111 111.MET C i i(,AN AILY I 1LWl offpally 'A I C-INITTAILORS .. Webhave complete lines of t 7ne oolens for Suit- FgOrcats and Trou- S-s ac Vestin s for Wee enI.,_ Fnxll Dress a specialty 311 SO. STATE STREET G}WidComipally -,t; c tit r~q ollar and a iv a criicaldressers. P\IjU& CUFFS. illlline 1'a tat'' Niii piii'td ("~ ifOFIIL QUP A.ME5NG CD). l15505.i 'ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEdito CLAREINCD CE. CiDDID(;. Buinetssa anageol CxRiiFf. 0. ADAMt AVddress: MICHIGAN it liON, i'ress Blde., MIayniard Street. Ofice Flours: Managing lg itMor, 8S1it p. ini.lBusiiiess M\aiiager, I-2, 7-8 pm 'xcept Suiniay. Both phonies. ill c EDITORS Noll ....... Athletics'.. Miusic anidi Draima. i redi I',. i . oli(llaker NiI. 1. \MCIlu hi James K i.. Watkinsix Moison011 Slifrctt Chiartles (rood ( " . S. 1asher PalG reer Wa'ltser K. tooes tioll \it eo 1). 10.1litchlc BUSINESS STAFF Norma111 i. Hi lit C. V. lBowxmlan WValter Q. \iitll l l 1111is 1 rssartr o a roust he tIlila- t 11' 1ha aprctials lot-wic .1 ts A ighest1 110-1110 of work; six; 1,,l,1 1111ok, 1our1 C,0satisfac~tory, two 1)1111111 11passable1," 1111sinithonor t 1' l ily ht ) ll s 1111 rttt Ilons ire iit 1111 t ta i mI kir11plans wor1k1to1 ex10l111 t il- t 'l l ()f 1the honor ipolit systel 111.11 ~t~thwrs 111(1111e1111e11 ther11 1111 S s a '1 1the11111 1111-e11of1a111 ossib11lity 00 11 *1t tlt Su ens ha f 'thIl t 1't 1(1111111 .1 0 lpxmarings.1 111111 1 1 11 ,11ti113iIl l s IIth icll' I lw '111 I ys11 111 1 slll l 1011 t1 St1,Il 1101 Itr )l~tltS.\ 11101 11 c A. 1. 111111111111The1m1 re1lass1 11 1 11111111111111.gee hic 1 '111111 Ies ll 11111n 1110 5le 11110111 t" "'111c 1t1th Salle 11111e th ela tuicity l()t :'t ' Ici l l 111a1 111 11111 to11 ()1lfo {i e 1 1 it 11(,r 11in isever ll iters. Slit << vtcniinstlledin I: ixh i k.mightiie- oll lVlc ~nion I nd aisss li-. _ ?;< I(' I SI I 111111f11c'(> 11C1 111 SlIli'1lS Univrit nty oftMichialUith \on's il~cb Hco a tit, Bsrbit.So GEO.' hV.c STOLLuPri noretoras Illw A1III] .111' 1 1z 1t1 Il < \IdtoI IN (811 Y_. NI VurM 11CK.1.11110,us FOOTBALL GOODS A x-, thig you iiay need from a Lacitig Needle worth five centsx to a Spading O0ti- cial Football worth $5.00 Gym nasiurn Clothing You can buy toi $2.50 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter I wilt pay you to see what we have to offer in this ine. WAID 'S University Bookstore 316 SOVTHI STATE ST. G. [. DARIN[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largist Stock ii Michigan Second-band Law Books Law aiid Medca Dictioiaries Quiiz Books, etc Complete line New ad Se- ond -hand. Old books takenin iiLxcange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical8;,, QDept ine Wataid Jeielery Repairing HIALER'S JIWi [tRY SIRt 216 South Man. St. Letter Paper A lucky purchase enables us to offer you 100 sheets fabric finish paper and 50 envelopes all for - - 39c E, E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. 41 VV' 5 l'1l',ll. 11111ai a 11111100. WPOtits im hes I iic GoodslttD i 0 I NIVIRSI'i''iC.VIiFNDVI. N(lV.1 ''The C'Sri Questionl..V\ 11111 " Thelatres. Nov 4- 4 iuotYl l~Ioet, I lghll 811111 1110.5- ThClmx"\1inyte Natre. 1oil. 11 111 0t'1l111 Nov 'I I V1iloligaIllNltro 11111110e 111 caio from11 11111 111 1'11 Inerl s . VVotball a1111 Ilm 1 inut 11111111mbleis actinlg ill glood faith11111 11ithi iew1l' ltlolrtilin~g the1 his11 decision, 1 Iunde r 1011111cts ( I the 11ca1, the11ruleII 11115 Iitheily, 1a1111a1 u 1111 Ihe ruled11 a safety1W1s1' illl real1t14 a 1bo11ne11i1nlilld Is lol' 11110-1 1111111 11111 sioll ofanoficalcano1h qesioed ''11111111 1111, 1111111e1s11111 0111111111t1i1 An o 11111 iis 111de 1to 1111 111the 11cient i h the11 i h11111 I ll 11111, 11 b111111aid.l"1heritsnoIt 1010 11 IjInN ilo Iase Refere111' u1111101111111 d fINI llxlint tI LOKAT THE PICTVRES They sho11w lyot 111111tic 1(111o xonve11111 Oxvercoat is worn in stormy and l ittear 1 slalll I 'ilTheipaten1td c111101needso t urnting tup to pro- tetoour010 tt 11l11 ' I ii 11.1N711o111100Oxvercolat hasthils feature. Muto Oxorloatxs11r1-(1esignled11111 111de1bisVexperlt talilos. Thte linings and detiledl wixx'll 1a'e1 111iAY11111 , ltheattern11101s are exclusive. The hrices 0a110 verym11111101Nil. OUR IT AP I)1i'iAR 11M I,"NIT is as 11011111futl(If theeseason's latest styles. &0C. WADHAMS eaCO. fleete~r ICicthier RYANDALL & AC WPh Pbt o#