee in the net: lii O' ierit h ll eni. tandlthe "Uit 1'-( etti. 1 )t i e cetiittyii rl Is h o sp ntl m s - f i tti . Ith il l n ,fI thi ow1 c le trestalcI up he i r ~ x rsini nld n tEITRS Neint.s...... Nellst...... Athileticst.... 77 lll itt ..teti Ntlnsic aiiil trama. Excehanes - Fre F. ce-il It .alGrc 11'illair ID. 1[,1lin trieda Kleinsiit I1 [iiliix S. lirac . I'),\lel uhl ,te - 1 i cl . 1( Isc eti t1 illit, i't i111 diecly -ll Co t t wit Itt - 1in h at lilthat thiril ()rifour Will- Ci S () e p ril(11n( Willii ilti C itaterial iiiilil ii -gs tiid irestatemenlilt in til) l 11111 i ia \ l(lc 1w11it ot 11111n the lI i l r ( s .) present ait i al 1 1 lii)f t I Ics it tli t ill n n y- A l i-It x W - ii c'itt-co eit h liet So~nsiaetlil t \l 7.1 liturer A ~ tthi 11) inmi iiecd fi-c ceitn t to . iplinaOffi- cil Iow hlldworthi Clothing You can buy lot $2.50 Gyniasium Shoes, Shirt.,Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter It wilt pay yaoult see what we hate lxtillfer in this tinle. University Bookstore 316 SOUTH STATE ST. I (. G. H. Wild Comipanly Correct with Full Dress or Tuxedo, equally proper with a business suit. TRADE . MARK / "BAR~K ?LINEN 1/ COLLARS & CUFFS. Jamites 1K. \ aikitit'MorisonatttSt lilca ChartletsfGood G7. S ltice te 7A \\Vlii \\altc 7K. Tliiir Ilr l itus IlrittZ. \lI-i- 1irll el u1tati17. lila BUSINESS 5STAFF \iltcr Q.\Wilniux \\1711 lIe dl1xilc1at tE lls nx . ttti l ix is- I 1 trgrite u l- ains sccral cc~l1 n -ittx 1 and ieces it teltt pllys1-as1has1111ccl-t the l i ALAIrittes i(A tlas t r l['is ii t a Itl eiwnl :teiti it ia (mc11Ate-it ;cries w~lic cc lit-Dc iil : l t , ii ll LYNDON1 -i;l c rlf t} of ireaul it at: he t.l 111111te x(i IVC1 -t -I i -c t Iel 1I I f LS, tII lit ;11.,11 tt} al rOR - FOR J2READING Warranted linen WAGNER & CO. State St. Sign ot the big whit.eshoe A. G.SPAL DING t& BROS. Spaliding re the tantr The Spaling z5 n hecc Trade-Mark itt OFFICIALE QUIP- MENT,frititathtetic eDlNQ ports eadpatimes. 0 rd in ttiT or o hudhv rrp tN iy illf te Statliiii ti i- it I N utiiel elcin ttiti I ci e. t : ciiiii t i ixr t -tic l a. t - What's Newr in Spirt GAararetes of itet i> t rewtci re-1 Quality. finet. A. G. SPATLDING tMa.OROS. Clsage, Detroit Gyffnllsiumf Suits Football Oultf its Rllnllillg Shoes Swveater Vests Jerseys And alt kinds of Athletic Goods at the lowest prices. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE STATE ST. Sheehan & Co. (21 Washington L. \!-1.:vtx Fiti lra W cia1. ict Nit. ii> - tititi tClark-l ()ilt S. 1,.. 7 ro c-l 7L Ice rtiti till.8 p_ m 1'mwicoue, a Vtitvertittiall.581p. Ii_ Nit AImtllti r.11 111.1 1-tilt 1111 Vs.1itt~cta a I i et-anlie t. 1i wholinderedtin lng o ir 111111 _ oatit h aewihc ~ r 1111 liii th e ry ien- roui ly it i it lit hurii tliittei-Wasmundill's11 shroIldets ch ncs re lit e- wa it. ittilt N h-e stags h triie-wasan ittettsi.Weh cei the blamte-wastitti r tie therit et isi sainiig t itmer elytlitrelicte a i hut 111p ltla e - from thcr tiiism tha~ tiatitl mieitt is ntte- if a trite sttsi nittit ttuI ltheilmrc i t- iiin alii asiit is1111 de toi de- thle t e-it. captuns cyt. t Iitl 1 I 1 \Vh cares jtlgtc- ifts Itene -l i iin c terlat, hut the cdeifietehurttIft hit choicet toftpliays helpeindito brinige If out tit th clde re t ttitia.prprtole r. fer11 tilt ht I error Ofitc jitSdiiict in des licriigtic liieer att itechoticatecrititcimthat i-chclee n n iche coachelsiii di- w i5it11rtetese tig the iUnivi ty t 1 i i (it a task asignedtit lii igti- ocriticii. howve t adtvtertetit Nitevers ct-txx fi plice. Btlr utwhen tin itakeitiis tani tailr o-fli jaeedglmenittt- d iei tt Of itHi admt fat ettigtca iiionlysatt a c it i -. It h ci ttit ll t-i lii. le t r it{~t t11 :;;i ttx l lI ulTh mI ) it rr(.- ii I1 t a1.11 (1 utk. 11111111 -tr (;t, 1he li~t III . \I - it I l liat 1111a It 1 1 .111 71Ia11. ;ttii . i t t I iii .- a til ,t gu .I'll i Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing PKIOt W6hnc t citiI 1411 - Ii. I. 71x17 . r cl. t. I. .- A7, Uc x. itdit.11'. Slit', enT. li TI I111leeo. 5: i' ti t , i '71 P7 1 117E1 I ES 117.7 :l 717 .7A\AW 111.1.> "It( x ctrl 1 al l r n of.the.c ad-ee ?ti as b 1,A wo Im l iUH1iC It- t- .I . - h (< 1 t es1 l s sl. (yaedill ac fw tr it-i pv d~i- it it \\ ii11111. titl t,(.t i tre ' r i is r ltlo .- 1117 litx - I 11 x:;< l- -ill 1 l i a t il - xx )ti FOWNES on the clasp meatns quality in theI GLOVES i LuI (06111,6 SThe larget line Pen= nants and Banners and Loweist Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS 308 S. STTE I&STrR EE T Lunc hes, ToIb - ' iarsatnd t I ZS E 771ci 1r 77 .7- I~. Ni. I Ill ill " c 1 1111.1 - m Ir xi ~ ~ ~ ~ 11- IfItIi.111llttil N I ii-- it tltIci an I "Id s. 707i i II { Ne ~liiithe II( lsct te entiIlh