1. I.' I a I Saiu Burchfields Fire TFailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD &CO. 106 EAST HURONY STREET IL THlE MICHIGAN DAILY AT MACK'S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN ARBIOR atVey net a doft he ltl5 ,5 ii eof ) -,in .81 T 'aI"I'i, a itahed saaoaaaeed ouf s,i ieas rnfn, fs~l, "ve i z mae MACK (a CO. f 1 . THE11 1AiiMitS AND N1il1AMlS BANK) MoAIN ANDi) tiifN 51 Oil. Ist Capital, $50,000, Surplus anst Profits, $5000 Ilk tI, 1lira 4 t 'il 11tas \ t i ,.,att 1tla f .ri e ;t ill IJ 'its ff0. Mf. Martin t lisaseitt0t54,.-101:\t .\t 'lsatt118. It 'ta co 1ist' "ti '. 5tt h A. a lII,31 AMIIIA NCFitONAtLI SENIORS I ,:Nit) t ti .1' $2.50 Wmn. Arnold, 220 S. main S. For a Complete Line of Fishing Tackle CALL ON MEUHLIG +& SCHMID 205 S. Main St. Poster's Art Stores 300 South State. St. 1 10 Fiast Liberty ,ft. '1 1 It;IIs I 1 I',S' i \It! ExcursionK To Bay City Mich. Via MICHIGAN CENTRAL" h ic' 'l sa d 11i tt ' t 55 555tt ti cr tI t t t att llg 111 8l l 't t l. i li its , llsratas l'.I' itsats I litt'.beestat ta.t.s Ilat's I 'ass Is a bt a'. 4liiI ~ h k I~ .~ b l~l f ppmil 1ath\\lir1as asllays itl ret . "'-'--- - -lc r md ;~laclf, III '.c Isi~ulcaPhotographer i '! tcita 1 tBAILEY & EDMUiNDS cci it Cls' l rat'S'. s5 li \aw l~sanOssiii,,,FIRST INATIONAL BANK (tt i11. taa t la'tt, ?iw l{ ll tlttc + t I'c'lil li ' iForais i't slt ctrilp as ,( 111 , t t 1 + fII Foar the letitig tao'ft 1 atidsi 1 ad t p , A.. M8 (rantsllasaig 1sf altshg~ti lw kc MkY 28- 29, 1907 If lii '01c l! 1 l1w a tlllc I I : I I , dcl- TICKET4'S CON SALE M~AY 27-28 Ftor Pat Icit a's Conssutl toctl Titcket .Agen.'t tl ;ttt'ti 1 is ~ilt' it l l r !t > ) a 1 a t ct III III iiiĀ°, ra -If Ow th all , it 1 ..ttiitttad () lla ts;i ttIt 11 ii laq I'. ow tol y r '- ' M 'h ll art a ta l i t isO 88pr ll lw r'frc Wig MIT, ITChs ?1 1 1I 1 itt sl ls II% I II. I I tt'a tat ttt I I( \ II I(lat Itatt *1 111 1 l " a's t .'II t elit si t oys't i ktttt a ictt s 171' 73, '7 Tliket fotr iousr shsamptoos $1.00. Rain- wtt r ttutsd. Eatli tictet gasod fttr shtatm- pottanticutrc, facial or scalp treatmtettt. Mi'.' Vauagihn, 707 N. University aventte, 'aisfaitotry tailoarintg at satisfactory prcess. Fllecr & OConor, 619 F. Will- astta street. ti Suits pressed layc;1trouasers, bc. lisatlar & O'Cottttttr,.tf crI-( si1;1s t .''lit1 lsf IIIta 1.itI,'' 'A itailtforast ,ays'' 1111 Watchs, jewelry atnt eye glass retaair- bilbp slkilietd workmaet. Ilallers Jew- elry Stare, Main street. eatd I al11 V itx% ~ .at Is t It t y' salti llt 'it s' I stat . '11)p Sl a t3 tts sit s i o ,(rtge Iiw t't' .a tt i pe i,, v it 1w t t t v f~ ) 8 ty 1 z W EBB'S Blcl I-iso~ns.572-1. Haioe f6 1. i1 . ]555 it aas aila i.Va ' t'isti (s isal, t lat , $tststs NOTICE Pipes at Cost it0 assdst 0Jiofficass.as1 It I -R. E. J1OLLY THEATO 1UM1 Christian Martyrs The Stolen Pigl;c Positively the Latest Comic Hlit l. d1oe's Barber Shop ,- 0. A. MOP 705 North University Avenue Aiii c55 tlct r I 5 ('7 , 4's a c"'aaa. l( 1f(Ii 05! t! ! 1 5 asci c., t~tsaas~aaia ta Electricity Supplied to Collegc Men and Women for All Purposes. Waslitenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNU ALSPRIG OPENIN Suits, lop Coats and Cravcnettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell E~aster Shirts, a corn= plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known nmakes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and IDempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hlats and Caps, all the newest. See Show Wiridow Fesshions Store 121-123 Sa Mai" St. VISIT TI VAUDETTE TODAY J OPlL A r0 5 3111f1111- 2OS TR 1'iT Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature Moving Pictures S ATISFATION FIRST, then a (l y i mi n i ( 1 h n nm v n rolOs roiaos$ 40 to 3.0 is WHY we re selling the goods . U I Y11U~ U V UIb u i p n J. K. Malcomu,Mr.j