THlE MICHIG0'AN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Quarter, 1907 THE UNIV AS 00 OF C!{!tAL0 GL1OVES5 mnay he right and not he I 00 nes, hut thtiscant he ]POW NUSI adnot tbe ri lht. IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT I \T I0(6 O)N l ERE CE. T I ErI A 'O0\ SI clnyrii l farellO~ll .\nnoiil 1 %O lIciill Ow0111 I h lIf(I 11111tt 1n1he 11u w, 1onin000the1"1 0-1at the not ''010. 0 ~y~111 On 1 Iii I rill 1 t 111 ~an l. Yi I I()rI On-i'' 1 I ,r ~ 1 ' Ix Icnt ](I- l 1 ,I t hoar 11d /u1 0$1.3, 1 1111 "K I' 1 1h 1ttit.Yt II Ii {, w ai 11101 \Al 1 1l IllW tigs, 1 N 1 1r 1111 O r a e Iia ! tl p lid D tP)T 1101, 1ACtO)l and CICAO RY. 1 ' tt 1 { i+l' 1t 1 ) t11t Il' 80 ,11< W 0:.liW t)I I I 11,ti nith at0c 0010110all w'I bu i' 1 Ilg i i Ii o lid. oW e p l lieral otIIuli1 ''1111111 1diidcca oilc I '11c1tc 1 ;;c I ich mon h. a ccti r t o oolo ol 01 0 10 l:\ oy ool 111100it 1 1111il (1t'111100 001111 r o?' 1( ho t. Cahluoftabe a ofe 00'oa-&- op 010 ositio oe aasdepir 520r t,1Mitt. tf ingo O1Oooooo' 1'1 Hlol rs e oe'sLaunchy 1:At T'.ttla'o. 338 S. St BIJOU HIGH CLASS ' VAUDEVILLE THE BEST BILL OFFERED THIS SEASON tiiur :1 ;e~110 lot ! Ethel Gilkey The Iroquois Comedy foar The Hebard Sistes LeMARE, Comedian Two Shows Ngtly, 7:30-9 20c Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, t0c AOATE 'US, FRIDAY NIGHT I To Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at rar'itrs c aodemy Office. As thte resedence is con. *au aS t3_oJIi cted with thebulig callers are requested too announce themselves. Please ring. F 1v t {i 1 ,> . .j 1 1 e : -- [hat Our StOIflm Bloch Clothes Fit arid wear arid keep their shape. IT I5 BRAINS in the making of them. THY A TRY ON A PLEASURE BRIGHTrON ses"er io re toots annuall o 00000011111111 -the os t popular g eter for oe' er. hptc telt lap brogs coofoo-the secret is i its o.n-00booodongnon-riotingold.1ts slto aaooheetof paperaod holslOtheosock a'smothsthoe0sk i nOcdeofpure slk elatc wbbinog. Alloooetalioarts ofhoovy010ckelOplatedbrss.25 cent apair, alldealers orlby oolpio.Fortoseoozohooprfercordtgarter, eulofr LOCK-GRI, BRIGHTON GARTERS V Thoe oeatest, esiotamooot oooo o oootllcoloooater madoooloIe toobo r dioaootomon holdswthaeloo ike orip htO will ooov r sip.0Wi1 notooinjure tlefitho s. tlooc iooooollo 1 010oothet flottes gio ee uson aoo cordl gooter. Fooet ooalito'we00 n.001Meltal pothear) nockoel lated b00ss.25ca5c sio dalersorobyolcol rep a~oi d. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO. 710 M'tart St. Philadelphia :!akirsofo nee 00 rndrI Freshmen! Sophomorejs! Juniors! Seniors: Professors ! The best is noune too good fur you. Yoo can't afford to waste your time and patience with the old--style fountaioon. Boy a Self-IFiler, and there is only 'one practical and succssfu~l Self-Filling 100untain Pen. IC is CONKLIN'S Self. Filling E "T he pen with the C-renet .Filler-the device that made self-filing pensl possible, practical and perfect.' Don't he deceised. Accept nothing but the genine/ Conklin. All other self-fillers are hontice experimenotatl0 stage. The Cotnklin is perfect-been on the sorket 00 for years. Used and recommended by thousands of o students, and college professors. Possesses all the super-00 for advantages of the best fountain pens supplemented i by the following distinct and desirable features: fills and cleans itself. Np dropper No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. 0000 Nothing to take apart. 0 A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Wh aeaychances?0 Order a CONKLIN SEL-FU.JN FUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, telling *--' about this wonderful pen. Manufactured only by / l % The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. / Sold Int Ann Arbor by/ GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. ILinden1schmitt, Apfel & Co.'s ALWAYS AHIEAI) IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING