UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOJ ALA Rn' CLOCKS, The Summer it Quarer, 907Cnapman's Jewelry Store 206 SOUTHIMAIN SI 111 ilrtlet T~t~iirvt i --a lt BRANCHISTOREliA'I 204 South State Street THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ___________________________(C 1 i XC, W «e, the undersigned livery- men, wicll accept no more credit. Terms strictly cash from now on, and oll bills must be paid by June I10. I'T 1S NOT BY AIJCID N-fII ROBSISON & CO. A. B5. WAL.KF.R. W. H. STARK. It's a FOWNES I'hat's all you need to know about aI GLO1VE _Q)- ARDSLEY ARROW DETRsOIT, JACKSON anod CHICAGO RY. Scia crs o IDetroit 8 a. i, and ctcr twoehours Util 8IIp. mt. Spe iacr o Jmachso 8:30 a l. Hou t~ aai l t s erv ice t Itrit 6: t . a I1. to (}i: t 5 p tt, teni I1:15. 'I'wo- hom oaii service t t Jacksoin 7:15- .W it o I I I .I n. 14 hun1 kg tt, If rail St.IWestIof Alain juc4Ym eitalIg t1IN 10it June - .tlts 'hi 1 % n ti itt r)n Jilta (, Ora rct al 1 r5l Fril Jtltc 7 _..{)ctl))n ro i1 11 1 is m J 'a lc Vr1icz alt 8 1,Il gcr ' iz lits " , S i l itti ai) Iin Mc1cattitt N(-\v , I iii Jn c i 1 t p lcc in i c ci . i 1% it'c h d ; 1. il Ji a t) tticia iin itt:ml i-t,t _it cr a ,:abe t an tieof billitirdl Youttitil iiiie riecreat ini; wht not ths 1 X'r try to lease amt litton Flros., 3i12 t. Stile St, a ini 1)(tt it ti k it to rat i avc llt. Publitc anCpi ,7 elhstalit iiiwh 1 -tc~rct c ' Iliiito . 4' ( fi f f t4 } { { / I _ j t} 11. tl ~ r L+ ,.._. t 4 1 n 1 t r , ; - R, .: .- ' ' , , ; ; _. i , - , _ , f lie Yj _ 1 r '. . s l _ _ _ x .. t , 1 \_ J _ .e} -: That Our Stein- Bloch Clothes Fit anid wear and seep) their shape. IT IS BRAINS in the making of then. TRY A TRY ON A Pih:A SUIRE 1'1 N .. I ;I-ti IatjN l 1' t lit~ 78 it -9t Sat i:fa is Itilortig it satilatori tutul itrcct It: (lassesi-cpitittit I yes icarrefully it:e ;m ew. Cii;e llaller, Msaini street Stit lrtistt(l 2y,( r trsrs, tijt j(,tuait tie, fhi I tore aitr atnart Nhs S islm ii,^ N. Iii eit pavenuett Lindenschmitt, Apifel & Co.'s 'o IEngage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call t Gan ;er's Acadcny Office. nected sth the bcilding, callers are requoested Go announce themselels. Pleaei r-. Ij )" ( ) I -ut I l' -1 i Itt C tt \\itt c I i t I~la THE TOP NOTCH of Mental and Physical POWER Is reachted thrtoughotour- ishintg, easily di- gestesi foods, COIO ith -osied I itiiOrationasl exercise tandiatcarefli tobse-rvantce ofthetoclaws sof hygiente. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT alttenshriietrengid giicg It is foiund lott the traitning taitle of cvery rcollege atiS tiversitsy. Conitaitis more nuitritiionithatt oats atndlc-srl sind ittis mreteasily dige'sted. thetlete-for the itdoor miatn and the outdoor mtant. r, A braifat of SHIREDDUED WHEAT BISCUIT,cwihhoira t oilkuorucrami, will supplty + 9h te enrgy tor awhotedar's f l work.TRtIUIT is the onsame atBiscuit, ex- ctthat it is comprreset - ? ~'cint a itacnd iscasd § soaTOAST fortanycmeat, bred. Ac alt grcers THE NATURAL FOOD CO. Niagava Falls, N. Y. I~ty _ ~ t >aiI NI i("t ; t .t Rowe's Laundry 'Irllf)MAS Rt)WS, larop. 3I2ttN. tifth Arc. H Lunch Axf1t IT-I~ttla's. 338 S. State rlec'rical Work, Of a Qu th to at isf R. R. Gucnthcv Co. 200 E I. Washiungtonc St. Ptcone 71 iii'ic. BIJ FAOUS)_CIE THE BEST SHOW YET George ]bacon Redwood & Harvey "Rosy" Margaret Grayce Carberry & Stanton t.-li ti tt f itit Ii51 tilt - Pic t;I Two Shoows Nightly, 7:30-9 20t Matinees, Tuesday, Thcursday, and Saturday, l0c FRIDAY NIGHTi IS AMOATUR NIGHT i f i X i I s s r t i t Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors' Professors! T he bst is tboetoo gotid for yoau. Yiou cat't aftird to waste your timnttd pautience wtith the old-style fotain1)i11t Boy a Self-i11erand ftiere is oanly one practica0 antdsuccessfl J. Self-itlting 1 ointaitr ItnnIt is CONKLIN'S Sef. P EN "T he pets cwi t the recetFiller--the device thtat msde self-filling tens poissile, practical and perfect. Dtoc't bte deived. Acct noithing hut cte genuine~ Couklint. All tder self-fillers are in the expeimtfental / ctage. The Coniklinr is pterfect-been on the market I foe yeart.hIsad atid rec-oumended by thosands of ~ students arid college lprofeitsors.iPossessescanlthoe scper- for advancages of te best founcain pens supplemented by the following dictincit atnd desirable features :l Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. r. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SEL.F-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed sacisfactory. Book Free upion request, telling - - about this wonderful pen. Manufactured ontly by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold In Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. "IGHTrON -~ FLAT CLASP GARTERS TrS b ' 4aremurn annurrallpytott4,000~,000Ih5 leg-il i coIular grtersfo o tt tsear. 'F he rtlnietttu fla t iia} ai )fitttf~ lert iin t its tuoll-bindling, notrit iitcig hiiol. tit i lit asa -linit jalterautd ho ld theso k as mthi asil th lehsitn. M'ltta ofiipuresilhl: a iis-t" I ,ittg. Allmtasl ptrltioflieavytnichkel plttediriaut. 25 cenrt-a pair, all rl<-aitt ..k or bpyumail repiadi. hFoir thoerorefacolrand garter, we utter LOCK-GRII "' BRIGHTON GARTERS The-ceat-et, aieirandilnut iticomfoirstale crtarrrade. 'The rubbr damon hods kithatvice-lihk rl ittwill tics r slipi. Will used n~r c~td} rC r. ietiqu rlutiitllliig. :Metaltitrtshettsp nickel Ilktt rass. 25can cat ii i rill i i lcl so ritb tait1lireauid, a . PIONnER SUSPENJDERACO., 7t18 M~arkt St., Pthilacdetphta. I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIW, THE TAILOR' THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING