hawf Bttuchfllds Me lal1oll-g 1 aae Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFEL &CO 106 EAST HURON STREET he Best Dollar IN JANN ARBOR I V t1' t0110 ti oI Ia 1 W $1 0g , )f X 014 I IC A t~t'h c i 1tt' I uITnA il, t -o'tr M AIt- )' i'O .[: TiRE FARMEIRS AND I;.!?.F;; MAIN ANt) I litN-,lit S Capital, $50,000, Sarptttn and Protf 5 tt I ~t a lr al t laotltgiti: IJittr,' I 3Ic ov t O ltrt' t o(E1trt , a I III> EUI)l'ltiL:,. tttaflty "tittol t(,\(. to Os M . .Martinll 11' k I' S, 1 1 11 N(lice 21lt. 4th A v(% hoeI. K( a .cot tLt ca132 S. 501 Ave, Phone31 AMSBULAISGP ONt CAI I SIENIOR shri:N, heSyoot v I E1s~to l ottttttttl tt It t it] ^ti d i r ott t atlt 'tt t t' tot I s For a Complete Line of Fishinig Tackle CALL.. ON U Foster's Art Store 1 2AA Cn )Lutl State St. I I AL7F1,2424 1 Q+ ti MEUHLIG & SCHMID j t u :- 205 S. Main 4t. I I I v : to ROULJN 1 I" 'R I P EXCURSION SUNDAY, JUNE 9, '071 1 I1 Via Michigan Central{ To Detroit 60. for the Rouind Tripl Ill ' I N'l In\I '1 1 tC ' 1Fi 1 4 l l 5 , t1 j il t alch Ii r t > i " r ri ctrdO{ ii. N( YrN 'hta~,an litt! ih I "l , pt t ll( Ilt i rc in' t ii 1 , li V Wtit ;L '1~lt; t--,vcry O . !Win. Arnold, JJ 220.S. Miii .i 1 lit citoe, Mai Photographer VAyr E 4. BAILEY & EDMUINDS { }O1.C 121 EAS r IJBERTY T'E N EDZ FIRST NATIONAL BANK' cIoi tttt'Cr1cott I I)OFANN ARBiORt MtCRt. m lcli l r titSh lltvottt I 1 ) . IKtttt Presitdentt Slt I s co pti ne ISutrptlusttandt Profits, $5o,oo. tAlmond ian Brazil NOTICE liet r Pineapple My lFttt'o S toctk ti Ambtt v it s (iinger Pipes at Cot3 1/E B'SPipe 109 S. Mai St. R. E1. JOLL1Y Iii. rc r ~I ' l, 14ilvoit [t 1i 11lc tf t11i l'rtitci t<, l"I j , t' I , 2 ( Special Train Leaveo at 10:0t5 a. m. - Apply t t ol i ct it >zii i 'GicIfI I ho iet'I I ii iii -d I It4 11 C 1 i[t+ Loicali'Ticke't Agetit. TH EATO ~hI UM The Major's Pipe The Bad Sonl Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE ttl it it fi i t l lit 'At i , ' ct rci i n th I o VII l IIf ' II l I w ]. lIII l.a it/i,=t kIl it,Ii (_N i l t l"t' It]() ' :t 11I. itt I 1fiic it l- ii1 S t t It)!' it rtiti, l; N'l Ic t c i i . l iwfI I t ' m tf c I it l il t t_ 't ft , ; iii)v ! C it's a That'is aal youniee~d to kiiow about a 4GUOVE U vedf by The i t~t;iot'ti' tu'nitt" tit ti i~ l ii it ai tn.nitoqiity i niai it A J Rii t tt! t) 00.A10 , tPt1. ItA EPt I N t['II W11111 1111111 Iii Ii I IT '111 'l I I~ll I I IICI' I N 705 North University Avenue IIlN Il E lectricity SupDlied to Collegfo Men and Women for All Purposes. Wasiten aw Li ght Power Co. 200 E. Washington &J St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING Suits, Top Coats and Cravencttes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, a comn- plete variety of tlx: new designs, colorings and styles, in all sires. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and 1)empsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hats and Caps, all the newest. See Show Window F' sh ion Store 121-123 S. Main St. VISIT THE VAUDETTEI TODAY S OUTS 20 TRET Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature Moving Pictures (Itttttg'O tf 'orttgjo ttjj''1'otIt Mittt Itt Wtiltt1xa~.'t Loy ou],ly. i SATISFATION FIRST, then a SAVING OF $10.00 to $15.00 is WHY we are selling the goods. mpany Snits in Order tram $14.00 to $30.00 118E Liberty St. J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.