f .. Samf Burchfield's P111e Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAS BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET i THlE MICTIG(AN DAILY AT MACK"S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN AR3O R I':e yo it s l I III l t h . t } rud "II >r7 I i l 'II\'' iiIA l7 tciIll's1I 'l-d -et. uL ' si awieasmtl At , lo I I '/ ~I I IIIa MACK ea Co. 11117 lARME~lRS AND 1MMCIANICS 11i,51 MAIN ANI) HURON 51'I 'I s Capital, ;50,000, Surplus and Proftit. R~,oos llssper islso" Ieal llassl I 'I5ssstlriss,'sl '05: ic ')(,sn . oaf', sss'155555 0. M. M~artin DUIECAl. Is i i i acs3112't Av1 t'Im1ss AMBULANCe 1ON CA' 1 11 1 For a Complete Line of Fish ing Tacke CAIIL ON MEUHLI+G & SCIIMID 205)-, Mntit.s i iii i --- ... . Foster's Art Stores 110 East Liberty St. 300 South State St. Ii 14A), s 1NC1; sssssss1IsNYsttssss\TPR5551 I.'.slssv r it f ' I s ssrii s, s dl Is luIs te KIvst'se sls t In sA o aA~m l s 5ifranthe5 s' 55 5 5 1 hs cil ~ I. is s !5 the5 liQ st c s 1li s AI Ce 2 '1 5im Y ibi,1sirk555'' xv 5 ' I s ssn sVl sss T &In 1 '~ SCHOOL Of' MUSIC ,NlAYA)5Ti)11:V The Christian Martyrs a The New Hired Man M1oe's Barber Shop 0.A. MOE 705 North University Avenue l5 l is 1tt 1 I s f m w in it - lli tt sss ii .' - 11 d i 5.ll t' 1 1 fi 1 l I . wllm " Is l Iq NO itS1; l tt it c itc l +> '1n s m ])115. 111 ; s l:tt I tIs di 11 ' ill t sit A siht 1" ;lillcst 11c c'1t5 tw l ' i ir i r Aitr . L .1I.ssslls 5, r fr tf c I .'''ll ii lls,. aJssss 5~ ), 1.5 lii (I III I I' ti II 5Isl II ,i iis' Il , 1 l lic:I s si a l, il I_' sits I ; II wIIIIfssy' s lits'c lt i i sil l 55 sst l 5 ' a Isisa a Is 5< sI l is Is s is llis t s lsitn Is sss srdut .I,. 78- 7( w il I ) ) ' 1' it ssi s it II18 It8ITlly 5college jes - c 'cs. I sirlls' Ic\t~l}S itosrse, 'sbus WEBB'S Chocola-Ns VNII.XC , 1 ..ED witt 5mild tsch fl IIre Wlnut A" 'Il 11011 IL it1 L 1 c ou~lb rt ! Ph eapplctmn it l ri pi(i1111 r W'ti-cncv ,EBB'Sopctli~ lc'th ollS. in S n t.n fut SENIORS SEIRSEIN.sss'5s y I '~lnw- S mNIIISirtII2g.Ic III Win. rnld, V 2211 5 .. l, NI, 12 trA cIo11l1 1 112 I5I I va l rsst rse , Is s t t i ll";i 2.20 ~('S.'sss,('siiM u ('nsslilsl Iosls itsBItEYsst& Es DMUND $55So 1;I_.KnePrsien.JO L l''> s c i: t o I [ is I ' he sw y is Is it t mw to In adte un s 50-an t sitsa~i.~ s ttlisrt I li ic I its Ir s ic{thc tr it a st sitg Thet i i ci 1 s ;oel ien. (. sitslc an out. of tp wt l m r th wisls llac cr. sI ii lis pot i - l m is C w i-t sF11 II, I I s t Ie and 1 c-{ i ' ho e], Ilpp rt Itn b s o rt h is I~u frc' i ' arc I stl its afer, bel tit, Iav it I 5 Mu sfav resst, .'' 1wIbl ndIII 'I sPtt lis rettsI s i on'51 s of ilt slitdo r, 1s0it s els rvasltory' stIetl 173, 6(781 15 5,)S ls sss,111'-a 33 's-It.t it it I isis 'I. (r h) 7t}' 1't]t ur i SK Ill S*I - iip., t t [.C. Icpt l i. 'serycrill.r.5t ,I Ovima) I1,1 11< FIISUCCll''l'SSI7S. (s'sssgs' (sslsss's ''fifty Slils l's sss "A ' 'IKlsiglIsI Isis asDsy,'' ''l1el1c Glsses repasiredI. Eyes carsesully fittesI sall tsesteds.George IHaller, Main street. Suits pIrtes'sse's 25C, trouse rsios'. Cutllsr & O'Connsor, tf Watch, jewelry antI eye glass repair- isig ly skilledl workmen. Ilaller's Jew- elry Store, Main street. eod I Isi"+ssl sir 1IsM.uIt you 13 Is t'E a"t li~ttt t t rrSsts s s'.Iy is I It lsi ' Ii' 5' . .1'. I i ssskin th t he 55 1,:llt ists 5 ssss - l. s ' iIll. X1:CII (OFIiCIAL.AIM RICAN (s Ail((101 sBAiLsI, -brat -it 't t. i iswtsh'i t,.t tr~ l t i t. I t , te -' ffc1l5 1,'15 I . ;, 1 ".I :'cI in 'lsit /tss'sit(:stss t si Iim i y . c si i ! AI. J. tSACi CO., 1727 Tulp Street, Phiadieiihlt I'llf I "I I Fr vi-IW T'V-. 4 Supolied to College Men and Women for All lPurposes. Washtenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING Suits, lobp Coats and Cravenettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Faster Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all .sizes. Hiats and Caps, all the newest. WADHAMS (Q Co. See Show Window Fnexshiors Store 121-123 S. Main St. VISIT THE VAIIDET TE TODAY 22O S TATE E Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature MvingLD Pictures 11cssLss I y - ilI sl 17 __.p ir r r r r nr ~ rr ~ rr . i 'i i ATISEATlON FIRST, then a SAVING OF $10.00 to $15.00 is WHlY we are selling the goods. onsum rs 0 in 0 any Suits Order fm $14.00 to $3.00 ~onsuners 1othilg ~118 E Liberty St.I -0 9 p UJ. K. Malcolm, Mgr.