THt MirMIOAX 1!)AILY New S pring Woolens 1907 6. IH. Wild co. 311 South State Street our Yourin Calldn COrd iShold benent infnow, 'io that yuanmay he certain to gelt .1di iis jhed in tine. Wei can guaranite, you tlic latet styeis and the eat rk at the miostitreason- alel rates. VWc also pinit cards froimiyuir old plate at 75c per 100 Prices for 100i)cad and plate range frmii $1.25 to $3.50 SHEEHAN & CO3' The Stdents Bookstore Money Loaned iOi Wachurs, Diamoniud, ain' B iook, Watches and .ewelry repaired. Bargain- in Watches & Diamond Office at restt hui 1E O C.iety St Anii Aror. ftlaur:ts i:3a. inl., I ti4.3iandl 7 tii 9. i. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MAIC-iliAN DAILY. fld''ii: ,ircl Ic ilcc IirciitiaIiclal iii thi t it ' Ii In itIt i5iai to Managing Editor-- hAVL cSCO-m cMxcia ltmi i Iiiiici Busiines Manager--C IL.XWjisc' i. ii ci ii ii> iff~sirs. Lout the lpayment 1 J4 I l icc> tti coiinidered a joke. ERiotus : I ic c,., ti I ric h y his sh"Iouiil N c<< : .......... ... ...A, F. Ritchlice c I,,. W".iclelo scrs Ic11tiainn..........iI.Joi X'iiialF rdlh 11) OwIii k'cn o h J. XV m ce ndcn ilic Ii tr..1ou 1"'a V ie ,1dixitfin -i- tt5 fsee Nicii Eccciii .i c wIii I iii c iberiiii -tll'af ter ol ::'}iyiiiii'cy)lliicclicroffiiris.Stoi Ice II Ahe XXpcrliilc A. tl Ir dtie. T e Flioyd c11. o ils C p ( 11 I fa cs hich iiirfor iihl.u Clancy BuSIeS TAF iii i inISi.sciiidy John F. Witre A rry. 1ii i iiiili Load C a Re i t. A lam . -Ila ik , rae hve frlld agcrsnh ii clfh 1ccl, uirior7do1 batih.iiTherei lhl~iir Ilalrri, 12:30 lii I :30thainists:30tlthis 7:30 daily. St'1DA\llX t lN , 1907 Xlic limn(] cmiiiii >iiiiihisei esi lii> glor} in ycstcrd XXv iii cI, ad ce NJ l Iii iii man I ilici sh o iscil ii 'i ciatioa by joi ing in l iiiii ii Ic li iii er ii i ii ii iii r ult g liii thatllii> th iu . t li i'lt iies li to ns ta WesernCt>rfc(,Iiccliendldiioiiicceci ii> I cc iiiil iculcatingusito tic ear aulici tle'iiirI ofi thatu'ui all i'XXuuc l csc Pct iii> inuiiulit flateluuiiyeiiar 's r c-i iii ml isionr uy tltsc llt: Michigan'iiiii ryiiii o uuuftl i liailicl Wsi , cp ri'It criigewa llst irui the lii i ' t~hli game has igll to alarge etent i gai naincii idntlliche %ms irailei have ii liii more iiil'il riaiuccfariingi l'emry a ounddrIhiii ()n>]ferryci ld nextu'lfallii T li d (if ion;i thirstyi cityi i s bciing 11 iiii'ii ,.i p us i 'iu'u'isiicheip lucili tI sri ngc oiiecio s is ben i lwiii i Sii-s u.ihciga ,scnd ae iii iiniJli114% d"I iiiii' iii liin the i ii xcuiuuu ofus ii i ganii'iin ay tn (f nlanch ci i ali (litinipi r to i le milks ii ii u'iin 1, unil iii c iiiii til lii The i dlXiii iii y h l te as iii iiif'th yecu r Iidl'y iighi. Xai' chimn I iN cci ii ilio liii leck 1lii lncfccn ii iii nuu ii icciBicker. tii r i' 'r is t ; sCiiic, Y 1 7. XX's o IuucERS viicpr iiidiii, XA tCk; se cretary, 1K. 1. i uu,urea urer, J. It liiiuiu'uiu' crtci,l t. C. iiitiul ii;iimarshlulJ. XX. RichadiR.