TITE MICHIGAN DAILY Don~1 WALK-OVER mnOXFORDS Just Received a Full Line of Commencement Shoes To see our Spring Suits Eagle Shirts,, with and without Collars ,just received a new shipment of Raincoats Full line of Fancy Hose at 25c and 50c Straw Hats are now on display Underwear 25c and 50c; Balbriggan and. Ribbed; Porosknit in Union and 2-piece A full line of Union Suits r dUP Three New Factories in 14 Months 'Thlis recordstil igrth mtl sre- cetltly 11fllsbly tbieiiitlni iii sir- (}l. \Vik-Olver sliiii '11114 iucreasi xvIii> i-i ssit"Iti I by ill(, utttliiicl. lit1 i llm n o Va k -(veshoells. f; -1t{.rlit e (cills iiil it N)' X ilk-(.v, slo(i s it) stele-s, (Im iy i l fill- STAEB]EL.ER (t WVI&RTH Walk-Over Shoe Co. 11 SOUTH 11 !. I I(Tt)>NQ { Yn Satitli ii I ii - .5, ithe aril-trtiitl ltIt,r l\ 1.Of Dc Ind t ilttlul l -rii is It it l e i .l! }tii(till ti it i" tl Ii t'l'11 " 1 'c t c -Iin l sl)k1. This is tlic hest rcal estalc I>1*F>I)O- sitii7ll itl Ann :Arl)(w. Its l(wati(ol, WashicilaW