THE MICHIGAN .DAIL~Y ..4 ~ia IiOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The bargv-t AsSortieintto.f Students Room inihg. L-am ps Waste Baskets Ftish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery flirrors Razors Knives Scissors Leather (Ooods Banners Pillows Soa ps Jewelry Playing Cards Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks HOAC'S LL Student Lamps Big Stock $2.25 to $2.'90 Ourt e Star 1; ii i Otiasn eq l :n t}-J, market. It gv ' igit, ~w 1ot mok th (,Iii n,-,,-, 110nt fill the roomn with icenng o .ot l l in A n.'iii . or nl, I~v FDEAN Cam CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai"x St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. l. , ciS crll i 15 i i i > t i X11 c I t ii t '{ lc l i il 1 1 1 r 'i - r t1 1 1 t 't 1 1 it 't' iii , tI I r'cli c'i it R r}l '.' 111: ~ etrllJ~una, icign' t t ppit.c~t f tic _ i -t n , A ,111 ittc n ' l SThe Stoin'BOCh Farnousv I ~CIothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, .i.pteI &Co.' Our Business Sacks ready for immed-. iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h on es tl y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes us wonder how it's done. Always Look for High Grade Goods at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & iC.' TIMEl ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS, 19O6-1907 [NTRODUCTION to the STUDY OF THE BIBL B3y G. P. COLEK rhis course will he given at 12 o'clock, noon, each Sunday att the Bihle Chair Building, 444 South State Street. The Subjects for October will he as follows: I I N Ni lilt' & 1 II , (l 1 IllC'1 111 1 M 11it'tT 0 1t l i t r~yIS'! %v tA~tIyour n)(111, ~i i )I vi a V rity. I"" 11 . . 1'{11 tt t r~'9i'lliii i I i~r l ( lt i ti if ,:tr) Proo 1.a~e , 19(6 eat i1)!1li;4]i(i th D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY LitS p i C ra t 1erot 8 t ilini vtN t ) Ic t(-111 ol 1mS e '1; d 1v ll it t i i t ii 4 cd tw oursiuntili ,81)i. 555 5r 51 r ______al ars t _ ckol_ :: toit. ll., nti very til t llw ith i (tt itt iii i ,ltt )l1 1 itlil S1 tw Fo r niN l :.10 ), Sm.t~~ t 111,il fit ).t til t Ili f rl o cais l' & s s t i (to Ihl ro A t 'ii5ia Il., t 1 I ii Ii ii it thenNuttNi15, i\i1%iiL ii 'siiiiiig iiii11iitell sin nson Twi -lou locati a ii l s ieto Jac!«-a) & 15' i .a4A n it i- 1 II - -it WITS IG OOM Liii' SLAY' & SCLAIN.~t' AND TEAMHIP INE .- 1: Et Days at AnnigarArboran 1100 l lg moi ng articles.iNd e are ageni s I.It. S als L fLLLLLY, X 8z, iISC , aE ' R. o .' OL' Y.s AgototS AND STEASHIPL. Greet atsCartoonAbo Thvcao Bfaslo BostonAru NewArork UoLIn.Sout 3 0 . I.Ls .li,,:1 . m n :Sip .1. . IIt Slits . I'.i it1iui , ilp ii.N G'l. P. ss.AgnAetSE. Through TraLiswEat-t8.18oaim., 220.31A.-i. 9.1 a.oim. '.33 p. sm. 10.201).LIli . Locals Wst--224 a.sI., *'siN a. ii., *'L40p. mo., 'Ott0 pm * ( oEas 'ti anndhenec ios to.he 'iCh igoi fo St. Louisi 0ioa ~yoi iiXo t A. .r' N ext .Sunday's Free Press [heories Concerning the Origin of the Bible Mlarks of the D~ivine in the Bible Elements of p)ower in the Bible October 14 October 21 October 29~ STUDENTS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Other subjects will be aninounced later. Opportunity for q4ek. tions and conference will be given. All Musical Supplies SCHA3BIE RIL & SON t4 i 114 w. Liberty3tt. ANN ARBIORL 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mic. S. W. ClarkIsoni Gastiier Ltapttai0.P . 'i. sur'plusansd Pruofits, 15£1,0i BAILY&&EEMUNDSTI I$Port no oO I WAI K.IN0LOO.)0 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Olorgg, Yeet lonB ow t eProprietorsi'. alp 'Lmonu'1.:t~rtii' ii 'A. is1e in' I F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING and Electric Students' Supplies ' A SPECIALTY F SC iUH, 207 E. Washiagton St. y{ Sr XN. 'The 1Ideal" Ditnl JO(lN ITROJANOWSKI Ambnce oni Calli1 PROPIE~TOR 21iS.4tAl Xve:.: Reideulweisame0011 17 North University Avenue Lhoie i01.ArArbor.I Students Notice of M. BARBER SHOP All thoelholdig tIniixpired tick- i:ts to Sots iiclndiLmy Imay com-L Trojonowski State St. jlMete itieir course b' l)Yc~ttil1Rth~e fiIrsLt itm. 'ss'embly S at t ur dia 3 evii it'Li . dS. Staie. Sttreet. TATE SAVINGS BANK COOK HOUSE LIECTORS: tShe Leadlmd House Ivath taty J110. V. Sli i ~ t iLas luiinuiiiniI i i. iii. Arnoiil Dr. 5'. C. Vaughanl Jas. L1. XWade LE. 1'. tiils $2.Z00 $2.50 $3.00 N. ..K . .I i ii J tol i n' I reSW a rt o tiandt f oil Cilege People li yl 1 u l LChrist.LaMartin Daile'iViiZiri..1' Cii'sn iiiSttA.ul S . eL sta C A [ ttupvio Shrunk Quarter ARROW~ 15 Cens each, 2for 25 C0110 CLUETT PEABLODY CI..;. PALAIS ROYAL 29E. Liberty St. ALWAYS ONE PRICE V isitoiis' an~d strinersiiell Ann AX1iiiiiar crdill i unviteilto v iw the col- lec tion of Lii utifiiiIand artistic tingsuu Iiill iii aLt thisiiStor.lIl(. iexhi' t?'. ILLf M. Ilatners Scrap Biskstts Rare. AIliiues Choi' Laitip)Slhadln Indtiani R~igo lanl Hanginigs Japane~etPaLraisols aind Lillerls Alt Kinds of Fatcy R o c k i n g V a l l e y R yIU S I T * ' C T t . TRIAIN SERICtE Youwill infd [=our Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying P adioCarson PDay Traits Sleeping Cars on Night Trains tuni ho ).ptsi x1ta anCo S E. CLARK, 32. Campus Miartlus Detroit, Mfc'. IT'S A FO WNL S THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A GLOVE - PICK WICK Bowling Ally Billiard Parlor S. ROTTENSTEIN ;'o N Vitu i A e ,. ALWAYS AHEAD IN MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING