THE MICHIGAN DAILY Samf Burchield's Fine Tailoring Tgrade COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Cz-i n Deliver the Goods Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs SAM D CHFEID fhe Latest Designs J62C F1D& C106 EAST HURON STREET Mack ft Co. We' Carrv th e' I _nro'e't IF THE fVARMsIIRS AND MEVCIANICS BANK MAIN AND) IUIOON STREE~TS Capital, $50,a0. Surplns and Profits, $65,0 Dosa Geral Banking liitootos,t 'i P 3 per cent interes st an'lPmehia sd AOssiigS It'pauits. Safty Depousit HBsxes to rent atV.0adupwards it. icanr, Prs. W.'en0 . TVNS i-ies. I". If.R 1, .to to at . If.A. Wsrt.ts aAS St 0. M. Martin FUNRL INchild isis'32S. 5th JAve. 'Phonse .3I AMBULANCE ON CALL Br own 's Drugstore 120 EAST LIEER'JV SIRIE EiT ;1 o iv (cneiisren o tieu fotmerly. Come and See Us YY 4 1. Gil 1 j lll\. L421 8%ti aL Line of Cutlery IN THE CITY MUEHLIG & SCHMID i f i { i WE are Showing this week extra good values in Corduroy Trousers, made up swell, especially for College MVen, ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Inistruciontin i ts Isic totr Lll classes of studiets. Singing, Voice Culture, Pianoforte, Violin, Organ, Cello, Etc It yost wish t,)sake the Glee, Masodoli i or Banjo Clith, it will pay yout to take ao corse at the School. Full ittforttation at thi. of- flieeMaytnatdst. Charles A. Sink, Secretary Rcntschlcr, Photographer Moe's Barber Shop v. A. MOE. 705 North University Avenue Yozsaow.rot a~ Hot Lunch At T'.,.Olln'n 338 a. SOtt V S1,hITYC 'R LK MN IR Is sutossiest frsmPage (Oe.) in ofsfice"' can lhe busues's 'isle. Inshe I sis-es)iyhes' s rep'sjres'ented te 'its ir on'icii'ss' 'las'ssss ileSi'tuidenit CLouis- 'ii andshs heldsIsisycla l ssuivesit'sy hosnos sie'hIis 'tisae. lies' its a nei is tof stiIshigasis soFrirsr, Isiu 1'ta1i ands IDelta KappIs hpsilsisi S . Ssslssss' Steins, thse newly elestesd Is glisl i ;sihoo'isl. h'sr. 'Sitei cist is his nisw slt is fsllyqiualiid, liaving hesdatanageshlip every year in high .1 isis1 iandl sitaisistlis's possiti'issiii ill the tr ask suitsIheldin An A~ii'rbosince555 lice hsbIeets ini csllege. IHe isoause i- is'so ithe. '0's7plit 'lass asd wort his nuimieral, ioistle class track teamsis lii Ii I'NI'-Vcrv desirastle :aal sis' 2, iicluinlighbahl, Iheat. 73 I. t siversity. t.-Al ,1151' Cit;lil wastchowiits I.sit M. fobs. FinderIrtr n iLit Quarryssoil se- civesi libseral reward. 'Ilsi'S siriay'evensingsctureis iiv cn by lRe'. L'asrlS. losi W lithe ssigregs isal ichn"?li laves attractdmuch' at teum iehIssarrangcedlaiseries sif S trv 't'eller's e. ts" Te lctre hi e i ng issig ssto sil oh a l'i' t elii's ''lie Conquliesit L iCanaa'n, .weuitfrisis hubs I lispts si'cla'ir 's liijunssgle" till lhe discssedss. '"'The I iosss osi MIisrI,'' "lt'etIssg l~is.''n'sithe fl1 ofi sthel lsiss'''Ihias'e sst'iiised lthe themsforithelt'Suitsyl ev'i'niiigs pasi. Th tU'iviersity studsenshavise proveds lii's ly ostitseti its atitdig tiwse 7.:1st leit's, whisc hiss' lit'smtihll slaiisiclocks as Ilatter's,hMainst sreet. 11)ST--Firi iida onIbeweensi 'l'hayier andl \W'shinsgtonss andsid s1": 'IS .Ilssgiiiis, :a \\Ssies'IsaI dea fsi taro elt.Finde plese irtr istos81 Stis tressedh 25: ; 5rouiseris, ist' Uuller & O'sinsisr. t ( latsses retpairedl. 1yes caire- fsilly ittdlanidltestedl. Gwsfige loller, Mois t. Student Days at Ann Arbor SEE Great Cartoon I One Week Only WE SELL $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS 79 CENTS WMV. ARNOLD, JEWELER Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 320 N, FifthAsia. New Phonetss'457 Bel'lssit ) All Students' Supplies. Station.- ery, Fountaiii Pens, U. of M., Pins and Banners. Cigarn and 'Tobacco. Save ai Wail5 and (live Usi a Call. Students' Supply Storc: 1111 S. tUniersty Aie. Gas Study Lamps Genuine Weisbach InCan- descant Gas Lighis helter anul cheaper thanauoil Lasrge Viariety at Vow P'rie s. Ann Arbor Gas Co. IN TODAY'S FREE PRESS 'THEiEANDEOCOATiSHIATCOAT" CLUETPABT S H CO ROT S isUTs 5THERE.. 16ii, iOi L Yhss Ot,,t'sl rr . .. ........ LAW BOOKS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 3t eri Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS Annh YArin LEGAL MISCELLANY AnAro Callaghan (ft).Comtpany CHICAGO ANN ARBOR BRANCH. Stawt. St.. Opp. Le~w 1BasIidis1 Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watchen and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of I'S. Pins w here they keels a full line at the L owe a t prices. No Yaa poor stock in ourstore. 'a Not ki n g charged for 8 ioooking at ouorgoodsor ge tt In g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm Clucks $.00 and up Call at the right place opposite Law Building. MONEY [OAN[I) 0n Watchses 01DiansJewry asnd all Eais Class Ihis 55.1 and Collateral sescurity. W. J. UOVRIM 104 4th Ave. Opsitie Coors Hoie Two doors sooutfnew Y.M. C.A. OFIE HO URaS,8:30 toci11.30, 1 to 5, 7 to s-ta. Bushness Svictly Confidential . CleverGO .J'ietfe'af irire~n, A Cori Our Fall and Winter Line of Clothing is now ready for inspection. Call and see the Latest in Suits They are built on popular lines which means that every garment conforms to the very latest style ideas. They are tailored in a faultless manner, assuring a perfect fitting garment. They are made of materials that stands for good service as well as good style. Come in and look at the different styles. Altways the right thing at the right time. 121-123 S. WADHAMS (& CO., MAIN ST. f f i i GET YOUR. CUE Sosmething 1)oinig BILLIARDS, POOL BOWLING ALLE$YS Ts' Plac us,' V f Se is an isis ore I)AsI 220-222 S. STATE ST. 'Ii' ?1 Washington [ RADLTHE PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 5 9 3