THE MICHtiGAN DAILY Hoag's ., AlarmI Clocks Brak o'Day 75- Signal. (S9c Persian Lawn 29c Slhandon [Bells Toilet Soap HOAG'S IHonc Supply Store. Occidental Hotel Xre Cater to Btanquets, Ijtc. H~ixson Lunch- Ypsilanti DE~TOT,:JACKSON and CHICAGO RY. steiil 1 i> to 1tt r it 8 a. III., 111( cver5 t totot 1)1s ut t ip 1. " cal catrs to Jacks(1A :30o;1. 11., liii hh t l seritti ])et iti :i a. Ill t (i ) :I 5 p. ni l., t lI I :I . Tw Mi r b iii'h cat sirv ie ito I.IAc ii 7:1 a. I. to 11:15 ti. Ill. 111itittyRoom, I! to o St. liii~ f Monin 1 A 5S II ,1 4 l I y3 (iE f t ll: 14 i ii Fresh Roasted, 10 Cj~ We bu.y Ira car--loadt lots and roast datly. i i d 1 DE IAN (e. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main rxSt. C'Ai, FNI1) A fIt ti i t '. High-Class Clothing 'Fle largest ili ofxit l te I. tttili i t t'u t o this m rket. %Ve'iateide-sirouts uofc' i", ,, T n irit Wt.c tc, the louttttil cetionuae ot i n v i gnclU g The ise its ate mo ns t tf w rstedI. 1 1 co tar irtiltet iter single cir dubtle bt c ste S lit s)p (rf tl Reule, Conlin &.11ee 200-202 Sosth ~airsSt. t t{ l I r 1ii 5\ 'tetoul. 7i7 \',huts titysocit l't I, i I ftl t ,'tit 'c Il i L ci £. 'F' t I Rowe's Laundry 3tt N. Fifth At). :1u it i i . ii 1' :; Trh e Harvard MedicalI Sc )0 BiOSTON, MASS. t II t i IMI t IW (Wii t iiii ii1 %.: i- l, itr iw e of lw fl iii ii iiiii im - .i i -,, 0 k<,lia ~ lfB II it i tii i i iiI I Ii ii t isttl +t .. -i-ji t, a l i COURSE FOR hi)TeS)5ttittttIto() '1.t) YeNs.Coo," tu 17%t.. Hot Lunch }S' At T'ttI,'s,3558 S. Stattie at,:I)y t; }rii iat stisfatiutiyf prcs illct s c I (Y(ititimo, St IE. Wiltt i'tt stueit t; ;iti o °,t' ss 25,; triiisersi toe toilet r& t(i itottf [IeciricaI Work IR. R. Guenther & Co. ttE. Washington St. Phone 70h Altoht YOUR F= IAVO)RS 50 11 CIII I Low Fare Exc ursion Twelve Good Breakrasts In One Package ofSHREDDED WHEAT If you liui)tswoitpacelse fitt lireululeil\Wh eat IBiscuit for a qutarter-the regular 1trice-%-(iii lane a dcl ic itis) tmuscle-nmakinig, strettgth- givnti ircakftst fir t icitin- utore real ntttrinitth ~an is to be fotmliiitt atnvitht)oI ui in the wotrld for the samntttttev. Irt (-ttttaitis A 11. fte btode-butilding eleenst in the ishitle inhliat, mtadtlc digest- ble by steamt-coolking, shtreddingin(atil lttkiiig. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly yoiu will like it better thant atnytither cecreal tfood. IT SHOULD)AL-WAYS B IliA 11.,1) IN '1111'1 OVEN just enough to restore crispiness inl flavoir. Foit breakfast, pour hot mtil k over it, then acId t littleIceamt and a dash of salt. It in alsitoldelicitits in cettittittttitn with fruits, If you hslike tBscutit fit creamed breakfast, vio «i l like IR is- oysters or C (U 11-the Shredede W\heait vegetables. Wafer-as a 'lToast wnirthbtt- ter or elheese, fur IttiteIn ortt atnytmeal as a subnstitute tfir whiteitohur Nitagura Fails, N. 5 a v' i TAILO S 1 lit cli Class I3A TTERivT IYICII Pet Mte ,:il t ie Divetly North of L aw Htxildirmg 709-741 NORTH UNIVERSITIY AEU Electric Park - Detr:oitc i To AILA~NIIC ,CT N. J. NIICIIGAN CENTIRAIL Mlay 30 toJune:1 3, 1907 liii hit tuetit'^;('iu'u'olt t1iciil Ticket ,Ient I~o~I ALL STAR.SHOW THE HEST YET FIO(RRIS MANILY anid D)OLLIYVSTERI[NG KAIHR\ N MARTYRN ILIUs'rRA'rEl)BLSXLADl WILIL THATHER (IVY'S MINSTRZELS I ic t'uu ii'uii iiuii ~tuu Is r Two Shows Nightly, 7:30-9 20c Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday,- and Saturday, 10C FRIDAY NIGHT IS AMATEURJI NIGHT t 's ' ' I I i I 3 I I i . . IC1IIGAN CEN AL 'r1iz1eecves Anni Arbor 6:15 P. N* . A wives at Detroit 7:015 P. M., where sLL e cial street cars will ri'mzi direct to the Pz%,rk. Including Admi sio to Park. Cornell's College Favorite Band of-41 men will render a special musical prOUAram College Slurts ef All Kinds on Confir %.i~s Ro .n d of Fun and e.'r Large Doings Every Mlinte WEAR YOUR COLORS ]FRIDAY, MAY 3 ALWLAYS AHEAD) IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING