THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOI ALARfI, CLOCKS The Summer - Quarter, 1907 cs ~ta .° f Cnapman's Jewery Store 206 SOTHI MAIN SELET 10rbr aldLA ns> a<,., ' 204 South State Street THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO_______________________ CALENDAR. M IatI21--Soph mare aenginerardtancatli It's a Barbinrgmnaitutm. FOIVNES Ps ~ d:litatigtitvs.. SNrt'lama That's all you need to know Aly2 asspi h at aterary fid, about a aa 55u W i mar, ity J. GLOVE PU--V irdl, Saraii tarial An Ml2 11-1S ring Qart t nc rt ftr Iecta ichigan U nin, ii Sarhl C:Sit itt t halt . tia.ra1 A~im i t itk Michgai lnon eecton, C ., ttt Sit Imll. tut1i;(r ti1), titm i Fear Nittar DETROIT, JACaSO an CHOCAGO RY ii iii it e" ryl[i27-i attn11:ititiigi 81'p. in. " 1)a11c, a Ftitr Ciii 'Sita gi ern ii Jliiaattl 8 3it t. ",ir"o iphii it inI rtat hi tmorei thula array nti m tint:5:Michigant vs . A DERIT A.C SONa a nde Cto ICAGOR Y.ji (t ;o tal r i al(11y hoidy Seat carsi 915I. i to D to ~ Iiti8 a nad la S a ititi.rSa U.a i at iat Tierytwohours tiar 8 p.nmrritnFin afielon 7:5a. . inoi9: T5 mthen 1:i . t titi ICaitn RoomL is I a St West o in I Pc iii 111i am> otdoriii, Twelve Good Breakrasts OnkaeofSHREDDED WHEAT If you buy two packages of Shrdded Wheat Biscuit for a quarter-the rgular pria-s ou have a delicious, musle-aking, strengthgising breakfast for a penn- in the world for the'same monr. It contains .ALL the body-building elements in the whole wheat, made digesti- ble by steam-cook ing,'shredding anmd baking. If you serve SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly you will like it better than any other cereal food. IT SHOULL) ALWAYS BE HIAI) IN TlE OVEN just enough to restore crispness and flavor. For breakfast, pour hot milk over it, then add a little cream and a dash of salt. It is also delicious in combination wdh'fruits, If you-like the Biscuit for creamed breakfast, you will like TRIS- oysters or. CULIT-the Shredded Wheat vegetables. Wafer-a s a 'Tost with but- ter or cheese, for luncheon or -'any meal as a substitute for whtefou read. f\ Our near illustrated rankhbonk ias settt tree. < The Natural Food Co, i Niagara Falls, N.0Y. / NOTICE sWe, the undersignied -livery- men, will accept tio more credit. Terms strictly cash -from -now on, and all bills must be paid by June 10. ROBISON&.CQ . A. B. WALKER. W. H. STARK. . ITIS 'NOT BY ACCIDENT I 4 i Studets are auras awec- c ome at utison Bras. ReaS our .paraiuse tin. telephtones, aee iihe acore boards, neatt aurfrit a: We treat 'yaturiht. slider rule:, on auaitiit-. jtt cutu State, strae a-inad l~igimarittf}r ~itittiitg. ie tatn of'. 1.. Iitter, I636aS. tanatita Suits pressedt 25C; raters, ion Fuller & O' ISNI;RAvl,'1DCARDlS ANt) i1Nilin .Mantufartrer'sa getnts for Biroat\it lager & 1-1111'Co.,wianviata' yout itool w a\-t- rheir asuptarr ine of iientgraedicamt-, iraiaaiiit, ltiiacry. Satisfait itai I ia nt. Typew'arititig ntati dotne. jol iffe &nKitzriitiar, Stateitaireet, aboveita I irtucigan pitta, fobs antd sponta. Hat er's Jewitlry Store. Maitt street. end 'Ticket for tonerastampoos $..oo. tRaita, water uaedl. arlm tickuet good for stiats toon tictire, faciaul or scalp treattmet Miass Vanghn, 707 N. Uttiveraity avetne eod (1i50'ea repaired. Eyesae aura fatty 'rftid art taite. (irga OS tilet. 'ait iiSi. Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Filth Aver. .Naw Phatne 4i7 hellt '(tna 457-1, Yo~u , ht . At V Uttle's. 338 S. State ~1~ , , 7 .- ' ,, \, , °' :. 1 j 1 1 i f : a . .s . _ ___, _ , s . " . . _ r t , s¢ -+ yy 1 __ c:._ -; That Our Stin Btloch Fit and wear and keep their shape. IT 15 BRAINS in the making of them. TRY A THY ON A PLEASURIE Lindenschmitt, Apfei & Co..'s To Engage the Assembly Rooms, o~r Orchestra, call at rangr's cadey Ofice.As Sloe reedence is con- range's AcdemyOffic. iocted witho ale buildinog, callers are requested to announce thomseoes . Please ring. FLAT-CLASP GARTERS ti havetlng beenthesntaa25rcentk 11tan tim iii intctflat ci xi. I ' irev-ettchafig, tinintg andtaitc~in ithe tim atutu Te tBrighta. udMax Fattlasartetris as flat aatyour hai. 'Xoabty mntio appre- ciateacomfotnaad oneatttnsa.Madeioftitireitsilklaticineiiatitg. All mnetat patrts atbras-heavily nickeledt. 25 aentsIaa taie, ii ai atr rI mail tirepaid. For ameni oto prenfer a cord gartct tanetiaian perfectaed LOCK-GRIP ' BRIGHTON GARTERS White theore inc~atkly atndleastty detachtedI yattterhavthe i finineat grip of alt cord garters. The flexittln ratbabnartiianatn grips ' ith-a bul dog No near or tnear of the socksba Cat'trintgtonse or become accideittally datachedt. Stader it i(neat qality awetiling ;alt netail ptsaily naicket taatS heats. 25c attd 50c a pair, att dealera natty tmail, trea-i. ,..a PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 700 Market St., Philtarelpha. Maeonft'ionenrti..a.,ateit I [Iectrical Work 01 aQualfty Vo Satisfy Everysoe. R. R. Guenther & Co. 206 E. Washinogton St. Phoon 706 html,. YOUR FAVORS SOLICITED BIJ*OU. HIGH CLASS. VAUDEVILLE Fra kNanton and Dog Ethel Gilkey obee "Illustrated BallA.d "SOMEWHERE" by B -- "Roy", Shannon' & Shaw '3-Musical .Millers two Shows Nighmtly, 7:30-9 20c Xaiiicis, Tuesday, Thusday, and Saturday, 10c THE BEST BILL YET , s t i a ' s t i a I pr" J : Z P yi' - "'cV i: L la c x , A=a.a 'C . u4 Freshmen! Sopiiomores! Juniors! Seniors . Professors! The best is none too good for you. You car't afforS to waste yoor time atsd patience with the :old-style fountutin1pet. Boy a Self-Fuller, atnd there is only one practica' and suc'.ssfol Self-itlling Foutntatn Pen. It is CONKLIN'S Sf=gPE "The pen with the Crescent Filler-the device that made self-filltng pens possible, practical and perfect.. Don't be deceired. Accept nothing but the genuine= j Conklin. Atl other self-fitters are to the experimental I stage. The Conklin is perfect-been on the market for' years Used and recommended by thousands ofifj/ studetst and college professors. Possesses all the super- ior advantages of the best fountain pens supplemented ( by the followtng ditirnct and desirable features : Fills and cleans itaelf. No droppers No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. + ' Nothing to take apart.,I A dip in any-ink, a touch of thumb to nickel creacent filler and pen is full,I ready to write. Why take any chancesI Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN.' Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, telling - - about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold In Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAIW, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVER! THINGI IN TAILORINX~