THE MICHIGAN TDAILY New Sprilig- 1907 6. IH. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors ()r work is done by one c the leading metropolitan e-ii gravers, assuring you the latest stvles as well as care- ful attention to the smallest detail, which constitutes ele- gance in engravedl work. Price per 100 Cards, and Plate: Script . . .$ 1.25 Roman . $2.00 and $2.50 Otd English $2.50 and $3.00 Addtionat Cadsn at 75 per 100 Leave orders now ani have our work done without de lay, at SHFEHIAN & CO3 The Sttdetts Bookstore Money [oaned On twati , Diiads, tLataNooks, ootie r et~at pey Watches and 1Jewe..r repaird Bargain itin VWathes tDiamonds Ottic at rsidne M1EF Literty St Ata Atxtic Hor 8 toit:3 a t to a titc ad ti JOSEPH . WATTS THE MICHI JAN DAILY. MAcc it IEdto--PUSCOre MOWalit BuinesAta-aagct--C. , I',tE t-a New . . ... .. .. ... . A F Ritchi Exctiacgc.....It. JohnWtaibtotid M1si-c antI IDrama,.RoyID. WeVchct \Vt ccii Editor.t ouiec Van Vrits J. WV. MSit tiltt--, tRibrt ItH . lacy FlyLJns iGeIogeos Hbar Chtuncy ci her tlt It i ta . VCutdt Jotii F Wo t Ilrcyhil Carl ithite A. a .M ail AtmideCseics E.S iB.iaRleMa I Ift I'iiiicia2ll i tt B.:3, it 6Vedoet \l B. laity.g BUtt SNEStSY 1TAFF i7 i-it ho rs 2:to I:0,ad i:0 toi it titttit \ i t i ar.11- f t ti ng; i ut pontt i ii ui i it iii f a g ii ~cintiii it- -oil :nl i i tt Itiiiltitt ti-itt to tt-it of colleg ife istf esh and i mit ittci t ei r i ite iol or t i tic -n.itttm t iloo tbak it c I-itt uponi tiltii it i tt.-i \\tt ,ttt otit l I tutsunn ce-ssar, as tt-e cglttcollettgc ticriccti itintctidedtc lt hett t eededtctc ortic Ix t ite lec tes iof ivi tig xctct. Whty maiy wei noitiaveiacourseti ucDii ct, ceithertthcatofthe\eatern orti tin -c o imit-bthat prt tict an tatieciclatkowletcdgcoith \V'a hatieite ttu e iitan ttuli--i i..tin t itug t o ive themi expeiene. Al -itticce-tseem it lcktot hvett.. rs in jornism t- )lihga-i ix o ;event-goo tlecturer, t ad resit s each ittl tit It te- c i~i tuu te ro fessiiit Th itttit iverstitiii it i t tis ititi re -m-it- tittibyai-i-esttiti.,otha iiti w et soaeofthe ttiitt. itit titi ani d We thve t ct-it d i heps mlt o Situ Sit of it urtt thticgoi. i ti titiioar t tilhetehmpeso M1uzic anb Mramna CRN CONCERT TQNkIGHT. hbe.solits , appcac ai the Ern String {quattctiecoict itonighi acc Hi Tern i, tFcedt Killecit, anti Miss Ninia i3. ticrke. This cottcertisI.the lat.ofi tic saeies ofi ithcegEitnby ike tquac- t-tic ortie- tet-tiiti ofthie Michtigant Oni-i. T'its isthe irscto ctiat Mt.cErniis., tly comonitlicutscit, the. titt atisttct.hasben ti3lg ims-7tutuea ofte o inet-c entiof tie Shottotlt 'M.Kile t iiccct nocc ttctncc noli-ncto inn t-i aro uicestiu -..iei ioneofthe tutt oncsfl ecsinthe-c-tc hooltttiiof t rc.Ii-c itrtgiith wthe.Gleucubc ha i-it hi, i mt. antie- t abl . ititt-c repuctc iii. i t it ppeared ittsloatis i-nidiih.s !cqutticrimselftttcu-reitably. i li Mis arits .it-it'tceirt S e ihas lnot utoit. ..t makestte program uuispeaksili q Engraved Cards Settiors should leave their orders with liediiotieitiorder to avoid potssile-delay. Our engravi n-,ig 1k it ontte iy a promintent Chicago fitrmiiantu we guarantee the lbtut t ttu/ at n t nutcosutaI. Prices 