1HE MIo oil I ( xAN 'DAILY G. HI Wild Comfpanly M4ERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- ir~gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dross suits a Specialty CALL AND SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the Nw ttore G. H. Wild Comfpaly A perfect fitting collar and a favorite with critical dressers. TRADE . tN.. AF.N ; "ARK(X-LINEN / COLLARS & CUFFS. FOR FO ELKHORN FRONT 21 IN. BACK i T IN Warranted all linen WAGNER & CO. State St. Sig et the big white she, A. G.SPALDING,& BROS. 111 n r g aete lagetane. Tu heQan Pac~fetuerfit heworld Trad-Mark of OFFICIALE QUIP ptDlvq sporsd pstmes. 4, l 0l p 0fyoaeineret- 5' din Athleti Spol y. oouoo~ld hae a ooe Z tNV,9'of tlhe Saldin Cat- is known tlrouogout encylttopdiaof theoword a a W hats New it Spr Geiaranteta of afltt to etifre on c- Qeesitty ote. A. G. SPALDING M) BROS. Chcago Dtt-oft Gymnlasumn Suits THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mi-aagng Efditr CLARiNCO h. LDlt.i Busiesnc11lawger CORL HI. A.DAMoo Addreoo: MICHIGAN DotY, Prss id.,l Maynard Street. Office Ilour: Managing Ifditor, 8S1 p.im, Buoines Manager, 1-, 7 8 p ~,I Fxcept Snday Both plo-s FRIDlAY, NOfVFII t o1. IEdior Tlayi-Ro sooct, B. J%0010, N\\ r.t- 'it Itot- lPar tl o(}: toolal~ itt tempeotrature. lNI~LE01TY'C I.E;NI Ni. Nov Jtunitort I n to.Souh j, l. No .S--e ir l oit t s oix. N\it,.ot tire Not. It--Froeoshma-n claselo ios ttvt( -lie ttlta ot rett.' ame Nov.6S-Irosi C vs. NMt. A. C.lt Sitoto si lga otg' Nathit hatetP.Cll.,ork tFot S.I. N Nov. Fio-P roi.to luHaih. S ho No. 12 ttt-Champtlark\con tootIli_ t-rs , .nier itithallt8 p.oill, t TWO I)NIVNV L'FRSES IN CURRItI.'l.L7 (Contiued rotePage 1.0 yea.1 St aoof the sutmtihtsobleot-tonnteto to Paul Topslott. Itt 1hoardIalootrecited $;ol fii rog, IfOetoittfr teo- Slotto lsi~ schoarsip oveig teot-esent0year iIn oftPett lLtergl-Whitt scolarshitwt- toeithe Sil Ite nchlartsIho~-ipalo. rt Deto itt Ien0o arer thota 110 11oth ofthet phtlilosophy. aculiclt lot yealt0111itIhoti t oiprseon oiat t ot esi otf Californiat, w0010oit-ignatto- itoructtore ino philosophyt orolot-t o- colol0101 voat 1010101 111 tt atsolorof $111u.01 lir. Parkerc 01a1 to-ry igit l tct-0-01 ito .t rort,oadthe iac tionlfthe1 board tl00010takentotoooin1u11 the l'~ri 000tol against lostngthim t u theoitIt ITheiommtelt.rhlllng a l thrzdtoosecuretlan ad Ito fca -tionsjorttoti st~taleso cadi II otooooo Sccno-ltart Sttitlowit tirecteottbI t rg ns to m k toot- r0 of111 te Ito it to 111111- o tilico of te ottlltlfo teil - stio1101t oof l titittkoit ys tems-oThei l1s1of11 o-rstiets otoobeiitedo isotto 1w o ileItto lo te odiscretiontotot it -Sithtti llo eodu ctonltint itu ttl~ io s t i tttttc hitt o aild\lin teototo. Tome hit ttltretocp cusedo1-theotlo addedtopu tobtlrtyiloil tourses1 0-0it oot entry ootan -ld hotp. desiningtilIm i rP fromthe o-Untiversity to)I Ne-braoska, as.in subttttitutintg or PriofI. Strausso.intohti totogliolt dotpar tciti, hst eeoo sinae rede itot in t 1 depari~tmen10t1 Noigitto \Jotlt~tioi tooha itoteen ottotoiot ittssita t i l te Spailhit lettti 101It, tt c-I luto-Clases llt Ciovesi on. OT40 It-ttlttctt theee t ldgtOft o cte-ooo- $140. eaten a hesinrae 000.0. 1,) ,P,1 "1# -~ r l ti-il100. 1110 00 00000101 10i.,(10. it Wthe An-I-i 1 sno.1- itV~ to o II h11s1 11I d 100.0 0 ' V WHO;0 0.10100011tl i \l' .t _-N il,_i ii- li .l-i~ ,11' 0 1"S c 1 00 00 110 0011tam i ttc 00 0- 10 otttllltio 01 U)00010000 111his1.1001-0 nc I l1 1 to t ttr i ttlto ;c 00 000i, i the toolca 0~ 0, 0 - m 1 i t 00-Oct 0 lit -00 001 ttl ic I t Im,0 .]