The So11111 I TttM 't DNI) Y IT IS NOT BY A=,CIDINT .)q lt'siti .I i I 1 0 OV , ;. I1 ~ i iIkiAl 2041: oath state Sl WVe, the nnder~i-oed lIIVCCV- } StoJVc men, wsill accept in mo111(.;ct.redit., Ternsw:strictly cash fromnifossv oil, and all bills mnust he paid by ft I IJulie 10. RO(EISO(iN 6& CO. A. IS. WAIKEiR. treet W. HI. S""AR K. CALE DAR V? arr M 1 1 I . I I N III I if At Fi331 Sv. S~ e ,, ,' , y j 1 .' r ,t ,., .,". _ -;! - That Our Stein Diochi Clothes Fit and wsear and keep their shape. IT IS BRAINS in the making of them. TRDY A FRY ON A PLEASURE Lindenschrmitt, Apfel & ~ .' I To Engage the Assembly Rooms, iir Orchestra, call at ranger's Academy Office. r est;cie i s cliii; callers are requested to ainnounce- themselsas. Pc erivg. I -', DF:TJx4 I1', JAL:r; , , ; , , MEASIBM IOn EDPackage of mfElm 1111) H muce-nki sr5 t1 1 vs o iaf V ir. l f'( \f 1 111 lsii 1110'c' r H isot, 2 211 '11ctta s olct i n~2 kd in fno ther foodl in llc work501 for tIesame112 13 1 ic , I t c01211 1.1.the 1 1 Ihulci eem n s 11tIlls 511 1i s 1 Is slimade li SHREDDED WI-IMEAT BISCUIT 1115' lV I I5 l"1 k 11. ' 11: 1 111 111°1 1 \1 s "r1x111 ils, c)VFX ;estc'1(m~l torc-tc15 cIsll s 11 1 d lavor. Ilyc or pout, hct mill-5ve1112,tcl add ~alilecra and a : ;Al Of Salt. t he atoraclcmsF ood Coti11 If i '1Ityou ike te Bscui fo HctlricdI Work R. R.It uenther & Co. (f E:. Wiashiiigton St. Phone a7005 Milh. tYtURaI=lA ORlS 8(11ICl 1111) Low Fre E xcrsi on (To ATLANTIC CITY N. J. Vie ,MICIhIGAN C lN'TRAL Mey30 to JtnQc 3, 19007 1ALL STAR HO1W IlIORIISMANLEY and I)tOLLY STERLINOi KAlfltn iN MARIXYN IEL'll.L'I2A'IIAIIED \1,1 1A, N '1,1. Two Shows. Nightly, 7:30-9 2tc Matineesluesday, Thursday, and Saturday', itc F1RIDAY NIGTil IS AMATttUR NIGHIT I : BIGCLSPGARTERS 'areorn annually on 4,000ff,000 e- 1 he o t pIV 11111ar1erfor mns-wear. Thfe paienedfticapllbr.ingcofot1 hesere1ii holdsfote sc smoothIIIth skinC. pNIVIV-if 1111e51kVa 111% dring. All 11e1talarits f ieavyic~keil lted 111 2) I(,ji t.pir,all dealers LOCK-GRIP BRIGHTON GARTERS "Tienaet *ViW n js ofralecr atrmd.fl PIONER SUSPENDER CO., 7i8 Maoecit St., Philadelphia. {- rI V s r t ,tr VSrsp}1ce. Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors. seniors: Professors! Thu host is none too good for you. You tillt I.iffora ii waste your rinme aiid ptience w5ith the old-style fouiin fl1(1 Buy a Self-fi11eraiid there itsaon/y ane pracn-s. anid uccessful Self-F illinig 0 o 01011 Pun. It is pA M II 'Q Self=- Ell UUIIELIII@Filling CLII "1The pun aith the Cresceit Filler-thu device that ma de S self-filling pens possihie, practica1 and perfect"s' r lDon't lie deceived. Accept rioihing bat the geun ed Conklin. All oiher self-fillers ,are in the uniarimnnal stagu.'Thea Conkliii is perfecr-been on the market for years. Used and reconimended by thousandsatof studenaifnd colluge professors. Patseaten all ihe taper oravnaeoftebsfonanpnsupeetdb following distinci and desirable features Filla and cleans itself. No droppers oik igr.N ohr No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. M1 A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb t3 nickel crescent filler and pen is full, *i ready to write. a Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN ;SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- reed satisfactory. Bunk Free upon request, rulling - - about this wtonderful peu. Manufactured ouly by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold I Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. ALWAYS .At{EAD )IN STY*tLE"S MILWAIW, T TAJIJOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING