_The Mlichigan Dailly, VOL. XVII. ANN bRBtOR, MICHIGA\N, TI.1SDAXV I:\Y 21 1)07. Nou. 168. ........... . ......... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . ................ . . . ....................... - MICHIGAN DEFEATS p WILL SOON BttFORMEID ARIMOIJR INSTITUTE Anwdaai raiain ekn will soonse Itolexistence. Ihis is Martin Pitches Good Ball-Sulli- the iprophecy imade yesterdlay by mem- van Gets First Home Run of hers of the Coedylyutb, Freseenitet, Seasn-Sore5 t 1, the DetitseceVerein, the Cercle Fran- Seaso~cor 5 t 1. caps, aisi others itrested ill dramatics. It is genterally' felt that thse Comedy Armounr I nstite teeltldowntoitsde- feat ill a wsell ilayedl -game o asbl withtie svar sity yesterday t ilIe tIee (if 3totI. The victory isas due to Martin's head- woerk at crthical timse s, Paterson's great stork st sleet, ndsonstse Iheasy hittig lbv Csoach Lotie's pupils. Siullivani itigdlotteflesthomsie trsitsof tile se), -i.-3. ,t1L RFSO C 6-2 WI IV1,hhC'h'UhKE ON WEhMA hrsDouls: Stronssg andssughhusslsins111 sudefeatsidIHoaug as uss ciius (N), 9-7, A lectssee suit"Wemar, thin.bHaun 4.6 6.4 st Goethesal Schiller," wiltIbsei (lass asuitdu-uy (N) defealtedIfhits-u-sest us the Uiersity, WVedesday eve kinsusaund fChaseI(), 6-I, 62 6-fl-i lgNty 22,hby IDr. J. erry Wode Bsuslruutori orlastnts sgsages at at siuueso clege 'he letue willI a hits 5155 teWOMN'S to 110a,5. gvnus ndettr thin ausptics sit than Ge Mrs Woodwaterds, telomanl's clet tthis-anisi ocssiey sit,-thein fiversity .D J, Uuiveroity sit Wiseconsiun, test arehire- Worenu is um 'ntuertaininug lectuser wl esesntative if thse luten-susnusrity c(ssfer- lissplenst several years int slushy itt C is ene beardl, us stayinug isnuAnnsiAnror umuny, usundtis thouroughhy conveersa: . tsar a fete clays isi thle untereolsit she, withs the details if the stibject ot ti conaference.lie will lecture. if if st t at its il tcl ,34 5 7 27 14 4 Fey, ef... 'h'eisktuuuss, 1).. frsonssIf ... Smuith, c... MclCasuley, is).. Niesussut, 21)...- Ahern, so.. Ileesy,3)....- henuil it ef.. - 40 30O 3 0 41I 40 40o 40O 0 11. (). I O O 2 1 O I 9 0 14 0 1 1 r 1 O 0 0 A. a a z 2 I 'L O I;. O t O t7 U 4 I O O 32 I1J527 It 2 hut iing-- 12 3 56 E7899 Nhleiigast ....I o004o0 0 000-5 'lAmour...0..0. 0 o 0 o 0I0o0o0-t Sitummary: '- Tt-base e ltss-Ahen, Kelley, GlddingsILsellN Martin. Iteame rn-Suslitsn. stolhenusbiss-Wheeler. Pautersns f UtsnI e saussss. Bases sit tils-Of~f NI rts 3,tiff Trnkhttise2. Dosublse hlayiT Irinkhuaus tsNMcCuley. Struck slush-his Nartinsa fT''risnkhus o. Fassoedh balls-Loell, Smiiths 2. Tisse itt gamue-2hurss.CUmtpire-isckett. The varsity lays NotreeDname this afternoonsu. Oeitz anid Luseth twill Slithtie battsery n-crls. BOW~tMAN WTeHDRsAWS. I huerebsy witihraw tauysnaeas can- tiedate foe literary vice-presidnta of the MNicigan Uien Ward S. Bowman. settee woauldl lidicate. '[he freshmnaa had NEW MEMBhERS ADII3D sut suiesash inaning, whles two passes '0 hBARRISTERS' ChUE andis three sash infield errors let in fotrie- runss. Rfecklessobanonrunnuisig also con- The folloawing junior laces were subu tributsedh ts thin defeat of the [tst-year poenasethby than tarristers last night maen. In thse ninth witha Iwo oust Taylor PHerbiert W. Clark, Frank F. Itelsetl beaust uhIu shaortiinfieldt hit and Rodgers Stephen NV.hDowney, Oscar L. Boots lasndedt ous the saltsar a three-hase Oliver Starr, Fhilip T. Gleason, Franici drire, buat then freshmana catcher was B. Keeney, Thomas Gould, Clarence Ws (Conitinued on Page Three) Diver, and Arthur F. Friedman.