THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHI jAN DAILY. MN anaging IEditor-Psi i SCOrTeT0%iwn / ~Business ha in erCia;. F VINST n. Spllg 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors Our work is done by one c the leading metropolitan en- gravers, assuring you' the latest stles as well as care- ful attention to tie smnallest detail, whichn constitutes ele- gance in engraved work. Price per 100 Cards, and Plate: Script . . $1.25 Roman . $2.00 and $2.50 Old English $2.50 and $3.00 AdditoalCadat 75c per 100 Leave orders now and have your work done without de- lay, at SHEEHAN & CO.' The Students' Bookstore Banners anld Pillows '4Ott at DARLINGi & MALLEAUX 224-22 5. State St. ..... .A. F. Ritclhie Athiletics... x .XWiliamnF. ( Brasolplx l~Ecange..,....I1. Jiihni Xambold Muiciandi t)rarna.R .1oe I). XWelcli Womn'iis Editor.. .. Lottise Van Vorhisx EITiOIALSTAFF:5 J. X. McCandless Roliert 11. Clanicy NvtiGii'e Eisssiixl; F, lieyil I. Jiiiii (;corge If. l bart ChiauinceeyBouclier HirattiS. Cisy RI srs : I1..ARI. Wilias i RaymtondilVissclier Lee A XWhite A. L. Hilsinte Leonardi C. Rfeidi P'. B. Reid Albert P. Bal IP. B. Vedder Ml. It. MHlghel INIA.N liRilSSOfIRfVILIJS l< (7IVidcrSll i 11.1 1)aB s Ing at Ithe I. niteisity biilliaiis. - I c i Pref. G. ;tiai Ifatiof Ihe/.si{i its college. Calcutia, Inii Ileawas set to is utrye5toirepireseiii tie realo-i iiii.a xx~iety of lliiix l tii, - :en has beiiiistudin sg the a l.eilsr"itioii i and I eligiols i iistitaittioss)t xi X lesa. Whalxiaikiil siliat lie iris lw t- ,-c inat licliigai.lie c°saIi iian mos i liris i b lteaiinggtiin th senior lawii tsileiits iiithprciecn-. lIe alsthousgh ll Imrie tankl re- marksable. -Whatistrikes tie wsithi regardeo(I ii i iseducriitat inin igeerail,' sa i e . If i.11 ,liit catet)IM - XIC) ie call li andi Ii 1 c° ahllt o Vc i i Al ec l \\ia i l iie c< ll ip the i a, s, stippe. 1 t lii XCIV A Fl SIB llN~.X II X~7RlVIi Xl 11115 1,111.5 Xli t Isw il xx ii ..i usatiii Ia t> 1)v '5 XXIll.thel XIS Ft with )k 1";If I XI XII. 'IlF I ow nractiCal ;111(3 C()IICI-CtC Itii-11 it to C I. BUSINESS5 STAFF John F. Wuirz Carl H. Adam Harry Hi1 lluiciganixxrcthanlstilseit le. Address, Charles 1E. Xitstead, Main- ager, 226 Twelfth street, phone 7071- Offlice hours, i12:30 to 1 :30, atnid6 :30 to 7 :3o daily. Itl5Sl~tl.XX. Xl X21, 190l7. Imiportantliiiltwt i f Ilaile stiff in Ii'iiiiiu C. Ulii isile hall, (it 53/. aiii Ii) Thei sitliulexiial iii xii iiiflt iexutiult latex Ieiiiilie lhe iigiii IUniontiresi deti l it aceiiii s siolleduieplitcal sit. eaich fori lie iiesideniiy andlseretary- ship, and I the. xir lonlyihiet e exit- csdini Satuiriay's electiiin will lie that for vicie-tre sidenuts intilevariious de- XXe c anniotilut feel that te I eti lxi . loxth latiiii wees asli een future lixiardiofxirectors.It hIsre suledilsixtie thinug s Ihihi imisti be obitdini thexfitture, andiit hasforied wll to avethrshdiiiut. Iii lii xisid temttu fuieter, iasii hehr h rl_'ireeihats bieilixiu iefiseenoghi ihlasit ixii isbndtoi bieit soiiitii. futrlis seet ith ielisamoiusseill- meinxtifgthe fussernisqufbe ii t iwille rer lenas ine g is Ietre. te at CollhegCe dyitti lut b chooises5 xtoiiClose Sheidoit Cgit blicldbiscusionrs SlIuISCIVI'l)IS IS Ii SSlII Itc ewkssirka lull, pribliitinig specti- lioin tickiets ioipubuilce amuxis(iiiiits, ads iditohave 1 eeii aimeiiiiil all at speculaIxtirs ii i axeliall footblallail fld ay ticetiell AitXiii Xiilit Ias Ir pisseid 1y lie state lgsauehts rnnis's c I~irc r Bidpooe iidr ealty of a Ifil(" f $25 ii10i$M(s any personsiis forbsiden to silltiks toi a tisater, iiriius ior atlet ie groiund ill exciess if the adsvertisedso- intir d rate. Tikcts t thes incnes riii I NISXX )IlIC'I'I)If Xl iNFID 11111II XI-IIIILfGCXIMsASIIUl Xt lie last regxintsi'iietiiie- Mil IetaStuarit wisipointed actiniedl recito oi if tIi(girlsi gymisusifsiiss rla :Mist; ItthlIPierini, sinoiiis tautill tens siuts in i leBiost.:15 iiiix ISchlx 1)1% 1>riiislixsi vaxgraduatiiedl, adu VIiiXss Massud IHartshoirnt, a gradsuatie ofsh1 carne iwhim],sasebenagliiiiiuued I as in- sruseaill iigetmnuastiics adiii stn IC . 