e ; he M ic higa a -l
ANNARBOR, :MICHIGA N, TI-11I kRSDA , \ N :IIl lkBa, iotx).
NO. 7.
Longmn iPredic-toVictory for Notre
Dame Saturda.
lc reli
I t i << j
l:tin Icy
tll<itll , 1,
tlt tii.
Ljowls may
"\"ill 1111(1 :I
? 1' _ ' . 1 e <l 1' R
l:.lr e
ti Tewstn
i111t,.1rt his
lip Minge.
),t l t)"wbc 1
wun usal
1 my wher
:11. > )Sl hat
14)s. +,f his
I I errllstc k
H ieil(1111l
:tt ietnj)t t )
r Ad tearh-
We<l, The
left c 1>lie, ;e.
:tll- \ e;tc°r11
\ < I1 : g ti11st
i11 has 1()Ilg
istwl Yost
In title that
to. alld this
c'e11 Stt"ti"1111
team which
the ;d")Vk,
",Q11 vcrv
111<1:1 N%
-Silo t
fi tl 1 ;<ic'
that col
has 1111
],tt114 ?11?
15 t hk,
Illi ht
t1 cclllt
1111 ii
1elM Ii li-
Drawing Selected for ",Koana-
land Was Most Suitable of
Twelve Submissions.
liii oHont',it i cri ed \\tyoff i B.
ho o in te ilttd otr cn
Gillis1and ll. F- Gallupreeied hor
ahle molio1t11 the1fude,, andth ir
st ork Nill het il ayedotoohubit Htione It
he pse eetedl as theul hictl
advetisig nldilII 11for01t I ichia
%_11ioi' pr ducti 1n1is 111V1 to i atiill
ialanl." il 1e0- h 1c1, sretchs olhlss
the op o til' crd.Iti ti alai rhipo
i~n t~o type Prat I iii it _fi i
tyith lim ted clot ig-il i lol e trls
0101111ill tott o i t-ittN\11 a t l ,N eat L
the co -it in al ieosItch hs
in 11111o hoitilt
Alpot h on oilas1111ittei m 111 the
wiliet iii--- lt st ers11were11submitte
;oil eacohott- iooio-l itl.Til, o
~as h11 iittrit liitttdtha til isp ~
- iis MI l an -e Ititl Iuiii-tI t-it
the ctie lst a d h -o fileil for
flll c reference.111
All regitat iosont 1lor-lioi-Not-i.
wilb Irc. Ater r ; a fcc1 o f i-
ioo1111 echrgd
111111 inmtg 11 Moma ce lg il
c -it i iiiigon iech tondayt follwi ng tt
unt ultii i ll I3 ro~I , 11111 liii c
zoo 111, ilotdliti Cu-s f ( ilsin o
the1 il ii ihll -lioili tx~ h
"m ndSu) ctof lCinti hutn1 to iiii\ t o
icl Cilt i i iil ini tingii
Vrsi olgedtyhoe three amTch
owns on Beead. clr'nd Scrubs
inha lfuHou r.gvnune h
fo ic"co rs %ii l e osold tol i tn liii
ofilast ii fi i ft010I* centsland to
ii l-n-i oil o n d la . h s
:s(liIt io111 11)r ii em in er of1110
_N-carii ii)
tilt ilioiii roesoritlril gv
sh at in iii to t llt:tilt hemii k
lit1l I ililili(hti rF~ , Tikt r
,l sl( ahurit ' ii o l icr n l I I iii
.i l 11 1 r s n i th e-i tt i o i l s ilo t iii -i
~ il tiltgains ndi la to\ll d s
:ad c m ia h~e~ii e -lN is 11111
iisc da ti i li-o lolt il litle11111 hal al
taken 11of 1111s11ilit ii lio i ckiIi a
00 h il r tutill-d ilutu 101111f1i1id
A 11- ttltll I ilit i m r10 111111 101- -
ditand o lltoot o t olk'oi-llttwhlost
h isli i iii-he oPcry Articeci-oo t ioiin.t
;liC'111 1 tit'
<t!( ;Il1il ;t
f Ii ttlt\ 7111
Of :tll_\ m( clii-;l:it\ ( ) f
\4:Ili, I'(' III(,
1 (11'lilill.'ItC'
tll< lit (le.,
1c ,li til(ic
,tttiti llic-l,
i C" ?l tt':li
l.ti(i ilall
j tt'l]IL'III
Campus Sentiment Strongly
Approves of Raising A. B.
IDegree Requirements.
yt cst 1 lvv;I.ti 11 i rcclI.I rcc-
lac clc r t° r)f .\. > tltcc is \'it1
_ 1111 tilllli )li5 ill) } )1't t)t lir>tl7
1cln )k rs rtlirl stII(1,,11ts. T1ic
>I' the in<ii ,rite Sccil'.J \\c11
l1 il tllc renlarl: )f I n f. \,;I 1)
a111 l cri r t I I in f;IV()r
c)\ 'I11c.111 1 1a \\ ill illc1- ' a c t Icy
sclInl.crsllilI, iilcl -i\-c rc"\\ <I..r ls
\- arr (3cie." It >c'lllIs t I I a ll <<ttrllij t is 1x i11,g n a<le tc
ll('\\ pl"Ill for the vaiittllcr r)t
rrc, tilr<)t1 11 \\hic11 tht' < Xccl-
'tlt IIIi! v 1, distill., -'ll'-d frO1)l
ii t t'
Cll\ lit'
t r li 111
{ Kill. '
* I<i 117
Id 11 ;(c ar
ill till e
1 t'111 ii
i~t ii i
,lc . 5 1 t
lirt cti i iii
he ;r;t(1,11it)11 a)1, S(,Ilol;lr-
Il > rc Ii I. ih 11 11 this
7tlIrI" f )r it )ul(l create
cI rit"<il c}r': c f <<>> arclti
tIt II vk rI I I ss I c- III s<I
icl I thi7 1 l+ r ti entire
Ile' )1 1t'l't ila I)cc t) l't711
;- na (hc ;tan lt int of tltr
S y 1 r.3clti.lt l i t I 01111k of
inllliftc i ti]} >n cztilra h<)lli's
Varsity Teams Will Not Be Organ-
iz'ed This Year.
