THE~t MICIGIAN DAILY Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade AT MACK'S Can Deliver the Goods The Best Dollar Shirt S A URC FILD COIN ANN ARBSOR Every ne ismade f it0 lirdi of rtoidsintt iO i 5ty I it 106 EAST HURON STREET MACK ft. CO. THE FARMERS AND MIEHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEITS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,001) Dotesa aGeneriliBatkting Busiinessiatit lay 3 perentttnttrest oti Ttieatid taittgs De its. Safety tlepoti t ixte to rent at 00 and upwarids Rit KaorPres. W. ".V C~eneoe, Vice-Pr. E' H ii iino notash. 1E.A. IIotnAmsAst. 0. M. Martin F, NTA. Office 2091 S. 4th Ave. ihotne f9y. ilesdenee 302 S. 'itit Ave. Ilhtneit:314. AMBULANlCE 0N CALL SENIOR STEIN, teat y pvw - SENIOR SHIIELDS ollegei eatltmouteoitlhetavy$25 oiaktboaris, titt rali l t s a ............. Win. ArnoldCllg 220 s. Matn Si. fttiitaio MEUHLIG & SCUMID'SI Poster's Art Stores '300 South State St. 110 E~ast Liberty St. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION SUN ~DAY May 19iO7 Michigan Central DETROIT 60 Cents 1} For line Round TiIp Spectial TrinttLeaves at 9;45 A. .III , Lildias of tilWes 1Cif. ffII;S f'ff:SfIf V if1'Iii'' fi A fU.S., 77-38 fyl fl rack 1111m iii ffhe It.[f'. i i r ie \ s tlt c if p t ine {)se ililfii iii ifor frt h m , w n ii isfiwit W iteI i f ig in If ill i; n ainn-g tfrff ack 11 . T frhg h hii rdlffi ft ii i iii lfiptie dsa c, w t ii if ii f13ifeeti i nc , I nd 'U Ifc camI near repeatng thei'ri ck if .iI 'Ishe fl pule avfult x ihc ifi. lii li lii ii 1onfaily r ith the ba t y eet inlhcs Inthismin ' iaian Whfii iife ndSf is, 111 an1c1ose, 111 Sfc i'K iltllalglae f'iflit'ial'f fey'' yars \\,rigft andfTa fliafge bfeganth ls Ifhunt flalf uwa' fli'iilili whf n thfti ff1 m iin a fWOlflifp"it le1ft 55 igtg 11111 f twentfy yiidfs f f il at thf ff11 h 'ite- 2 :16fi{1t11o f11ifds tiifi sec)n f f11 iiifin i n _1:-1a ,-f;Ii ii if Mfc~rei'i rfl woo" f flifstin i tgei ill'.f lii 1O1f I '. S,. managed to heIf Il fi1 i 1() feet ff)1ifhes. 11 l i f w s illilfid 11ff fPattirson thfirdf tin fir'sf, Ifhe'llmake11f idtrifi t o fi\Vasf- ilfinpy, New 111111lorfiloston, if o fd'sirTh "Cnri'a'i'fffiilinIlsillffatei cu r 111' Ju e h oifd'111igh fs New1ot' fiifpegff capis. ageir & Coi, 111' O Cllsf1m111&f115' ersarry thtiafef t fill bagalins i infafio11111' . Oivi' 5 fg- hsftalifsliedl 18. 'The college jew- 'les. fHaller's Je'wel ry Store, Nlain streeteod ORDER AN Icc Creani Sandwich For Your lDessert Sunday lic ills desseritIs.fTey havettny ofthe lltfow ing; fill itigs SMaia- apple-al ifftpe ftuiis N tit- anty kind. They are eailiy re beti at 'jiseve itromti8to 10 per- WEBB'S Bell Phone 572-L dome 96 Rcntschlcr. Photographer IBAILEY & EDMUNDS ~porttno 3oob0 121 UAs r I-IBIRTY STrkuL-'r FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0 ANN AtitOt, MICH. l:I). 'titte,itresidlent. lHarrisont Sotife, Vtce-Presidlent., S. W. (Clarkson, Casic (Capital, $Iioo". Su~rlus tani Profit', $sooo. NOTICE Mdy Ihtte Stock of Ambeilit,f Pipes at Cost 10o ndil21) off on all It-li-l3 11pes R. E. JOLLY The Story of the Picture Machine Told Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue }rIll', ri the-iragf. 1 hfillerilforced h a rt cr it'fiitlltf o v'ffrIIf actulsafff111 Used by Tle1w ~ /111 the Big College Nines Offcial If 11111 ittvill ii icf till. 'o btitiffigl' ;a1111 e1111 lii if itt1 ++[[EDd thats th bal1aSIot I lvl lit XI ANfl Rh SN II 5(1 1 11LL. The e xBall CSotii t cit iilli'iito i tttt,"I r c t il tai h t1i m -di l iteti l t irtyi1 }tiii c41111 I thrltll'l'li Iit au .ti . .oc,11 The Rach rade-maourk tto l Spotlnod tis 6oaOguratatlquaity tiitmeans otto- fato.a new arttce'or ytor witty baitcmelept oBails and Ioa tittner $1.110o E ti l t' t ., ''i , "'l p0 a - 4 t, I " "rrrl I ("' A. J. tEACH CO4.t1727 TUtLIt'Sr., PHILADtELPHIA. !k t:;li t' scndll f.is5lfefr flrilircorintg Satisfactory tailoring at satifactory ill fothf. flifltl'.ac'fk wtll ftt;'.rrsictids.prices. Fuller & O'Connor, 6ig E.oWil- ,furl ifok tirdIiplcesliom street. ti 'iih r all' laiiIfwas, the 1 'if St exitig -_________________ run on 11' 111pros rant. iW. Sfpie'gl til et he iflr gatrts fur kntit'letgfthtinder- >1 .ifiIllth fortefd'and1finitifhedt'iogrffi; er.'n''t'Wa~gner f& Co., State St. (62-7 Electriit Supolied to College. Men and Women for All Purposes. Washtenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Easter Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes,.fHats and Caps, all the newest. WADHAMS (Q Co. See Show Window F ah shloin Store 121-123 S. Main St. I VISIT THE VAUDETTE 'TODAY Ill[ PEOPLE'S 5CL1T1R 220 S~rT Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature Moyiug Pictures Chiange if prttgrattrneco nd aity, Wednltesday tatil Fridlay. sATISFATION FIRST, then a SAVING OF $10.00 to $15.00 is WHlY we are selling the goods. consmersClott in Com Suisto Order from $14.00 to 30.00 C~liswners Clothifig 6offlpally IE Liberty St. J C aclMr