THE MICHIGAN DAILY II Fashionable Clothes 1] WITROXFORDS ? > t'.; .:, t:r _ i .y,. r_ 4.,- ^ ., 3,;.e.l" Y .. ""i": ^ _ . 1 t , " F" +? ^ :1' r. ,;r- r, No effort has been spared ity the tmakers, attd to availab'e tailoring skill left unenlisted, to make the Cloths thtEEPP ccnVbNng the le-t that cant be tprodttcetf. Yott can see that int the smtartttess of thte styles, the heatuty of thte workmnshlip attd tthe excellettce of the mtaterials- and if yott t ryonth le gar- toents of youtt size, yottll sttrely buy, especially if yoti've lbeett wearittg fitte, made-to-tmeasttre clothes. A FULL. LINE OF SPALD)ING~ SWEATERS STAEBLER f .WVERTH t ? _ ,i4+ SQnqi ' ' A Fitte Wax Call Oxford, dtttflt- sole tto Ieel, cttff artoutottttattt torotttltlxcelitable forticte.r ox ir f ttt trict. +$4.00 A teavy tTtr PTtnOxfttttd ttntttr c Iitratetl Skeftic tasti-itfi aroundt tto, vatttIt;atddlieo-ctvainptoI t prtevent runttnintgtivetrilotfile stle tit heels, attnd ttog-lily viscol- ized thIroiutghot.T hPis Oxfttrtd cantttttetdupllicatct l csewhtetre for I.tletstts tha .oOttr price $5.00 ATt 'cttI" WALK-OV ER SHOP ItIt S. M AIN ST. i . . I UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Instructiott ittMutsic for all classes of studetnts. Singing, Voice Culture, Pianoforte, Violin, Organ, Cello, Etc If yott wishi to make the Glee, Mattdolint or Banjo Clttb, it will pay you to take a course at the School. Ftall inforttation at the of- fice, Maynard at. Charles A. Sink, Secrtary Photographer Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North, University Avenue \ SffRONf; AfffRESS ft ..tinued froma..Page tne.) yers~ f te- tstrogest and ms focbe speakes falae drss t- Suna mieefxxt-ttig fhfd weckfi at it:30~ liii- ~it-.titi 5.tthaste fast rcadittg ro ttt itecity,awicee 38 failyan rect-ivied, a total()t tt;periodcas Nle~fillait Ihall is te oniy genera} whee vey ani5rilc x.fcttoCi ;olio} go as h peaes The a csftde glisbl ;ttg t7 alag siitilctthe tet Ibdy aprcia knowiileg )fthe fible ~~ ctt~thogf thtt grcu tpstudyfysc-temt. ft ilsocittcesc-. i-ite, itthogh utmttroust -. rstitan extesl~l cOrse i fthefthistory atnd oniinofcmttci,-.twhicf acc beitg bogtiunder Cftristian ittnfluece. 'lltc as(itn i i alsotworktitg oit lais. foicitig muitcntocloferscc c.ttacitwi-t citf probttems.i-cnccthir slttion, ittdIcc way -fttis.kind inthe ( -1 if fDcfroitt fRf' SI f 1 AN Xl PM 1511- Ifie Joflycflfb, instilf temoi st ex- fcuie rgiza~tioin..afottuttecatttfust, has- ettected tfhtcaonfcftthmattdite Cincittiti t e ftc tctttatc tttatt.Th Cht)-has tarii t.ttfdupntc 54ft ycar if xtnie cc.rc. cx Iitisitisti cxovcrte1)(7 0t7 ftcc-.ftc-. jc)scpft N\. cCccacy is te pident Ltsnoticff. ft. It. Luttz, jewelefr, 205 P?. WalShtgtit. 