1111 ll a , v r ii t tosort; receitved
its 1 iii- iiatth ihnd o the o atrd
ini conotrolol vt the-roommendaa1111onisof
the board0ofti rec~ool toor lon1 sc1ed-
ke-hal f.r hisvicr i klled iand itn ftll
lik lil'md th re \Xil lc one in the sutt -
ceedn, kasc~s beausethe ttaitlty 111100
Ill otto 010 1110 o itt heIto to ott f1 the
tonesido:i'"['here1lotareisItvittl raoilso
why0theio-silt~ofoothe oroil itot-
rectrs as illd. it o al l iI othe c
ulty (io cs not ateel inclined to a o the
tportilloct 11111i comes atuuladti th
on 011si -0 k.\t this ti the foooulto
"seool y, I>. till- spo~t is10a los~inig vo-u
ture. 10101to seas o liotlas t a aterages oaf
.,,12 (W eac ""ate. f tisio 10000 to tctu-
tinu "Het w hav aochedule tot 12 1o
o1 gIllo 0 the 011110 wbutt Ieto-io costly.
01111 lt tilteriytoewpaidadisiosnito
1'hcrr s ;t .nera 11feling t atomer
I~ircto 1>ard' leter, in oohicthtoe
sotl l ait the11 sp1 ottighit have Hail
sr~iu ght bu 111100umvknittwtthat
tlti hoad incont o otadipractically
iorto 00itsopo~inlion blief ore tisoletter wao
l t emistot hadtobill a good gamle,
100 ii i-tohast-oeo giltnia tihioroonglo try-
ut"sid i ktilavesIIof olthe varoity
-Prexy" Made Ilember of Order of
Sacred rreasure.
{, ~ ? - It
tl I
01~I hi-
t--- Iliii
'c i° r lli
ils ~ll
? ) 111 1
111 1 r ii ii 1
dr 010 Ipm Dr, Angdl -as heasinally htonoureod
10111 1001() ilillil ltlillh111110 ei ()rtilt oilthe
rk ( nc], i tre~ Tr(asnc, i ofto highoest lee-
\ cd h 11c. o thenrde co 111111 f toi riT h ly0
0011in~ (1ci~ate strs f sot and oill, cmehi
11011-1i11 1111-i.t1 1 t
t 011 1101 1
lill, lilt, 1w s l d vI a1
iii li lh t i 11ii ,li,
t li i <lil
)l l n 1 Iii 1 t '100
i lo l i uli ll
i-iln-i\ Cx st-i il
ill< l l( , di em ~
111011t C1 n h" lii iI
the 011 tte0111 liiilii t
wciI- (}f- Ii Il it i01
ii ), i ill ofioi1
" i m cerail it , i
1110 00r(ul10 1 (o c
Ii 00011 0lit o 1 1101v
() c()ot s 10110
l his isignia 1;?s 1 boo ptenreceivoel
1)v P tIdct1 \1110oll0astooll oo a lotter
110110 iImiiiaol Ioio-ooo ii atoahig-
It()oil-toi00 i thec ag ffairesa
of if ooo reads as 111111 os
1 h101 1chonIottolinfort Jouotht
01is 11oh .01 0 tilst t o 1 o o 1f otJp oto
- h irtCasoftto ltntperial
( )rlcr()f he sacrdl"reasuore ini token
,fis o 1 hih eteem itoyouastonetoo f ithe
001110 110110uca oil 111theage, 111101 ot
(1 is 110ecoognui ton ofthelo distintguishedl
0000tsredre v youoiidiring the
pei10 ofn0 ls ihn forty years at
ori oil I7ftohketooivsiof llMichigan,
0-01100 ill tonthriii 01111tiou lof a numbe or
Of o00u1 1 11111 to 10111\o\loothavoetproveod
Onisle -1100Iii0 01111 useful0 to Japan."
Sk11;11 \U i 0(111-1111T0
"Tii 00101001 101Ito 00 soilthltoiteraory
dll irtiliii Iyeifol land11 orantgledl
1110i o~t~ i otirry foeld Wedines
01100 tinom. "i soetior lit elevoeo
0 oilI not 0015on th tittittirelsal-
1110011 11itothe ilha0 huwh 111tue totter of
0010101 100010 00101tetoandotolhe gamtoe endetd
t1ilh h cr oo
illoilig olitoolsclediethaslieent ar-
ito 1111y the0inoeoclassomanagetr:
Juior oo IIo-lics vo.o ih M hedlics,.
Nov -1,
I'limc 'vsttl~0. F100011)ats, -o~Nis. 4.
Junuiour ikuig 0vs80511 i 1g.Not. s.
i-ii-ioIo110vs. C(pu 111s, Nov. 5.
Forlll, ,r
"1liii clel ii iulo-uoio(of 1100 io r-
sity011 kolifoioioivoi )nld tleqa
ooIffooteIao- i 0.