TIIF.MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Ii I Samu Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIEL-D & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET AT MACK'S The Best Dollar Shirt IN ANN .ARBEOR MACK ( coo ;! CA H 0 MEUHL Potr' rSSoe I' iti i;('717itNIPS te praldI"s stra afeno ad ra,>nrcdtcl mcuhersc~f te o(ta r Ci SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAY NARD) SiTRlI' THEFATORI'41U M "The Barer of Seville" Moe'9s Darber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue { inthe i l I ti Ii m i ;tat sr et lte it t ih t tn telllltl it I ill te it' l and loaded 1into t wi ng chI1tti'tt ihey rlmIit d t hi e pe epn Aftr te iititio a It ttitittas iS 11r 1 l tl st., i titmat StIRobert1 ttt lni epned t I te D y Itll' II t ro 111it the pae to cti 87 \\'t'iatt'a.enue.I 'n i and ' it. P Iale ii". t 'Piooms. 'iAsk 'stdnS NS knowr. I~Antio fr A,ntat' St s1o $1 00 rĀ«Vad fcr tre rre ttlnd t 11' t' annIaN fm-SS ri -e(' a rtitiiai. iSi- in c O r cgp mt i l t ' I llp' , ( ORDER AN Ice Cream Sandwich lFor Your 1')essert Sui tay Iei~iu c1h1no, 7 2 11 y ILOny) -iTE ARMERS AND NWCHANICS BANK MlAIN AND) litlitN ',11ltit Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Protlit, $65,000 ,II. it i Ht t ii A. I I tat t.\ A t. 0. M. Martin tIRlN AL AMBULIASCEtOn CAT l SENIORS t( t';1 0111ll lrll , l' 150 Wmn. Arnold, J wte 2'20 S. Maln St. Rcntsch icr, Photographer BAILEY & EDMUNDS !ZBportino Ooooo 121 I:;A St 1'11 I 2' -'"' l : FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAA. : A Aimttll icit. NOTICE Pipes at Cost 10 and 211 till tn all I lI1 Pipes R. E. JOLLY IS iasses reitaired. Eyes caaettmiiytfiiiu.d ttttti' teitti. netrge'lIleroda.ti shcnet St i it I ~ i i t 5 -- - -~ ttsutt 1it,'andal tia Cynt i w tteirtttt') St iatc tet. 112(i7 tritli i ittf FIiELDERS' sWilt4 Ir c-s towltlsAls. al v" t Vasity Ills-r ~ c itc ri I~. , 11 I i t pllitow1 hrItIgIt01, rrr~ilt . yIt il,1w) .:-i.ih A L it itt, it ' jttt1',, tttt Itt tl ;\t111 t It .11 itI II"I I'.1 ll It Itt' 1141 'tt ttI w,11"'' t/ tt t, I .It A. J. REACH 00.,727 TaoPST.PHILADEPHA. Eleectricity Supulied to Collegc Men and Women for All Purposes. Washtenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING _______________of Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettcs Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Elaster Shirts. a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known mnakes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes,.fHats and Caps, all the newest. W AHM'.....Se. Show Widow Fekshloim Store 1211235S. Main St. VISIT THE VAIIDETTE TODAY 2OSOUTH 22 TAT I; Latest Music Catchy Songs Feature Moving Pilures 5 t tiy iirtut $10.ONFIRTth1e0n(1fhn (nnar 5SAINFIRST,00then15a0 COil UIUs lIll Com V in WHY w--are neting the goodsa. SuilIts (Orerfrlonm$14.00. to $30.00 113 EI Liberty St. I J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.j