rl MtdHI1GAN DAIL! QUARRY Use a good Hair Brush and Good Hair will stay good. Poor Hair will get better. At QUARRY'S Drug Store Money Loaned OnIWatches, DiaondseLaiBoks orsoher penl property. Watches av-I.J(-weary repaired. Bargain,; in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence t33l E. Liberty St Ass Arboir. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMEIRS AND MEIICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HiURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $10000 General Banking IBuniness. I percens paid an Time and Saveiigs Deposits. Safety Dte- psits boxes 5o rent at $V.00 aed upwtards The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A Jeerli Baning BusnesTransacroted 0 ertnes:Clhas. E. liseoct. Pres.; W. I). 11l'seeln. hVice ti'es.: 11. .. Frtz.sh.ie STATE SAVINGS BANK ki. .B.ootihJtno. V. Sheehian kVte. Arnold Or. V C. Vaughan.i Tan. H.iWade IF.iMills Johln tHaarer isou. Koch Peti.tH. S. Car lit Heniry Wi. oglas ChistiansMitstin DintiP. 'ilI tsititeene FIRST NATIONAL BANK it . KiN N P. IARIiiiSON Silt'1ii'. Pesc. V it' -Pres. S.' tW. cL liCtN,iCaier. Cpial, e10,00. Suitplus nd ofitstic'60i000i (jenhan-Aericn aIiis yank Co. rmerciia.1 a.d Saevingso rv CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ' ' fron ht lt. I$-; l ight, 1 c i, 0) 111 \ [ 1 '11111 t 1.1tii ut tic . VI Ci' tic It r(-I' l~r rrsat.X1°i~tct 1 l, $. 1a~ aso aI. 'ittr ftr fIi t N ' ct. i( tto Itt 110' t:ile'lci- I NI \-?l~ A,-NI 'Sil 'il i '.1 ; ~iiel fon I'a;t .) I.\ \il't Nl ll 1 1 T.ti l I l a d" 8 let tttttill -ii' I l~ tt' 17 IC . E I i ttI i-(tt IN) Miler, i1 l -[litglm tI tc uae):( it: Si ac): 10 I Itcst i PInt ii). T me i) ttc The differenlt Store of Better ClothesCol g Sut and IOvercoats [urnishi ngs, Ikats, Laps, [tc. li%1 17()il L464 lit a te'ul '' ' A toe Iteha it(o.t J'. w ctt4 -t lilt' srl-n-tifI TO t'ttQ taR Fcr itt lit'1si Itnl rot c u tl i . 11 ail v c'pt Al indsoflyl ltd ti'. ii t , Iir ta . _ an't teh es 't'.'i' ut ._ I I n 1t4)i1t th e ieS tindiwilloter 1for iMtt .\Vtttd- iitui'& . JiltS. Sttate. iiif 11 c ill c !(,I, 11.11t [)it l l 'It liti1m t I it111 c ie til t ccith e 1ir clt - -a~ i)n h1 'illl- tIt iner ls it ai o. lh-e1 i Ir l te1 '( t the 11l;) it'u ',lt)it f t e ")a d ilI. r It r t I! 'Ii t tr tilll k nd I)th1 4 5) () i I l I Icit ) ' i l ith fr1 ilp v t) - 'k it - W D wnI tnmr) I< n i IC ' tlt d lil ia litlt t i tti)r Siltd I . . . WUIRIB ,.1'l COMPANY _ _ Zcwadski & Lanc MatcStiel i ttit' iORUE t E 0 SiVit Willl1 ti1 Lt I rIelit't'tttC hinese Chop-Suey Restaurant n Itt4"fo rlol" t~" do you C itt ]tle't Di shesi'tc tesatiis Cheen- LS 1)c I- i ti ng ( t1 i t tlt it l adi and iiittc t I , 314 S. STATE STREET Q AT IUTTLE & CO.I You tao nitdafioe lite of Confettiontery I ~0 Rowe 's Laundry THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. Not ' 2n N. Fifth Av-e. tntt. ..c i-tew fe 457ti . Bell Phonen4tt-L. MOE'S BARBER SHOP ihi u n iit' "atetit atIi lti 'a 705 North Univtersity Ave. , J itt t O. A.MOE. j - Tll "11c{ il ara lc" "1 1 lt Ii. i5101 t ill', It+Ir I'l if I1 Zt Iu4Otoitu.5;4l5ta. tItt ~tat t pietti 1 FRATERNITIES Siver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings COLLEGE 220 Soath Moit Street. 40th zyear' DICTIONARIES lrx QVIZ BOOKS Attn.'. At-ba.- LEG.AL MISCELLANY 401A year- inm Ann.'. At-bar Catlaghan ft Co. CHICAGO Atntti At-bat- Br-ah. StataStt-eet, Oppoaite Loaw 8 Bdd. Watchi for this Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1.50 II!. STUDIO- 3.19 East Hluron .street