fall Taiiloring
Ratra p i rt ad0oiu-
quesO'tionlto1(' p1 reI t our oh1
jeui.t in a'kifot it is to itilr t 501
in our Sifmo''ori t f Tiring.
If you aetot atlrez''h111 a fol0
of our, %" wi _IId liketheii' la
ure, of imaking youoriFal"offitll
a tstof our aoil Atft o fitad
ifleae you.
There's Nothing Beyond Us
in (Garment Making.
Uui 'iintow tt'i or a 'hj'
slei-ttiou fron t lot ifof'oeignt
andtiult clo, W,,o
n ttuti' ''oni to 1>f r isfa'
iug yor ep,,it t is- ty hgh.
"Sr,whe it'o;ot,.elant;idrlithtl
19, firn'on lil I ver et et wi 1 l,
atny iltaol nij ttlt
rt tindff oil iii'nvr anc
will tafte'Cit' of it"If
(C. H-. Will.) CO.
311 S. Stae S.
New Books
'or 2c per Day
tc per Week
fIt' tttctle itt txt.'o dIt
fi'trtiinindpik ot oileot
th oulartnttvls fomf
iou riotaryttoktreadtat-
roulltiosytttt eslit a' t-I
Sheehal's Bookstore
Pillows, Banners
and everything in
IISi Nt SI f'f. tt.''fK
j nit t s eonttd cnass mattrtatithe oAn
Publishddidaly (Mondayfs excepted)noduintlg
te colige yearoot n17tFast Wasntotn
MaagngEitAt hu. . 'On'tiit't.
Exchang,....... Ifeniry A\lMontgonery
Mtutsi "iandI Dramia....Pal S. owrrr
Frr'x N. stithtt Ge~orgo A. Osor
J. Erl Oge, Jr
Ilenii F. Sohulto IHaroldf C. Smith
Clarnce itti'E. Elitridtg Johntta. Wr
Flt I. JiTones Witliamt Ailul tittrt
\\ tut ti Bralty (ini.Miir
A.F.kt 'lii Jsset'f. Sfir1
Joihn F. Wurz' H. JnhtWmbohld'
RATES: $tunopr yar, o tun i pid in'
Addroess: CHAS. IE. WINST EAD, Buin
Mngr, 22o S. 12th St. Photo 77L
Offtice o urs:n12"30 tott30 atd 6:3 tn 7301
P. M Diy.
A dress: ARTHUtRS C. PON, Mntagng
Edito,715Mtono. Phne 94J.
Oficoe'Hours; 2 to 5 P. f. Daily
except sdy.
Edtito Tday-HAROLD C. SMITH.
"At'f )fC'f'flRf 1, il,.
liiiif2 f R, I:.acof', Jtk
t t Mcfillant Hafll, I6:3tt P. it.
Oc t. 6 fhirt co'ncert of Choiirl Unito
serisuiiiersiy IHalt 8ft.i.
(k '. a8 -IDt. S. M'/itoottir, of 'ftabiat,
at :Mcfl tla hafll, 6'ft P. Il
S 111111 t1 ,:ti t trit 'iu h t 'tiiti "t
here iItifit' i fmeinitloul
fiel11lat iSatufa ; ttieni'i'if tbreak-t'
in" I it'rcll ilt'Iiftheiitic w.
elNifllthidtsire'or tictorvili'nsh'o't,
IN,.1 iltauho itt I ott.s wrt.
f ill 'it fasiattridttitti fi
cliii 1 1 i -1th tftI l lyer tttttii ttt iu-t I
fit t iliti'a ftfttofet team.
1,cit atut'tat fftnfwort.dIhave stonl
l"u. fuhef'anistuden-fft'whfdatilytt'.
iahr killed and unsk.ii ledt t t i.- riitniti
ini k,111 Ig Ithe liii 'ft l 'itruningi
Maer Til here uiiifar'e it ffi'itiiu b iingf t o
oft o, l fi 11if1,1t'. f A t ittfttad t is
i(rc tand, I rrion kceve, superill
lvilt ii itoilitg 'fildiand gu ndi'Is'tit. it
Thelfi hli at'f,11111 lit for tte icaitpri
pla n octitnior ti l r111 co0111
it\",t I'lll)and tho p itl fivthti. ef'tr
own li-ting sluts it.'Fuit rftt'm, atre
'i~t hilui consantif l ylfi au" ing coa1 l 'itrio '
sumpt it l i tion ffh teamit, Ised in't'carry-it'
ing ie. la lii'andtoll. httif it alf' fo fit
otli it flttt''ft. i
Be. for'eu' logt'e ivetutit'twil'r hafi
it willpo iitc and aill tf'thre i
V01111 pt it''u tto i lt'ach'uilin'rog
ilhaeategep iiie. The.itchblo fal
w i' ui fctlti n t eeti caltotdetpa'rt
met ill li'thetigitnf10rittbiltdig. i T
fututit atl fitcr ik tttiatt
l ii a fn f and fitti'arpit'et st'xwhr oar
ilaloit gitten' ilttktistegasit
~th at i Ciitltesoier, leaesftofb
Szttduitllthfll. ~i'at atsfatorye
ftictwork fufiov&eonsiorm, whoF. iln
tlaut eo ttecmps u th pig
t"'1NiINRt'NQI. ''' M'IT-'tf
'f The igenerai tl o iilt-i' fortfl ith-1
:itg Studay aflu-niiitu in lhe lt 'titfi-
'of t ft'tii't ll wer'I etp'reselnt. I en
fllCh it-m aitiClancvI ort tutted itothe