}Avo, ioe, lasinsru Wa.lie pliifungied to ithe assisainic of thei unotnt aoes n fe c'cIllcniuceber clubiihe liiicmi- it leecino fiificr, EciFida, 'hoi t , ii iic 101i ' eecosen Prsidntoi, R_ 11. Nichuols : vcet-prsidcnt., '. D- X'Ties :.aecetayR. dc Zciiw : ta- ccc.M. lynilli fXter Itic officrluhad beenilinsiilled, ialbanquietiwasdi ordin i'i'ii'i ciil iib iirioodiiiii' Secrci'a'yciarkcr', Ifiii' Rodes'-trus, reports tnha iiiilof iot Rhodeils schluc, atcOxfrd. 79ar:ci'fciiiiitle Unici Salie. ii froilti eliri hclnis n is frioimi clii'1115J.,C.IBehni, of lii- Xuuuiuiu,traiihas maeii'eliiiigecst men. Iu itie, p>1 ]cr li'hasiwon am. ,ooin, Theii Am- nil iil i,tnibn hiliebiinlathletll lmp iti' cihii' uittc of inni fii' 1 luciur tiii um, $25,0(5 iiiiioiinil ibuidin~g, liiilan >toaddto ielresiei'i I hIliii Sic, ii, 1 tcIeI housenlicut. the i~i> l' UNIVERSITY NOTICES liii' s o hnimetcii icigalni Centra eportuiatito'itoiigtowecm ThemeIri ii'uoiillii'coicmiteeaifitia Studnt oui'sl n chaelouCapuightii n'tliuugi'iithat thii' iii l i plu r iien, i th fchulice aindlsliphomorelu cass ile classes ieet them inh iuiii'igitl iii. AyiiiiuCirman.uuly Jiuu , Xciliii'nOfatifeii unin g fromiIincePol 'ill iiii siltle cLikt en.jslino XXI cii iiiaI thercLansihe lilace to oil i lsc FridayCafe committeAldeniresCo), Por XX'rioni trip acbie presentiitandmer- ingic i m iian. Ak ciuineu3,ts h 5lni. .'XiiudeAir traferllucaihteaiti ful nd ai eaigthr 6-s b Engraved Cards Seniors should leave their orders ith i, tt i i ii>intorderm to asold 1)ossibleidelay. Our engraving Aot k is donec I y' a promitent Chicago fimi andl icc guarantee rthe tiluii >/oro/ at tiuioiiiic'sic. Prices 100 Cards, and Plate Engraved n any Style Script $1.25 OlidEnglish, hBlocit i m- u an, lRonderandl Gothict} pev furnished, ifudesirdi, it huo- est prices WAHR Kw The Boktr thatsNeederoldl Did Sornxeomne Say KODAKS ? I've (ot them all -every style matte-from $.00) up. Also A, 3=A and 4=A Kodak fitted with a Zeiss Lens and a Volute Shutter at $78.00 And a line of Premo and Hawk eye Cameras. soiiiiiiu t i Kodaks for Rent I uuun Ie~l 00per Do>_ h~n , a i n t.irodeii'i' -,r Ii a m LYN DON PHOTOGRAPHER 7t9 NORTH UNIVERSITY AV. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caitail ck$ 00151 Skii lus M$2N),( ie Rorces, i':,1001501 A Cleeral Bakng BuaterssTransatrd o cri s C(has. EF lisock rs ;i.f harin r an, ViPes: hit I.IFritz. msiiui o i-SEND YOUR NAME P G' USpalding 'SP aL!d ForM Ci~tadogxxee of Spalding Athletic Goods Mein whu Ia sprtyou t iii ii iudiiiandul as oalfis lst f ioigc a,miii :-1uiisuplis Chse Spaldig Athletia Lbary coy frM ail Ordr Det A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St New Ynrk 149 Wabash Aer Chcag and Tes - AT THE- The store of the Students, by, the Students for' the Students. 1907 KODAK Catalogs e re HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a new one. comE AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. l tL 1A %W IIA r"MNIk 0 on am V VON% 0 M Elk VVJW% A\ I I ThenDar&wrrkLinxeains t StamrsleveDetrnitweedy sardy icetral m)adfRAI TCKTSAVILBLfOaSEAER 7aiy t :3 p .' (atrnmi e) itniemiccani',u~iiaOl, ii~ci, recigterstin atinmnhe nextnccm, ciaL..LOt, P., mortOiTg&DiUeFALOoSTEAMBOAT COt, DetryitaMns. Loetrtsads p i Perict. oMI NewY r, A .855 LR- 41I 1 . Washington E. RANDALL, THE PHO TO GR 4PUER Phone 598