1P1LCE XIII. liar iiill Priee lbert iiniffiiiiii~i deisissnu ii ix iraile yesterdlay liy lisef- if-Iiiliie XAfel. It is niotunon iilietlliel-sleess sit addaodstuiid swill lie resissite ito this sty le if isiifoirits h ut hlmiits wiill be wioriiuilthlle ifc ity liaias caiirail- roadulthuroxughi uniappririai ii tiiinifist sill: hauts.i The new sielix are, said to ble o inuely biritiileathler, ands Iill havixi ix Jitige Sssan, if the Untitedl States disitrict coutrt, swillegini aiseries if lee- trsiti admtiral~ty lass today at .1o'clocki i Romiti G, iif the Lassbiintg. These lectures sre oilent to the juioiir anid sent- ior classes. iSiiii~liiwswillatendii heise-e 1ii i()i iillis ~ t I( 11 O e 1 21 r , l( snix I :lisiii ei parti-vi i llii ii ex x 3) fl 1 itlld i ll l i h r ii II Ill l ' p1 i reriX lj 15111X\ Xl SllI iki' Xh ge :1 fetus I Ilial la :i ie m x-s of te mIlixf xx i i ia e lci th th x p i lii() l ii1 illnd Othes' are pi i i' lx iim iil lIii' ilili il'the liii xiiiOf thi l l, "'l )O them x ~ hef l iiicq lxxi f Illprll xi if lie x 1,xxxi , xx ()f thelildi lxi arii xi e xl dc Iol 1 lxi 1c~lcr. clbrsO h rc S(l( six w lci h~c iac llc i , i or lit 1 llm l 1lc() I xltc( Illc ati tas ty x ii lxl tixxl C .xx lxs lix itti haxll.x rlxxss lxIxoifa- at ; Il11ica llix: xx thiry s. Xl11crot he clasxxi i s xx lxI lifsto ( iiti. scftt g. ttlhtire11 0 s I lir The m m ers) theeetlile sc(xi Engraved Cards lx i oirsi saxixla leaveg (Stir oretigrwith lsxik)xloiiite is ae pitllIeit I. lx011ii (is ittal 1(1'f x51 it ttee tichu l w4l'ud at ttl11 l ol . us Prices 100 Cards, and Plate Engraved in any Style Script $1.25 Olldil ttg1lfis, lock, If tt- anI Rone aiildGothicti e a futrtntshedif delsirdt t c l owis WAHR'S The Booksoetat's Never Undersold Ce . .BARITHELL Medicad DerdasdJ Text-U'Buoks Dietlortaries statutes Qtaiz Comperds E~tc. CASHI or EXCHANGE For Old Books C. E. HEYARTHE]LL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. C MTK SEND YOtt NAME TACJSpalding HRK4. . xi ]For %,C~kQ%1ogxe of Spalding Athletic Goods ilet iuxi li iii lxa-prtyutiiI] iiiiiisiid in iI I: 555: for alist xif xcollect andi l iolxxsuppilic The S paltdlen At teti i Lbrarey 'esiiaYiulkxisievery iillxuissuiiiitll le exy.Ssiutienr(i iili L Mtail OrderDept A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1126 ilnsiau St., New York. 49 NWabas ve..Chicaao SprftgShirts It is now time to lay aside your vests. Every mnan will need one or more Spring Shirta. Why not get the heat. We hnave junst received a big shipmnent of snew and up-to-date goods. A "few selections : Cluett Silkaline, Silk and Linen Shirts - $2.00 Cluet Shirts, with or without Collar attached, $1.50 Monarch .Shirts, with or without Collar attached - - - - $1.00 and $1.25 An exanminarion will convince you. At iTHE CO-wOP The store of the Students, bey the Students foiy the Students. r i i j 1907 KODAK Catalogs HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a new one. COME AND SEE E. E.- CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. If you want to make money this summer We ltav-e a propsxition by wshicht a good nuain cant, inn three nnintlius, snake tmore thuan entough to defray Us college expeunsas for (lie next year. There is nto outlfit to btuy and n o catecltismt sshich yout have to learnt All yott teedlis sour owsn gray nnatter ande a little helpi fromnnts fromnt t itme to tinte. If you wsill write nts, se icllh glaudly explhaint how we propose to nntke yotur text college year free fronmnflnancial sworry. THE; CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 424 Chterry Street Phliadelphiia, Pentnsylvannia T'iilLADIEiiS' 1It OUR 1iiisNA 'iii 11: 121 Washington E~. RANDALL, THE PHO TO GR 4P IE.R Phone 598I