f i t I ie r to f t i e a c h i t o i t i 1 1 i t w a ' t o l e x c t f t h t '. 3 e o t i a s - '
io uittak sos iaiot t-t'a t a flredy thti'te
ite h apet. l-oitt ml ii to' l
T htte baut - thits yI r lftu be'txtt o n-
il totocotit'ff l~t-ytea r af t ihteiaflt 5a e t
' itt i r tpi t ttrelit' of t hose y - i t'l $10 , . 5 $ 5 ,$ 0
fewlt am tipi ttke w ichdtrt edflt-i oiuf sotm300 ade40
Ixt t ftrotulat yearsut utt. ntli' i
pr is i tiprtinular has hiteen tutiadA
whictht itaisthout n ii dot awayt it.htf 1T -
o n -ao f t grea ttt ill1 lisat nfit u
fiah memtt oitf ttttuth nl cmit-ili75eBoksoentts Ne r
lt' o ti-nit ofi t he banueto. ll0 ,$.5,$.0 20
proabri t h tiiio tft inet'iono wi t' t
hanuetii a'ttf iclak''oomill b buitt-
tatuicgkfandtcn nulint serviceithlu T he B o soe ta''ee
fT ctingttfltcotac tuh t t etntlf
fit-i' a yet~tluffu ho i st t il b ifL A
ettfither t h .G.e l-iftt a rt'htiff ne1I
Caotifgt'iitiat tttiiwho litwere uti f DENTAL
tlttiita itt Thi' itcointa trill clfit r C Eiiit el
fhundr'tti witer ifl b' e seout rtlt ttnid
ti othogl t uted t atit. pssbl
git.chtf}I trtisgitMEDICAfL f K
[n vee fi th ftaito- tht te taftiad I
famous pt at f eidntiguf Angelltttiit wIf i ll L AN W A N
beatiuftit fit oirft irs i e a h
oanqet, he t fa il SbalE C O N D
setion;oCi-uf ,th ioutrflt be int sof t Ca o Exlag far lc
to itke ti o t n ity f seeitCi in gthgei o k
fotrai a n ant'tlt thest m timeatenin
tf'eigreattUif oni anthefittu i ff-t' C .B R F L.
Thebat telfritwiltlobe ftr edfii 32fSa hSt~ tet
lot, faitortityp r gr oft'sto n to er ________________________
opcsiad ntdesof lit' itti i fittu
iThe-ti nent- lc Spaidiee wi's mOetiaiatN Efool
-week -.from now .-.untilaithetitimontaninthe
limit the work of hett-paratg tomtnt
pose frue nt chIosiln fllrtutheeirorpartic-ie
ular__apttilleaalItgutlinetiof thiirtoto-
uttte wokad hedretos ofth as f xch nge orit-tOldftucu
Uiont'fo el that tof banruet u ltingutotros. Pio 5Co A
to _rete _hebessrtof_ icigasir t .ltt, it 'tt1ittM ittip titei.
ratfhfr t fn' ef'inandcirupuo snul than.tofitioi'lon 'eiitt ui161 ifuno
$occurrence g fifu faf fia. Spaldri ng'O ficOia foot
hetle at g todayaatithetWesttsft utuitmiuuoEditedtby. ( tegu
734 If. ."tiirerily. 8 0 'ito titi Put l pt o f ou iot oiall th o o
IPennsylvania vs. Swartlhmore
uThele Uiiiesrity tof Penaslvafnia Footbtlall Teamt, Saturday,
played tfie stitig Swarthmtoire 'Titamion Franklin Field. Coacht
Yosut wansotttitterested sfpectator. He will nto doubt take note
of mniy of Fotiliiia's strontg fpoints. Otic point shiould not
lieoverlootked. f'he It iix-rsify tuf tPennsylvania uses VictorlFoot-
batll gotods only. Martyo-thetr unuiversities are utsinug thne samue
kindif itgoos. Michiigan menrticatiobtain tfhemuat the Co-Op.
Store. Remermiber always that tfhe users of Victor goods does
it pay 5t1oiper centt extra fiur a namte. Everythintg is in the
dualify. Yout will findu at the Co-Oft. a fiull line of goods-foot-
falls, lheatdgear, shit guardso, etc, also niose and face guards,
rmade xitfh the c Iefirate~f Morrill fpatetnt, all at reasonable prices.
If ytotineed anythintg ini the litne of GytmttasitumtStuits or
Shoes, Indiati Clubst Dumb-bells, Boxing Gloves, or Puttching
Bag, e cati supply you.
The Store of rte Students, lif the Students, for' the Stuodetnts
Young Mel's Chris-
tian Association
And you assist in etilargig
its practical benefits
aitonug college men
McMille. i H ,ll
Students' Lecture Associa'n
Tickets for Course
Now on Sale
May be gottetn either from Student Sellers, or at
S L. A. Office, Maitn CorridorUnivrersity Hall.
Office Hours-4 to 6 P. M. Daily
Except Suttday.
4 !