18-24 'T'iketfte-If S. Igate ticOfNi itnifii-.Saturdafc iOilfhe fpiaced.of sal tdyat f[fiecftorBidsc xe h fact fiat UiA S .1hfsa-tlways. givc Micftigatt a c-,,, Igituia-dithas ti athletic as ii ia cccit Difet , fairde- fits t at fictwic---it otia ndttt,i t te st u.ti dncsill iitake taftvattage- tof tec- at W,. $fX25a rounitiifrift, ittde admisi fiiothegait. () . S. i-. isfixpciedlt. winiteiOhi itcally- ieft the fild-il it.Ober-lini antdIUi S.titi.itandi tit i ni p rin rtr tea c w -ilt--.ary off theil i-ittit tlotk-c-.. XX'rdetactonce: at-sireasigi eml W5 It illiatt S. Ie Ii T ItItI- iti t,it II i lt..I aticciilsi etn n th li t nlt l tti- , c c k t iii X at wittti m Xti ftig 'tthistarplnh av alrti dytet n f-nn td foJit - -m(ke, r) ttnc l)tlnewh n l a c 1,))17l)t --) ar er s nst )fte tdci ' ~c tae A"(it Cnwll. bi vi ted toI SV D lit f .aI1t .It ittl t .,'i s t I It .I I a i~ ( Safety Ra zo r Tseltve ladesttIisicReadiy $100 SMita ine s-i~nn tfru the i ws -in t ic1.111 Quarry's Drug Storc CoI .Slt tt i N Uivi ve IGas Study I 1 I LAW BOOKS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 35th Year in Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS Ann Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Callaghan ( QCompanxy CHICAGO ANN ARBOR BRANCH. Rtst. St., Opp. Law-3seBlldlrng Lamps Genuine Welsbach Incan- descant Gas Ligh~ts Better tati x-hexaper- ttatn oil Large \Vatriety at I tiw Pries. Ann Arbor Gas Co. h it Ke ts iclg-e oeanW d Les vehYOu Dry Shodu $3.50 and $4 Shoes For Mew Only ALL STYLES ALL SIZES ALL WIDTHS 11 WAGNER (Q CO. STATE STREET HOT CHIOCOLATE WITH WHIPPED CREAM Every dayIDeliciotus and Whttlesotne. Cold Soda Water all thmeswutter throuaght. E. E. CALF INS D~rtzis t 324 Stai te ..ts .d TMRIIN~edNLGEU-E4y BRIG HT'ON 4 0N 5PressFLAT-CLASP (.AR'IERS -andiall inaifetsecods oftiitme.Taeprsseand ".emmm FlatClap catxetsas lati yourelhand. XWoty ywinxho it re 01 te tumb n te smll rojettig ca <;n-ciaiecomforitiixtan etx "s.Mdeofpure ikxeasic hug All preessearansinside.-ixcxlyntikkhIeservoirtwhichlwhenxthy releasmddrias ineinandthe m i s ittstatliyt"t met al trtscof btas-heiiily i cled. c25 cents- i l I. if r Really Fills Itself. ~amFill. The-qiiy jste d am kting peesthte iktfrm ing - Itself iocot gainet. Theaisipest, t atxiceal tmt a UC K -G R IP-.- cientitao fut a ies isptam ne nirlitath te old- ^ fashtioned r iler.I -Nocomxt artea toease mtixuble ! BRIGHTON GARTERSy Tuaedreglrttalwatystieaytgtre t mte miteuc.While they are quickly atideaily ifetachted, yetithey tare tii ea oemmmas tiig making itiettatKLti I t freit-igrip of all seed gateers. TiefexI -iblaettubbeiiattisit aetJ'ouiealmite t. hndelteC - -PEN grip, with a ball dog temacity. Nitwear or txar-oitheiiocks. et ueak eaton ur Seei txt titheite tiS Pent -Cant spring tease or be-sine accidentarllyidetachedi. Made itt Usae r Fuinfrapt tin, im. mmaedat iiest quality webbing ; all ittal parts heavily tikI "t 14 ~gby Deer. E-verywetree aam braass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or hy tail, Iteepaidl. ~t".. THE CONKLIN tPENrmCO.. LOCKED PIONEER SUSPENDER 00., 718 Market St., Philadielphia, 614.51a,6516 JeffersonA v..TtdeOhte. Mkr fPoer8sets i Suits and Overcoats (thni( nn Buy Direct and Save To,,,.c$14.0f)'to $28.00 U1kL111 IL~l VIJ~I Money. 118-120 E. Liberty.