100 Cards, and Plate Engraved in any Style Script $1.25 OldElniuglisha, IBlock , Rotti- an, Ronude ande Gothic Dy i-c furntished, if desiretd, at lo- est prices. WAUR'S The Bookkstorc tntsNaeerndcrsold Did Sormeon~e Say KODA KS? I've Oiot them all -evary style made- from $1.00 up. Also A, 3=A and 4=A Kodak fitted with a Zeiss Lens and a Volute Shutter at $78.00 And a line of Premo and Hawk= eye Cameras. tout--i.. n iits Kodak& for Rent atut.. ts) 1C Pen' Dexy itd od k,. in tua t i iii itai 1)(, i LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE., itt-st-t1'i Ni T-a-t tlt: ' iii DAI]ittAISi titittithukes.willtu etuihe itujecititt i4 ti--ttrcin iFirenchtlitobien on tltJunte 1;Iii Ctutdetic ttiiiiut tieIBallore, a rechctscienttandiiiauthoritity tillThe Ann Arbor Savings Bank curitquukesland igeolougicautliprolems.i Capital stnck, o5,000. iiiSurlcist$200,(,00 A General Banking Basinesn Transact-d OBIERtenat Chias. E.ttiiscock,Ptec.; . i1)i UNIVERSITY NOTICES Hart-in aa, Vice Prects.: .1 Fitzu.(tasht.. at~ S[ND YOt NAMEI , utu itdut-c ttbaskeitail tmuei umuet 7TdRIIOIIj TO TRADE .1u-tctcciit ttiucy tuua t 3i n K~ Spaiding Citdaiittes. fur tio8 Iit football man- Fiox- a. Cata.1o~g.xe of tin tritae lce Tfurn sa Slay 30.S iig Ahei od Ile tmt C. iti-..c-.iuy tall1, 4 p. Ill, Metona tlslicet youtamtin uteretdin atnd .\1111 ,l tiatituii tiaptist studenuts aI lask Lor atuulist otollgean chooit-ipies. Ia. ttu i hntittuli cutnci,(u~tii.he Speldlest Athletic Librar.y facltyat irs batis chrch 6 . Il.Tent booksona eery athlticspot, i< - piter Plts etic. ; muii. silliitiereenei-ell copy.Sead for ComttpteList.. aiuuuc. litutonet ell 1028, otIndhu- Mail OrdSe1St-pt - dedlt i2-reii. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 120 Nassa St. New Ynrk. 149 Wabash Ave..Chiciago SprngShirts It is now tittt to lay aside your nests.. Every tatt will need otto or mtore Spuring Shirts- Why not get the best. We have jutst received a big shtipmuent of ticuctuul iji-tit-duutn unit/a.. A few selectiotts Cluett Silkaline, Silk and Linen Shirts - $2.00 Cluett Shirts, with or without Collar attached, $1.50 Monarch Shirts, with or without Collar attached - - - - $1.00 and $1.25 An examinarion will cotnvitnce you. At THE CO-OP Tue store of the Students, by the Students fo)r the Studetnts. 1907 KODAK Catalogs a16re HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a new one. COME AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. ... I If you want to make money this summer We have a protpsition by whichi a ood muati catn, in three motiths, nmake inre thtan etotugli to defray bins college expcttecs for the niext year. There is no outfit to huty and tno catechuisnm whicht you have to learn, All you nteed is your ownt gray matter and a little Itt111ftrom us frott timite to tinme. If )ou will write uts'; we will gladly expalaint hiow we propose to mtake 'cutritext college ye ar free from fitancial worry, THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 424 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PentisylI-aitia Tint LA auntS 11031E JOURAL Tim SATRAi~YEs-sass POST .. _.____,. 121 Washington E. RANDAL-L,' THE PHO TO GR 4PHtER Phone 598