,r 14,F-MiitirtAPI )A U.Y New Sprilig WooIOIIs 1907 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors graver, asuringlo u te latest Atvles as well as care- ful attenikon to the smllatest ganlce in engrvsedt wrk Price per 10 Cards, and Plate Script . $1.25 Roman . $2.00 ad $2.50 Old linglish $2.50 and $3.00 Aditonal Cars, at 75 tierl100 t1111 wtork Idonle witotldet-I lay, at SHEEHAN & CO.'S T StudlentsltBookstoe Banners and Pilows 1 40ff at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 5. Sate St. C THE MICHI IAN DAILY. PATll hglit '1 I 1 . 1 e 111111r iS Mdt ii111111 '1 1?. l ,t. [,{ ' tcct 1 ; '' h 1i, 1he article Mr. Tlk1ll t forthis 111o. 1 11c ill2. r-h lll ho c ltp s h Icr'tak t lll \I1111 lll t.\til i.', i ha i t F1 il ll ei 1 1aurlii ai n111 1% 1 I pc , rs jiite Iqua 1 i i c- I kt ill: 111or11111'. T11"111111 Il llli('laril ltIit oclck fm 111c. itatillrccw-d111 1 0lu a stii r . 11, 11; -o1 i l p a e ii 1iiiiiirokc thi tI t intrcolsi re trd. I h, ill t n 'rtei 111 ,1 , i ci 111 I lh- rc1 1t1 it a1, comp sed11 fliit W t i Citt c -- [-; + r C'ttii1~ i n Still gui luirrim od Slk Wcocki John , WotI tarry Hllt Cart 1. atinr2 1 streta ) 0 II~k) i- I i ll St c iln m tli- I ii icti i i i I i t t- Itu iu. -t>fii ing listill I S limnu ergai. I Isteto- rtepourtiitil :i Ilat Stittitrylleldir At1 pricats aireii' Iso1w1ar II 1111 rsriii~s WaIins Vg.I Stilt, HI reouulias iI Sluo-i-, ESir itt 11111isbeIt.titrhCea- huh lii IWeller, tBiiitiiiiCotitoittill Coli, II tuiiig J Kht l ciiigh I 111 Mc~rlnd Wet.Sheld, eot.t- Is ig W ll, l r , til-reston iiiiiiii Soii c, SCal l. ii t riii1. ililer. t ii- maGiii, IillillI I.tiliuut.C. F. rkcr. : idesn A.li Bale1t4 Ilelt tte1111 a li, i ilitn , .Kli ln.-Cillig it IWig- ill's iJew t lis, t )gerby, Bc huh Poets. Katit 11111it- liwiriiiii ing Mc-u1-lli, itLambert.iiiiPhtells ~ti risCmiiiti-iaiit V.r ishopiltMIllker, iUNil~IVcE RSI OTCE Mllystuuhcing- iotilnisp-l iigil lti-a at, 'loc-kil-~l -cuuu it 1024 Hil tret l' wre11 it ii i 1hn111 l~ii 11 of -i I 1 IIi Nti s ooii k A l1ti 11111to th Rath R11 irlilil ti-l ltickeitiogi ir , doori iiiiilaia-am t i :ii ;tuuiltui i} atTicorul, Clu-iruu tileciuigym 111 CirFi res tsharleseici-, Iilets1fo11 danle III peaeI ep15 a R)5: . l ,aal ha l - a t5:30. -1111 s. Jull;andicils for i11-1glcrc1110re Jay r iaice i repor t li t iiiutiler i eld11 t erion IReiteree.ct~uull~iuuuu ) l studnswo xetoga.t Walir's Special Fountain Pen The best pen at the price on the miarket. Evsery pets supplied withlla varrantedl 14-k gold point1. Made andtilud ini two styles: Wahr's Special No. t, - $1.00I Wathr's Special No. 2, - $1.25 It may be bad ini fotur graides. fine, ineditim, stub and coarsi-, 1to snit any handl Every Pen Guaranteed WAHR'S The Boaakstoir- that'sNevUn deroldt-ila C. E. BARILHBLL Medicetid Dettek BOOKS Text-Books Dictionaries Statuites Quxiz Compends Etc. CASH or EXCHAN(GE: For Old B~ooks C. E. BARTHELL Iclli-i-i I i>i i i c 1 ! 10 I di0i ssuu a > J 11 Ii li-il t11.1I1 SIPck tiitWietris,tKnighit. ti il i f llc ii liis'ar t't' iii 1'1 a ' (lttti-i ' i 7 n t -c i >iii tic 1 tii1 t t~1 li t I i itii 1111 l ti~l r a~~~t l y lt trll- I I I i11 iiiiii cI :tl li-I-i i i t liiir r 1 - i t it tl ltSSt I X II-I S ll'~ti' lthyltI it t~r c ;~ Bsd to(] a Tel 761. 326 S. Stale St. SEND YOUR NAMEIU Lll, SpA aiding W!,I 1 ~I I~ t l T1 (11 1 I I r' 1 't) 11 t it' -I, f I G i i \ 1 I .nl iwk- 111 11 1 l l 1 i I&i S- i'" ict-lii-:- --\h I iiiiaii -- Sac- int(so act 11111 liii i tl-l i n 1, i cii ii Il-i lililigil Brolteri: Mhi &_ti'Q cIC~l;. I dwt~l rdwr art - lit 1111o11 ln; },te ~eh For .Caiosk104%z'e of Oaili1",lALAOFt F iii Arliti Jt lis. palding Ainlic IjODUS Meionwhat1port you1111511111ireiteiested inand 51111liot if gu-ilftaps. Wagner& Cu. akifor allistlconiandillstihollsalppilies. Slat- dfray-I 1i,_ ihe Spalde"g Atblte Library TextS-aubiiika oniii Cii- l ltet c shot, 10Illei 1-lily- Seilnd forComplteist. Satran hitl., Michitgai is hii-ftItMailt Or-derDept 4irice. Win Arnld.,Je-til-er. liiiI A. G. SPALDING & BROS. t 26 Nasa St.. New York. 149 Wabash Ave..tlhicalli -'~it 11 i i l1 1 . lii lu tl iii Ii lii- tI:-SIt I, ITICSFhll itihii Satrda (mci - 111Arold SprngShirts -It its;ots timt lIy asusi*y otir vsits.It ery hiatt swill tneud oneI or mtope Sjoin Shirts. Why not get the best. We have 1151t reeeit Cd a)t ig siClellhit iiifau z u/i l i/lihI A fe se lections Cluett Silkaline, Silk and Linen Shirts - $2.00 Cluett Shirts, with or without Collar attached, $1.50 Monarch Shits, with or without Collar attached - - - - $1.00 and $1.25 Alitexaltinarihlu swill convincee oi At TIHEC0mOP Thte store io/thle Studlents, by~ the Students foe, the Students. i ,. 1907 KODAK Catalog's a16re. HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a iiew one.. COME AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. If you want to make money this summer We have a propsition, by whicht a gooid tant catn, itt three mnthtls, snake linore than enutgh to defray his college expenises for te next year. There is no outfit to bity atnd 110catechlistn which yott have to learn. All you teed is your owtt gray naatter and a little help front us tromt litte to tinme. If yout will write uts, we will gladly explainl hsow we propose to utake your nlext college year free front fittancial waorry. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 424 Cherry Street Philadelphtia, Pennisylvania ToeS LansADIE fItI O RALrSTUDYittEIG.IlPOSlT ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ____!I- II Washington E. RANDALL, 221EIiPHO TO GR 4IHEI? Phone 598