i14t MICIGAN DAit UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOi Quarter, 1907 Aj THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO r GLwOVES mayhe right acid not he Vow ne :,but they cant bh and not he right. ALAR1 C OCKSGO ~wil atWe, the undersigned livery- Cnapman's Jewelry Store men, will accept no more credit. 206 OUT MAN SRI:~r' Terms strictly cash from now on, and all bills moust be paid by. l~li i:, i t lilt irt ill Thu ll, J ..une 10. IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT I BRAANCHI S1010. Al 204 South State Street ROBISON & Go. A. B. WALKE.R.. W. H. STARK. YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE Wednesday Night, May 15 J/oFSA'#1A7 PRESENTS CALENDAR. tllls, t terys fie1d. Mai 1g1116 lj .urltnl 11 . hi toI risli Ahii;17--Itili slplitIt; of war ich 1;111 co1t1a ;ri' 111 ia11 h11 coc1 rt.;Sra C':w l m11 h 1:11 1 sly 2> 1rs it 7 1' at \ll-eriii liI l~1111 1nn lilt >111 ; -essel and eye 11-gl s eair iiig is skille oke.talrsJw IrsN 1'ls sttMainstreet eadhannr : Wh 7l1elkel. ir .f 1 s= ' , r . ,'" . ., - -; r r , t' _ _ - = . : "_- That Our Stein- Blch Clothes Fit and wear and keep their shape. IT IS BRAINS in the making tot them. TRY A TRY ON A IPLEASURIE ILindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'sU I To Engage the Assembly Rooms, or Orchestra, call at Asteretedenee is con. Granger's Academy Office. A h _________________________ totedwith the building, callers are requested to announce themselv es. Please ring. DETOT, .JACKSON Sand kCtICAGO()RY. 7111 l cm- I II 81 a.1 11., ~ lii Special Features The Real Boat Race Ber~tweer a Yale and Harvard Crew Famous Yale tilee Club Ocetette of Male Voie j :1 .t. I 111 } i c t1r t l i rtc II 1lrr~ . '.l1 1 o ;2 zt v{ .L{.L44 V t l{!/G 7 VIt.4J ._ I I __..« _,.. _._ __... ____._ MS ICAL NE MRtI IS " iY l ti ahio . -You M iii I. tI. 's -..-- 0, 111 11111-thWirlli l SIn Inl1711111(il vt~10 w rilil Takilie, PRICES. $1.50.$1 7. 54Sc. 5csllb1111111111151)- 7r /ul O I ei ~1o 111, itie ! i T ickts ontSale at Cushin's luesdtay Mornint at 5 19 1 1 0 ll)) m lilli 11 11 0111 11wo l. lNi e pav libcral1 1111 1 i ilil ihall ivti r boy I I FLAT CLASP GARTERS xerc"a are worn asnialy ono 4,011011 l)e1g the 101stitpuar garters for menesiwear . epaete la t claspTbrins tomfottttiesec~rettit i tstisntbindingnontirittig hl Itis a, fit a aishet ofpaper and tolds thi sick a ohas theskin. Madeloftpore silktelasticwebing. All mitalparts ofliiasytnikel ltbriass.5cnts a pair, alldeaers or by mil itprepaid. For thwho preferIs a cirdt garter, we offer LOCK-GRIII ]BRIGHTON GARTERS The neatest, a t and14111t iiiotfortibiicod gite r midet. h nootintorentines otiise. ti enitllestiiiiiithtitlattest grp11e usontaicordgirter.tFistiqlitywing1110Mettal tithIavy oriike pklateilbris.25c and 7c i 111 411eaiers ortbyttnip11paid.~ PIONEER SUSPENDER CO. 710MonketaSt., Phtladelphla .tlarot inc-r.up de5 4 Twelve Good Breakrasts In One Package of SHREDDED WHEAT fr yo bvtwo itpacikages tf Shsreddled \Wheat Biscuit ilrialqurter-the tci.7ilarit-~-ouiithave t delicious, Tl~isle iitkite, lrclifti s tbreakfast fitr a penty- molire reail nultrimenl Itihan is lt11be found intyoth ~ler foodl bodbildin eilllcleimentirltithe whotle wheat, siade digesti- Ile It4yoset -c 11117, shritoil andL lbakitng. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT properly yoliu will like it better thani any oth~er cereal food. IT S1011)OlUVLD W 1 AbA IS l Ot'I{ N just enou~ighStit reslite crispness and flavtor. lort btreatkfatst, pourit lot mlilk osver it, thetn add a little ireatn and a dath ot stilt. It is alstt delitcioits iticomiati onttt with fruits, 'If you like the Biscuit for O tetiiied breakfatst, youtwillI like I RIS- or 'lets or C L1Il-the Shredded VWhea~t Veirtabler, Wafer-as a Toast with butt ter or eheese, for luncheotn or tins-nieal as a sutbstitiute tot wh ite floor bread. O. urneionilliustrated cook biiokis { setfree. The Natural Food Co. Niagara Fals, N . trait, M 5 tc II t f Hoe'sLunchy THISAS ONErp Ethel.(Fifthley te hoe I4.q)oiS Cmcdyhoe4-, Tw Sos aN gt e309.0 Stuh A"AtEUT~S, RID338att.Stht Freshmen! Sophomores ! Juniors! Seniors ~Professors!I The best is tnone too good for yout. You cai't afford to waste your time aind patience with the cold-style fountain pelO Buy a Self-Filler, atod there is onley one taractica0 and successful Self-Filling Fountains Pen. It is CONKLIN'S SfgPE "The pen with the Crescent Filler--the device that made self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect" - Doo't be deceived. Accept nothitng bot the genuioe j' j Conklin. All other self-fillers are iti the experittental ntage. The Conkliti is perfect-been oti the market for years. Used atid recotmmended by thousaods ojf students and college professors. Possesses all the sopor- ior advantages of the best foontaio pens soppleinented by the following dis-tinct and dosirable features: Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. t No joints to leak. No clogging. r'i Nothing to take apart A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. 'Guaran- teed satisfactory. Book Free upon request, telling ..- about this wonderful pen. Manufactured, only by1 The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Said In Aa Arbor-by GEO. WAIHR"S TWO BOOK STORES. ALWAYS AHEAD) IN STYLES ML WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING