,.. 1. I San Burchfield Fine Tailorinig ,Trade Can Deliver the Gioods SAM B'URK'CH"FIEhL 0.P; 106 EAST URON STREET T~lE MICHSIGAN DAILY AT MACK'S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN ARBOIR MACK ( COO i It 1l I. r e e . For a Complete Llne of Fishing Tackle CALL ON MEUHLIG & SCHMID 2o5 S. Main St. Foster's Art Stores 300 South State St. 10 East Liberty S.ft. 1' \ TI'. ' i'1 e I,-six' lttoi, o M\ss. cml-11.i ,,~lay 'c-Il a) alinl a liiit ill F II liia t iii 1 )1)99 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARDIS ntl/Il 1 The Christian Martyrs The New Hired Man MIoe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue ii i ItII iilt'tl '7; A, ) ,: I t il tt S tt t \is licd (,,1) (t 1 i t It l p .t N .A.1.\1it - C I" 1:: -k . sid (1 m ff 12t l l t -rI t tl i l t re t ll rh' i t 11 Il t't ~ e ' t r ,l r ill F ARiitt ni h .1ttttlE tt (m Excursion, SAGIN2OW AWE MICH. [.0 or the Annual Conclave of (irand Commandery and State Encampment, Knights Tenmplar of11 Michigan, June 11-13, 1907 (t rt BEAY CITY MICH. t f or the Annuail Encampment (I. A. R~. Dept. of Michi. June 11-12, 19017 2i)l stlIiilitd 18 TheI in coille'ge jCIw clICr I I IllIr' l Iiih S tun'e, Main t I rect co WEBI'S Chocola cs VNEXCLIL ED :lotllll ii t'a IIt Il l I oate wha l utA i ch I r~ chc lt. he It sithap n co erries a ( l t in 1to Writ E BBvasitct~]'St l of lt, 9 Soi. fMa St.an fci TH1E1FARMERS AND MECHANICS BJANK4 MAIN ANt) t"tillN S ititLTIS CapitalI, $50,000, Susrplus and ProflIIts, $si5,00ll Dov a11-5- I ll IiiC~ I ilt I 111 r11 ,tl ug- 3Il ol l - Ifty .illnfilr , lltio tt li Inuu~ril S I ' in i "iti i 1i ICC11 f:' '.00 andlili lI ii i Ani 0. M. Martin DIRECTAL ttId 11"( 12 S. 5th iAn. 'lhone .4 AMBtIPANit ONl CA' SENiORS SNi{)R STEIN. Iw lII -- Ill; ii i)tt) 0111 i i~ne t Win. Arnold, eev 224) S. M St 1. Rcntsch icr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUNDS FIRST NAT1IONAL BANK( ()r, ANN i' ltt i iiit S, W.1O rks iii(' f11t ('appa l, Io ttl i oo ti Ppsat Cost PPes R. I&. JOLLY RgKhFIELDERS' Wi 1i d ,,tt I ld iikintly'~tl Var ity iip lae.il"i o ra d e h w y. CDt ittuoltittiti-itutti1 lt1oiii'tarc:itot The eaiirilI I Ikonai I ink ,+ r1Hr~rII;i ly iii itur It I Ciitliit ii t,:'i i Ittit i ti I 9t/ceu o i" akix rept~},lt rl~ttarrle A J. REAiICOself 27t Il iiiistrc~n lei:11 :I,1i MICHIGAN CENTRALI FtOR'I'.1 flJJ) IC l"i' dii Y ElectricityI Supplied to Colleg. Men and Women for All Purposes. Washtenaw. Light & Power Cou 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING OF Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, at com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vbests, all sizes,.fiats and Caps, all the newest. See Show Window F--cshioni Store 121--123 S. Main St. VISIT THEi VAUDETTE TODAY 11lE PiOI'WS CN *OPJA1R FlIULAIRL 22OS T A T i TR 1L,,"T Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature Moving Pictures k OATIsFATIoN FIRST, then a AIsNGHOwe ae1selinthe goods. AisNWHYwe $10sel00tgo s. con um e s c oth n C M a y Sits to O-dromi-s $14.00 to 30.00 Consulliers Cothillgbeoinanyt________ 1181 Liert St J. K. Malcolm, Mgr. r,.....,.._.