To see our Spring Suits Eagle Shirts, with and without Collars just received a new shipment of Raincoats Full line of Fancy Hose at 25c and 5Oc Straw Hats are now on display _ Underwear 25c and S0c. t lrg Ribbed; Porosi nit in Utlionand 2-pi ce A full line ofaI :j Suits STA E fI ER ( ftW VERTHi, jr..KOVER OXFORIDS $ 3.50-$4.O0.-$5,00 Just Received a Full Line of Commencement Shoes , .. ' t . ?"Y; r f ,. Three New Factoriesi 14 Months PTisiccoril iii grothli 'A cenitly imade liy the miiiiiitifii . olf\Vitk-Over slices. Thits ii (515 Iwas iltcessita.i 10, thI iiunpreceetetddemndlflor Walk Over slidies. 'Thle deimaiid oas caused byth gC-neia] excellence tof \alk-I lvi 1 shoes inistyles, quaityit n fil isl,$,ind he coseque t polarity o)1 th loes. l( iCoughi saidl Wdalk-Over Shoe Con111lSOUtTHST U It N T RP1I1 ti c"? ;! _ 1'. 1 >r :t tii >> l }