THE MICHIGAN DAILY IHOAG'S Cor. Ma a Washington Ilhol rge o Asortoot f Stt t trt' 1f"00n1 i lftgs l-amps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures ,Books Stationery 'lii rrors Razors Kni Ves Scissors Leather (loods Banners Pillos Soaps Jewelry Playing Cardls p Tn onii nms We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks [IOAi'S ALAR~M CLOCKS C ash Positivey s No orders for parties or entertainments Chapman's Jewelry Store will be taken this season unless cashac 206 SOUTH MAIN ST RATES One Coupte to and fronm parties or 11, in t c t t tt-Itir-~ it -O Sla. entrrtainmnentso ----------- - - $1.50 O(t0-tooiWatt i 1Itp--totof tie Annt Exctusiveruse ofcarriage-------$3.00 At-tot tltdoilt-tcIt.Couper---------------------- $2.00 BR~ANCH ST OREitAT 204 South State Street Walker's Livery Holmes' Livery Robinson & Co. W. H. Stark i To fwii )'t'iix Si the resut of itl- t{ oo t o "t i Ut! Drtamattic Mit-tor- a tot lo t i inotene sasp o o to se 'Aetoo in ot llo.t-gt ithot Ot oin ttere td it tm toototo oolf a tttiittopora-thi winter.Tth'l i deatt-t -ot-its too ie- to haot tot 1 otto,0 shor 1totttd ]ttigit, andttol ,lit imo titt7eloot ast he i t aiic tln it4t-clot-oOI oand lteatingtiltttittoo thet apatmcott lot to of anyo latgo-c ittoan \\loo i, ]tmt rng t :ot t ttt tt tt 0rtt ftt, o la t he {to e t I lic A 1ttH1 -..A 1 tr f t- ci ii toto a tl ,rir1A >liells at the btoIIot a d actottot ria I totM iothicg tt t'totoo Net. Sio lt t l ' inktt o .-0 to tt- fr o r . Itii r - t 11t I tto- ntttoo o fa tlt ady rtr "l 11h el. Nmlc n tl too ~fjlttf r14-it 0, o' 0* ,' i to. 0 h1 h~f I r o tthe oorig t it tot t t t 1 . S t IQtISt, toox 1, Oblt nOt htito. _____________________________ ti ,i t o et ito-tot too'o-to'c-tt er D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY ttot tto ' It )lto T Ot o ot y o toMr l 11-1tndtakeso''off is'o at draootwt- p 'c 00t; I I U it :0it.o l. Otto v r :1( l hc 1iIt f t e sle t en r c Itvo o too O tot ~ lri :5i.n. o e tf eo fr tot1:15')' otto ''toot' ' I t 'tI Ind ot ,to i t han t111w y h p 'd i. T- s t heog t tr FINE LUNCHES cr' ~msfi«ad to,l a.0pato o i)Nifi 'rt to ot ot t oltoto otto'ito (itt- ottf- 'tInde't-ot tloruc ds t t ntnpl tot titot 0to n . r .d0;4100 A1o5 00ll itt nlltltO.rk R.E. JOLLY. Stae t. O 11tan ANN ARBOR RAILROAD St t II1;I it SitS'SitIift'Ir AND) STEAMSHIIP LINEIS. TI I I",oSt1Ii,'t'it'ii "NS" Tertn I Lave AtSI Arbor G~otng NortitO :0 t. ll0 nd1 31. m. tott tIto t i 0100t -i tot th to l ot-eat i f Archieot lintg Motut 7!.0a, too 1000 . toand o i -nltit tt itolot. t .i. ~t IIY, W.'1. N0LI A '11tootr Aanthat it ofy ithe rn Ge'oI Patss.totAg Aen t, A nto tl 1tttto11c ci teolmpa it oltdoto-- tottAnno'ArbortMich 01CH6AN CENTRAL ;lull0tottto tid taintti he :t-esalet 1"7?ieNiagara Falls Roste theo otoo hc thlt neg Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Ihirhat air0sm 00e tanthtoo OiL 0 through 'TrainsoEatoad Itotaom.'".40t om. 4it.5 o.',.0 bit. to. 11 t.05 Ito- a e 11;1 LoclEas nt Otto5to. illt. . ototimtot.0 o.i '36'0 P,-to Through Trains West -2ot7 a li-t,,'_s t. to., l'toott for otutrt thatompooo $11.o. oo1t- OttoSatol., 2.33 P. to. 1t.1toP too. Locate West -t2t a. too - 5'a lt..*11.00 p. It\ t ti t o-ncot toachto icttotgotodtfoot- otctt too, 01.p () ma icttofcill. catooetm nt l' tsf liat 00('ioo'otgi ortot tS t.LouiosMit ss ott' ott 7007 . Uioversoty cvetoe. tansooot toy 1v tartl11t N1i-tt' W. W. CAStE, Agent, Ann Arbor rod UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Sototoot-tog ;tO otootbitnot-tofr-otto to 7 itt t0otight. The0 00)to o-olgt oobal cadidt- i l o tt rot t tot o-tot fieldot t .3:45 itnt fleettootootlitrro cast iltod.t 0001lecti on ''-clss oiftot-to otoy fromtt ilt oto 'ttt0 t o rlcl, ilotott 0 Owingt 'to a ctomiict of dte: it wsfudta too Otoa t oml hethe 'ott otulle 10000to m 'io-footot toot oto of te' Sootioti-to- oot 0000 haveto totot o'oottitiolo'oi tii - t heto pa t tIttlo an0dI it ito lottio t hat th mot Io ant. II izet o titwillttot c~ toot I tt o o :u t': ltyt- aitottttt int heto It SiiTt",dtick'tptito ith elo wardoio. to.t1)tooto' 10.02oMtoitot Stisofaoctorty taioingftg satisfacotory prices. Fulleitr & O'Ciontnor, 619 E.\Vill- 1111 street. tf Banersof toil inidst'mtoeto Iorde-rt- at MissIto .00's,1;;;32 S. S;MoteSt. Cou itototttitti t8;8S.TSl ot' letigo Jotw' e-too. Iltootto's it-we-ty StareoMino street. t-tt \\ tctojv, Io'oynotiteye- glas'sorepair- Ilg tot-otkild orkmoenttot. tItit-Ot sJew- oelry Store, Maio treot-ot. 0000 Glasosos oretaired-o. il'yes care-futliy fttedt and10 tested. Geoot-ge ItllerMointslt-cet. Swts pressedtl25c; ~toser, tO. tFullero &.O'Conoro. tf ANNO U-NCIEMENT Atttumn with hter gtoldett lues attdl tellow colorittgs fromtttthe paintt pots of Niature, is wittt us again. We'll extend to otto friends the seasotts greetitng attdwith it ait earnest ittvitatiotn to call attd see thte elaboorate prov-is- in we htave made to fttrttisht our0 patrons with the very best of Clothes, Hats and Toggery We selected with groat care ttte chtoicest pro- dttcttotts of thte moist ttoted ntatotfoctttoers in thetirorespective lines- It is otto otetermtina~tion to sell ttothing that is ntot thtorougttly good. Ourtor1100 totsill alway~s lie foutt I satisfactory tot as loiw as otto highit sattdard of qulality wtll 21111w. Reulfe, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 south Maim St. [t~n~rnim' School ForI Cirange S Dancing Ground rloor, M1aynard St. One Block W. of State St. Stores HEDNRY 1%. WCO.0 TAILORS To M n High Class FURNISHERS Cl Merchandise HATTERS 1 I1.i Popular Prices Daw-etly North of Law B,.dldimg 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE We hav pito'layinogOt0000omtottoa-t titonst foot-44 tplay rsi s at s tt foot i.?, octato ttt ato. o ntth000 e010. rvit othe1n0110ou-wontibtoot the wtaot-if -ouoohiavot too 'totoot tp ltltttott Brs,-OO . NIo InKdcr-o er mearns Get a Bolles "Standard" Self Filler SO11) ANDI) LAANTEEID BY SHEEHAN & CO., Stationers, State St. CUSHING'S PHARMACY, 336 5. State St. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY DARLING & MALLEAUX, State St. A. E. MUMMERY, 123 E. Wash., Cor. 4th Ave. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY DAWSON BROS., Druggists, Huron St. YE STUDENT SHOP, 611 E. William St. 1± ' ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORICM