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October 07, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-07

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Michigan Daily

ANN NARBOR, _I . 14 (r[AN, Itti IkAV, ()C"['(t ti"E7, 1900.

Wenner, One of YosI
Departs for East-
C~ase--Freeney Dons
stierei h a sta ohalostonk
int and be1st platyers on tit
yer st ago tte wa uanoinie
wa s titottgtit that lie iwoitid
dice It tiardt run for the hi
this sear.
Freqtulent imbgna
of te 'varsity in \V duie
scrimmitage- with thte- resti
ettlirtess Id toilts serect-n
mntsof ptay. I, seesrin
fcnse 11115 cols itteteitit sr ngt=$
tie preserce of tintticesitani tW cragr.
tbut iteStite tthis fact L aston, Rogers anit
lMagitisotii got awiay severali tie ilt
suhstant~al ga tte ledjees I""t sas
uieu, for tie firsi t lacetkiekof te year
yeeayl and1 thte counitedi titer poins ini
thli vl .i1ii ~ lle iiiiiiii i
rMeinret injrs tcionlt iu te ied tcopo-t
feios ntitr ei has as let teent tiiii fuit
wrenchd. n t wlt tile e Sm to rpot
te gamt e f to - lsot ndrti m
receiviedri a satpute- t whtic bled itr- -
fseiret tiuriict wili ephi r
gt--ing into ith S lii li to ti- li
teneal iii orluuiu se
"hcisi iii slo Jung

No. .

- ti A (
n r
lira I
<t t
''t o.A l u l l
the foo «ill be
work <)
Tor a s
The fi

ohk coacti tie- seconiiitti-aml,41"OIS . t J ~ ~ ( ti fh ' -lll.1. tt A t-; I
)bhyget iii teiiiiiiuiii Now Includes Modern Language t iii ii ie(m ), ll CcjI'itz 11dt Upperclassmen Pass, Resolutions
ii~~~~~~ i istioiiiii0i iiICus e a hne n i ltll II i Anent Underclass lHostilities-
ii tti-ti ill' i dLatonHl Personnel of Faculty. I 111 iis t')' ' :;tlnteand Freshman Ce pa.
c the tiack ieldtit i oiti r0esent iits 1")11'\\1}" tae Ii- i ic (f iiitill liii i( t llilo IThe :wtilt i-el- haso bell la ee ting off tiestudient Cotieit
th l lri ,teSetiool tOf Ilt iis ie ta 0 ~ t ul'e'av( ee rnrc'si'Ot iitie- irriiiliiire' aitivities of t1e
:dl--e--- it regi-strait li siotnel orei crds, N' i nt S l sreiaisii.- te-siuitiiius serre irtisiti
i,?R S Ut'ti i tefrs lya classi m ch l ir hcj ill iihi ~hy dl 111 ititi l b fsy iiihi ts ody, i hic h nett oiss cover
thi Fr- \ieitgt O ntR lois t th . i Ili -mti eu ltl tilclat erb tth tli ciii hazing, htllt whigich i tiznga ore iii
C)1tI\'its the-FOeR Ie Altec i is ci I it I i 1 l sub i-niil I tile tuie liii t ii th ah le eie
to- t,,c~ :sec I li ~ llii le io. l t ill ''' i tsI k . z~ 'tl'"'h e(Ilils r vlis f lo s
beter ban]ihai eer" ishe-'tii c hs - ern tie ccc in Iiilinhtc.T atii 111r
firist I hlli het esedi
I~tilatill>t111t1 itasi has
DI 'TCH ~tt' M11eDjwsiTO ll theskte i tiit init talul h isg efrt e
cacl t t~ l~ ti ii r t - i l u o cth l i reh a- c a r i n g au
cal o ard Exp cts Bnig ,]-Ill lh t ;,,I a ctiiv.D na 'llc licIity. rcis iics th rshthe sol-
crase In thoembershiui
,ill of the (1Occeelietiircpeertifitleislititila
cice-sf Theertotaitbllle Ilit till 1)(tric- i1 ((ll Rc~k ( ute, h talu p
1t li 'l liltt. (111c'lc II( eaiiasi kc l id- sciicile lii iih vet en iii I lllld a l i ll(, i th i ils i i'iiu iiii'iiucl
1i-1iutssti-oil l-lltWiussthe 11i iilti1iiili-liiie()tc-uciyiiiitiugie.cc (1itt
)and I plai ijw t takethe tip " ' ii i u eeeu i i i Iit l eitits.cl T a i e h spi


