T1117 MICITIGAN D AILY New Sprilig Woolells 1907 6. H. Wild co. 311 South State Street If You Need Athletic Shoes 101 te ns 1110', 1. 01111, golf or track worktour stock will 1e Moi ineoofand 0The0 I 'tdct' lllB ootre t OnWLi~ hll iz-, ti La,1111 . Bo. o k11 st 0 11 e l .e ur u ar j,~I . WATT THlE MICHIJAN DAILY.,11hc 1111100111l11 110 1'i, a 0110110 of 1, 11 1:I 0 th r11 h~ 11 1 Ilin1 1101for lom A.1, R tl (y (1111 '. 1 the 1 1111 0 le1l11 111( ned a 1111111 1101 1110 111111111 5 1 11ack 1ma 1times1 1 1 111 1 1111111 1111 Row D 0(lt . 1131111 0 -dr(-mn ) he lbay i IUSt'tiSS ~t STAFF:Th hrra r} cto (fuilzn I r . , ci 'ato.'. 17 Obillll11 l, Mivtt e pee t at f llr o tc n 1c111 1lll't'' .i :chile 111 the "art"I' 1 ollec-1 p 1:1 011 ele . 111 1110 111113,1111 e11111 o11 - S I;)'Y, <.01 \Y 1 12, c 11117.h - _ arrIe____ t((f ti 1, A Ill'It 001 111 tl ,.t 1 11,1. 1110 110 1kIS I (11011 l 11(a III 11 11'. 11)m i Most 111of' 11' tl 111s 111 wi l n t1011 Nltllt och bl 111 Iolastin " it"trac . 11ea 111re amso and Delil111h1111s1Ili"11 t 1111 ;l o 111'rc II)lt 1 1.1 11m-~l i h I' 11 1till 111 ,1' 111.1(0: all- 1100, Is i ,n ttltltlt 1111all ll' llo 0 l1110 111c all ,I and M r' t. Jorda 11111ttn 'e 11th1 agesI 1110 tb'It eiltll ii1111 11' 111cutIlt'1£ 11 711'o111117'ff'1i1 Ii 1' 1111 1,11' tll l1l'li~tl'. '''111k 1'ollltt it I tlltlig11'' 11h ll' 'c.1131 NF7' O1,FWAl.R0.0lllIS plot of l111111comprising1' Milcign'pro- 1111 not11fa1i1 to impress te. 110I1, 1 111111h te geat '.1ope'11a1dtlpossiilit i1of the unde0111rtaking 1. 111c11sari,11yeIr, imlst plan ed.1ut £110hthe %cry lli nl' l (7 11 1111gaden 11111111011 benfit il 1111 111it wor1kt l ' m11itng '1l1c 1, 11 Itlt that .11 1 t'. are o lla . (and1 ra- At theptellw Iime1the most (tri It, fuNIVf teSITYeNOiCESwndm drlieav hihi eiggaedb h 111001d hih (1 11£ 1111' 0 00Cou'c0 fro1 ti,, en1j11trIanc )t olGels OI''tavenuel 1111' 11te t ire length11 111 a' nd111 (111'£11 lines10, h 001111101. ,etc ldllis Rackets Our Prices: Pim T -- $7.00 $.00 Sears $.00 Campb1e11 $.00 made fom $1 $3.up Alro $78.00 ThlBostretat P eer derl Tae AnfrorSavings an Alsn o Sp =Aad j=A'Kodk~ Spatedith aZeisticnGods 1ta c Prer O D y A .il~~ 6.SALD-ING & Bldc OS 12 l a t.Ne 1k. 19WaahAl.thla T"en n is Rackets D~o You Need a Racket ? list and pries: It so, consider the following Pim l)avis___ Campbell_ Varsity _- Surprise. $7.01) $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $1.5o) Champion_ Longwood, Park - Hub $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.00 190'7 KODAK catalolis 8a.re HERE We will take your old Kodak as part pay- ment on a new one. COMIC AND SEE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. State St. If you want to make money this summer WAe have a propstlitll by w111c11 a1good mtant can, ill three mon~lthIs, ttake m1111e than eoultgh to defray is college explltnses for tie iltxl year. TIhere is 110 0111it to bit3' anld110 catechistm wshich youl have 10 learn. All yo0u1 need is your own gray matter atlila lit lithellfrtomlus1'frotm Itile to timte. If' you will write Its, we will gladly expllaiti how we propose to m~ake y0111 text college year free front financial 001101 5y. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING= COMPANY 424 Chterry Street Philadelphiall1en11s7 Ivania TiannLAIII' O 1110IJORNoAL, Txnnrel at FAtI15lslI (.Pori,. TENNIS BALLS, RACKET PRESSES AND COVERS At THE CO-oOP The store of the Studlents, by the Stuldents fol- the Stuidents. IL 1I IIEl,. 11WashIngton U. RANDALL, THE PHO TO GR 41?tE.R Phone 598i