VO VI.The Miichigan Daily Y~o L. XY 11. _ANN N AR I I( W'K. I N II (_ r A\N ,TI KI I. \ V. I\ N'DXA 1 .MA VARSITY MEETS WILLIAMS TODAY (lame Postponed Yesterday on Accounft of Rain-Easterners Will Play Illinois and Chicago. account ofIll)groundsXXil \heiIIIXXXV, Theeat')' r aried eseay ) Morning, n X 1no fe okn thXtowV A Xnmbr)f i)XlrnX XXalui from XX town )yesteXrayV Io see'th Xgame). TII))' lIhe \illiam iX ne X heatIn TaleX, La XarI. lar)mouhX ai,X IX'VaXnd) XXAll XVI \hrrst, the nly-teamMuchgae Michigan's mooteam IaXadXheaig. m is lXXsin)g IXy'theXclose scorXeXof' ,; toX o. The \\ iliI XXXnineXXthis ,XXcar' k Ithe XXXam asXltsao ii ll, x cept))))io n f II ratn. XheyhaX e ot on asNelra fieldXiXg X, ut they XXarXcXIXXtting )'the)XalX Pr))incetonIartmoXX, III) (XXXV, )lX)VVX T in )' )itya XheUiXXversiy o Veront andha lsttohol Cns, mhrs a dI )) 'anl, X trXX'' ' XXithI l a) tenl-i nn)XV I XXgXgame . IXX pX ~ X)XI) IXV The XIIsterners Xill XplaX'Illinoi Fri- day X'))XXI)XChicag"XX)) XXV' XXXThese gam s Xw ll iXX)XXv a X good 1 X'Ime IX' 1th Xrn tl o i le o rc c r .\I thIiXsX IX) XXIXir )recod XXand Iihg.uls III) XXII ) 1.IXIXKlIX Ai A boX li ce force: IXX)XXXI I')) Xm Mayor IXXlderson rorgan/isd theXp liXe X)'lXXrXXXXX IX)aXndXamongXtXhe'names ofXthoseX)',X'. iXVXcX,1is HaisXVXV Ilia th WhetXheXr XthXV action')))XXXXkeXI 1w whether the ity isXX goXVgXXXXban XkuptIfur nXisingXV'IimX) Xwih eX hat iX no kXnXXXwn. IEvVy XXXtXXnt wlIfelXXivedX of bing "cXuXhtinX XXX)act'XbyXthefnoted 'IilIX" NIX XIvX X ioXXX ) XXV)))) XX thanIX hi colleagueX'.being allowedX'toI X CainIrli posXiionX. AionXtXXXXXIX d lions to the forte X is XXa XIcolored Xman, XXX PtXs X))))~. XXX)) XXXF, IXXXXX'XXX. clasXsVes throuXgX the'SXXXXIX'XXXCouXXiI a NichlsI' meatX X markt. -ThlI rm itt toX Isecure''the Ibl h sXXV Qi n ' c')) XXX cation wih XXXvXrXXXiou )XariesV and)I sXcurXe( Xthis halIVsecoXd-baal from I paXX) XXriX it HousghtonX, Bic. 'The,'aXlXIIeXXin)) HaXed' i X''gsIXXXV) XXnXiVet, Xoun XXnd is s i XXXdXIon-halfIfein d X)imXteX .'TX'hs11baXl XXI XXndIouXXIedlIy ber aXgreatXXimXpIrve' XXXI)) ovrX'that1 Xf la) yXar, Xan XXiti expectedXthe conIestilXbeIfll XXf eI eiX XXX)))). POUXRIIN'XIIIIIKS ('IIIXSII FOR L I ClI IVXXX I 11. E RXXX)) I ?11 I'I)'XXX , XXX' 1X'X'XX 1X 11XX-(1 oXrat XX tur on th IIo-s is ntiti I'VV' XXI ;J-Ieiatioii course. )I ispoe or o Xth' (iX'''Vi'XXof .'IicXgV aXXVIms and) IXauthorXI. Ie XXXV )XXlXihc iVX X ,'X'XX MurXk,nBibicIXa, relXious.Vand cuI 1 IXXI~tl ,nb 'cc . 'At XX'X,'X)X I'i., edi to XfIX, 1)c)CI II ic)a XXX)))))) X XX I Xo,- IX was dto ofthXNII JX/XXX l~cis and thXNew Yrk XXX))n)) 'Illre Xter nu brsI1,1:1-cd been booked.)) XX)'c ) XX'dlT. XX)Xi'XX''X S XX- XX' X ban , Iand te oratoica),' lI netsl Il' Xthe X110 1-7 courXX,)WX llXX)X I XX) V))) XX XXX 1 X'X'XXXX)')V l XumberXwi l b I chosen is X)))), 1 from pro in t avme a t noed XXtrIX throuhoutX)h)CXXX) XXXX))' X X)) X) XX))) TheXtoot-7 how'd wllholdX a''t) XXX) X nxtIXeXIto X eliXXXX theIX)NIXXiXXX)XI IrX XX IF S SI XIX iX'X11k XN I' i' 1 XcXay- or VXXgoXaXcoule inX'aXlXigh X1 )XX'' ~ can e rn (Sir XX ') It XaX laXgX' XX'XXV )I )lX'XX)th XX),were XXtra n VX)XXXVIX 114 XoXthir ai stance. XXX)'IXX)ifty 'varXXV'VXI% gV I, an (,h ('XXXXXXX'Xin IXXXVoX scowVXXXmoin Itpp offer toI lp themX off, XI)1,1 XX), XII XXocill pai ngXX disturbeXI ) iX ist)iXXX . XI InXXa fewXl IX)I XX XXXI XXX XX)) CX XXaul t, X)ho Xkindle )took Ithe X))ra X, XoXrintXX their )bo)XltXand,,liftedXIoff XXthe )Canoe I)A XXv 'X'X'XXXIXIX X I,)IX~XX thewooc oe. oreIblatcd aong "(,n Xlcnt isn IheardX IcIone of tXe))it) IIX I))XX X )lXIs''' XXXXI hisXweaingIocXulayIintha Iag IX _ NIied I cawN id" wa,\what(Ielvee rle is sleevesX above his l lbX' %s. '(XX Xn lI XIIIXl)nIXuponXXthIevXIXdanXXXIX) i- X ~r VX')'X)'VX)XXV 11) X n X:ender arms.XI IX'ns origI d lily-whitearms Xo N the )ay IX)for ) Xe C (I X iXXX lister. Aout we 'MEDICAL SCHOOL FAMED IN EAST Dr Warthin Elected President of Medical Ass ociation-Next Meeting to be in Ann Arbor. 1 '\I 10 1;;1 1 t NN'.NI.;; IKII :' 'X X ] 2 I' [ ,. 1 ;tit l , l Ii :l 1 11 ; It l i' Or. AldredXIS.X)),)) \V'XX NIX)'') llrtfcwc~r f lathtl g , wa elcted bre XXX)))') XXX'X'IX~g XX The f )X)' itlcnt tit te Ameican X,(witiXXX 1 XXX)'X''XXXX' I XXX) l' IX N\ XXIX)) XX Patiot~iww nd l~et Xl XXitatthir)X' an ua elect)' i ng ll\V XXXV) XX'))wccl . 11, XX I 1 1 ''~ ' XX 'XXX) i1 ''X XI'' I' XXin 11'XX in X I , i m i caI wXX I XXXXXX i v h \I'1l XX' t I XX)pre Xsident. XI) X) X m ei ng i n . knX it , V IIIr. A i ? 5 1 o XXI XXThe XX I crli 44 l 4 g l /a 1c h n ti),,) in) l mite) ittXn XXX1'rcd' XX, :1XX) w XI.~w 111cX' XX I '1,t '1)''' , 1)'XXXXVXXXXXXXXXXX ' I XX)X)XX 'I11c il 1 d I i t t; t. I l i, t t X'.XXX 'X''..\IX XIII. ct',t( \1 t1 ) 1X V I I i, i XX ,' X,')r I'1 .. p- ilrl .IX,'. X.'XXXX' X "c ~cict lul- tI~i11 1 c I 1, ' )11wr T M X14, Ill ,l . .I, r it ,l 'I l I . I, E I ill 1 r - , I,,' Nl~ ,,I ' XIX 'X't l'"t ftt I Xil , X i ltX 1.; XX , it part !t"' X111' t illX' X)w CHREE PETITIONS MAKE NOMINATIONS Michigan Union Directors Meet '[his Evening to D~ecide on the MembershipFece. A~ I I d'Xillitc a t',,'X,' " l kXX X fXXV I i lit ill iti XXdXwil) the ,,'',) X i''), l~ilt^ tht 11 t" Ilt ;tiit'~t >t t ,itliltt XXX t''1 t l 'XX l' ,,''I i 1 tI i I' 'cr 'v wI XI, XXX 'viiXX 1Y :lii hirt th IIc'tllw " tf lw 1Ii, XIti 1 r XXX X XX' X~tIlc c~~ii-i It , ""(r ,],ry V I c lcff '0 ,tihi I~i XXol ii X1X, XX 1, fitr litc II-c itlcItt friill the 1' XXX~ir XXX XIXX tit iX llIX ,XX tt" It t ( .. iithtl Ift XXXl~ 't~ l 1i h ' ' IX) XXX't^ ti XX XXX'it XXX 1, c" itiXtX ; :ir tlI I I cI I t t I tl' it'' X wIIi X .\I.N Kl l t, iI III" i ht i Vir ~litXnXXX XX I I i IIteIc IIectn I thl argc porit,'' Xion ofthXX crXldXt I luhic (,]in; IX chicl I, his n XIXXX bcX .\XIX, I X iX''n, loeV , 1' d,'''le stricty t~ronal. ie Im al]]]ied te of asketc of th s-1I' n e ( fl 0 ' esls fhi hsrattnstote raXIlgl r I Chl ~l, ~~ 11 tXI,,)) fX omX theX caXXXIXXXX" IX, ,,'th It1; Qv, ''W WX XIX, Xi'X IIIXXIX 1l'lt', IXrnXteX' VI XX, NiarcNX here XI XX'XXXXV' XX' ''' theX XX ' I'' ' tXXXVIc ,lii;cl in thXashit is X'utting,)XvcXXX aris'l N N lllX Xi',X '' IiI+,f l 1'' nyX XXXX XXX) Ialt fileX WaIi ngtoX me ing th IA? i llat H IFi s ef d N, " er" l Q I n lectures, were i ven byIXI i ch,, ig n c l n t e ir t !a lt ip th N fi - N XXI XX' irli "iil, XX '1 XX ,,Ii 'XX XX Iie XfXhe ,XX' ',f llcl i wa i at tin Iii ) XXII, Ni ,, , hliL akl'. )lk , I( XXX n XXXl~ti~r, WXI, X IX NIli~y niX a1(n o NI XIXI Il'ec~ fr te alI I o 'XXXIXV ,iXVX XXtr-IX)'IOXX Dr.) XX)X' 'Xin ; I IlX,,XXI ) ~ltrl Itl]t .1> e;n XXX nl nh hI I XXWhie,"Ir) XX )'~hcI ''hei N1r cI', p,, and X -fa XXtea 'V," XXr. N 'Xv IXXXXXX )XXXI ('XXIXhi, recent I ,,X XI, on X ,' ,XX Itlt~n Isrc en ~ on f II~er II~ sis "I i , cnf - ctr I I I' c c tt .te iris]. Iii da Ie Voal Xecr seV I IX XX T u erccXs ead,,Vt atXf ,XX'X'. XXX X, XX)u o th 'XiI r W rh n T u clsi XXX,) VXXiX XXII XXIIXXXX In''(Mich,,Xopiacc',aI fV)l] live wl itVhXXX). M Xi XXit Vf I I,,' i 1r - it ofW)olc (,P , I )Xe VXX >X wh , " Dr, 'IX V arXII1)t 1)) IihlXnXXl X'XXXXX X X XXI VXXXXX 'XXIVIXXX7X\IXX'I. II , accuX d ofI I n ',, raiXIVrIaXlXtI o Ia tg theX'Xl l XIIrX'X'i') X'XX'XIthe XXI) NIXX\XXX ' ', 1 X- XXIX ~~Sc nh ' crimes XXIXIXXXXXarcXXX'Ifl XX XIXd'ti(XXtXXX 1 , tcf .,tIXX'('XXXI Al 11' I 7;r1111 N I ~tNI' I K J ~ iII! l1,1,X I + S1 " , . t w4,rt ', .tn I II.; it' ,'t' ,1t'i'! s3 >> : tti' t'c"iNt 1' tit t ait ' { ;iMi ,l t, I,+,tu , XXi tilX 1 1 X211 I . N1IXtsi 'lDNIX' XX " Ii I'XXCS XXXI!;XXXIX)' IVI'XX XXV. A planX for XIII XaIeI'keepin~g XXI class ARTX'IT-V,)VJOIXXVI .X .XXIPHAXI. aXhlicXXsupplXIX iesXs bun XI,))viII Xand IIaame C(,X'IXine ide~r-Ke.lse n ptitooeato'y XXIIthe11)5VVIfXrIXe1)X shVmedXics. MXle. Janet )Spencer reiiiatdiXXrI ntiX AN propeXrty man has XXV 1, appo))XinedIb Si('lIXAlphlotXXX)aXatrof. IlIlowlandsXtheX pre)sidentXXoXseve foXr i fur ear r'esidenceI'lXXIXSatXurdaXy), and XX) an I) X XXI Xin-o c Xt .Tis man is aXViI IX))) XX ition n tritXX last) week Mme.XXV)er'X a- AnnNIIr. I')) XXX r and1)11is Ihld X(XXXXX ViXIX fr binck WaXXs1made XXaXXmXmbeVr IofltheVXsameXther 11seblXIlifot~ballanil l))VkctXaaI sororty. JgoosadVwned bXXtII clas11)1 II,'' '.11, ', I ''XXX)'' XXI XIrm ,iM Icwt prs IX XXlitX) I& XXX v n W ;t--; XXXr byXth I XXXXXXX(Munnin '~i04 The lac XXXAt )ta ' XXXVto XXingXill( , , NteN,1, tt es urls W I Ane i n t w XXXXIXX X",X The qu )e XXXM r , Iy , ,iX XX XXXIX