-t ,1, 1 1 f cSi >i tf1e ti- t tilo 1 lc u o l h 10 000-000 t 1,1 ll 11 s 10i-0 p 0,ic l 1tO l~t est io tt Iao \\ il 1,c t 0,i 000 - 1 ) il Arctim t 1Y 0care t" to-to ;,1( 1 1'01 0 il11''ICI .00i. 0 00?t1" 11100 1 1 \lo t" I011 1 1 000 tto , rli tl' I tat th 1 ih t rv I 0w 00- 0 iO-o. ,. AN 11 i11 \, mo1000000000pm c-li ~ tto 0 c0 010 to ota t toe met o f he 1latot. t 1 it lb- 011010it l oo llt 0.0100 toohaot tc -tianclle hc sownl.0 wiolo- toill 1o t talllg mos s mrn - Ni , t oo lt b tt the s ocof 1 te Nltoto 0 toitit ottt 000of ott(>w Ph to1 Iigo "1t l rgo. tni lt otaico is 0 c tl rti oteiewhc illit heoti -Ito t me t tos,4t rain otoingowitoo- onatotc 1w o too 00000 .lult i to-olet theotoot "I-it - 1. it 0--tooa ,0011 in o f- O w it -la tit to - to le toth toot mu bo thi-to WA00 tltotllot hiouuef~atc Th tll ot i ol hed til1110 day .0 C, rk ot illittot l o WIto l (ot t )ol t he0 -c t - a~c et ea il I l o r o t its TV 0(1wl o~ tth (I Ito to;111(1 oooo to il tn, te l lot too r ii - 10 t--otnl inthelooast and0r1 1 0110.0 1in i1t t oitlest .000 l at tlr s00 lilt 0 1 o io ' l o o t o il t lolto. 010100 otto- ctof t ito 10000 tito ic loll"',tt ta I . It i -r ototol tot 01r.0 lot lat fast Cli I I, 10N 1.11 liE .011000 0till .ilc 0ar ))t ttoodlotlt to) 0101 0 000 000000 O Iltt i t 00000 i to 0 100001 00 0 too toor '1--oiltoo ltt It,000100- 1 )iit til t 1 t-t t s -w t-lt-\t ol l(m >4 1, ftie \lit 0 0--ill0-0 .atany ime i0s ll ic t 0 - I - 0 0 lt l t bit <0 00000.t1 1000 t o. tli O r 00 0m 00 t m, ti 01 l it is 0) 1; 0)\ 1\\ a tcl~i t 0 0- 0001 , ht00 Itit was0 l 0 tO tol h\ t at ""b 0t0i 0 0 - 0A m 1 irt t >ll'' t 01 W~a, o . i. teil10 1 i01000.0CM 1011 Nallio 0 .o)i i =t 1 l\ 11t t ioo atth 00001 celri t it 0l 00000 0.00M~l i; lu to oC 0 0a 00 1 til too to il t d l, 00 0 s th " 1{\ ,) toO 0 0 00 00010 ito- .00 itt 0.00 . 0 0 0 000 - _W-iw \\tO -- 0 O 00 00tilo GOODS VN, tinoto 000000 i ned love ce0t01 too a patloEgOff il liotol oi otc $5.00 (iymn 1LSIiu .Clothing You can buy fot $230t Gymnasium Soes, Shir,Trou- sers. and Bike Supporter I will pay y0 out o stewhat we have to offer ill this lie. University IBookstore 316 SOUTH STATE ST. G. [. BATN[[L Law Medical Dental Secotnd-Hiad L aw o toks Ioplto lite Nevlan Svt Colotco 011 hncd.110 5r Oildl looks takctn ill OxolalleC C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical Dept IALLR'S JIM [RV 5101E 216 Sno~ttoMal- t.0 Chocolate Coffeec Clain Tonmato Vigoral With something good to eat E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. No. tit(' l) I t. 0 t~ ' : 100t O 0l ".-L 00011lth he.000001-0.-ilt- t itoO lotI) te 11t1ltiot lot tt 0110tr ;101000 it0 th 0000tt' 111-0 )to l00l l it otill 00.00 ii .0010000I istoaken byothe t to t)oll 00t 0-0011r IIV 1,1CTSooMaioooo to--t 00~l 001-000 r 100 oo100tllwl It O)AVt to ato.0i NNW, 11. 11111- University of Michigan Union's 0 Clueb Hoe a r eraShop 0.0000Iii 00100 GEO. V. STOIGIL. Proprietor 000000. Football Oultf its Rullning Shoes Sweater Vests Jerseys And all kinds ofl Athletic goods at the lowest prices. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE STATE ST. Sheehan & Co. 121 Washington L. LOOK AT THE PICTURES Theytolosho toyouots-thelt Mtlto Ci onttc1iltlc(Oxvercootis wsoot in lstormly atno intolaroatOcthe. het t pa101 tetedolcillar steeds o too1 liig tp to pro- toelt yoc,> 0 tor,otoon itohesl.Not othetorOvercotas othis featture. Muti O)ve.rctoatOto-csdo -illo oh ottoolmadoobo- expel't tailort. The liigs attd deltailed wo0011010 finelytoneoooandtt lthe lpatterns are excltusive. Te~t pricesoatilercomodeate. ao OUR114IHAT fl+I-ANR'lONlINN l'is15atsttsual foll ohfktte son'sDItlatest styles. WAD HAMS ea CO. Hat.s D Clothie rs MANDA-LL & PACK; Photographers Pholne 594