.._ .i,

l i i i 1, t i i p i ti t . t l
ire i ivei n icateti11111that thlis iill 1)c
'mi-is 1 et d.tt i li tiet h rIiii ik ts .
wpo al ite ali-i i eprot re ofii)
re-iio r i 11111 t -s b ostre . T'' ii-
estladit ito1eightu of t dbae il]
T r i ll tutu in t m
lii gtcc> forthei lii Ii ls iets
I li ' in ewrkis en dn

1111s il ak iIdl.Church's orii
is Ali" 111 (T wil he in he 'li
ini li-et 1111and liss J iio iiii Mu) ha
bean eachng i the Pawne ]n tilt-
4 Music, %c~rc ticilidul"c hion curn
of thir scces sine leaing nn \1.0
Jl ss icyr's talnt nd \cllct i
Wokile-la sidrntcaete-ci ercib
seilcte.liil'i" iii> c oures ill h
c~otcl? iol y M ss intialii who has
ju t riitiirnediif Ccit I uuuiiu'' ic
Q c - at' lr - - esar a a t "I
asaniofiat ti-icncetsill beit en
Ohi ligs grati t uscalwgn-a

R e m nteesed in trac t-l't e ~k is
In sei n iig of thetr---ou., Capt. M~ay
Cross w~nary mining lift 's a len
di ii i iii iti . Wrfeet- l-t iuuuu'i and-i
e lircisein adciilii 111i to tic e ssitbility iof
Ii - il-i tiiei I li u I
The sevn1lien ho makethe he
sit g it in he tr ons il epesn
IMichiiganini the In teri Ii tc CrGos-
country me t ill et ii i t 1111 to
1 i lillt, isililleen itied isi d the c m n
co 1r11liaillseen iuitwet ra I iiin-he ill
Oooranti(Wo new ilei adi n the'
haic'I'eejit. T eodhso a lict-i hasul
bean Irtsl lidi ou t iai i t loki a
1111 lgg t e gam111hml m e o aya
il-c m~ntbaclh- oif- 1 'variit sn llticleis
Set' ia have esi lledi ill t , lu 31)1. l'
Se a et . 'l«'1o te1nc . ai

Sluort speechtes iwseeoatte, ill a
the 1sulitions of Iboth thi e tctults
lul "iit snailit ii titithetscilcod
waso fusttheri'udeiidedithitatihiuld
arettisuppess it.
appointedto siendtis'evinlg at
liii t illtnduse'thumeirifftuiciitpeS.c~ urhrhaig
I Isi-to is coflitnttwieenil"t
gndin-ti" llataeseninug itteat dci
ini evcientl te faculty alloaiwing tpo
(,r isceing. is-it toee s-lsttheHntiu
T)I til l it k[ I,'N S't'-itlti
Th amioralopen hoiius iuie antirecei
lte sltents ocur s a et iittaiihal
lihfrmeglut ts tellThits is us:
the I mii informtl socil itevces of
C( li- et-iiandiiood 1 llmysit-it
wll bie peet tolieeliiieitunt
ci liiiaptinesil oftteamnus tgether
thuei heeselfit' lee-i-ltti-ia oW
1 l1eiporantcon e atinitiii s
tirgth ingt 11t01'lhidtl
men lorleto inrershetsandi
eellfeliita iC1are 1paile'.YAll
'u-iy lln Care Wel'scome.utcc -
It iingteethe 521SdiearItoflSt. f

Ste 1 us '- it
lie-i1' -

111 icI f(da . Slcitldn~rt
setliec S w ite tia iie
t) he o i ial S ;!rf in I it s ill
elt tee tees li]o, m lcii I I n
ui it is- t s ,se-us d, sit:-di

.'s Pre11 GREA



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