THlE MICHIGAN DAILY CollegOer Bad Clothes ;i. Are smart enuf to make their wearers look -- smart enuf for the degree of BI. S.--Bachelor of Style. Worn IN every college of the land, but ( made so well that they're seidom WORN OUT. it Extreme in style, NOT price. "7'A lrxsl Lirne of Spring Vr .derweav s S: Cooper spring needle pioroskit garment, iwo- Nl x pieced and union. r B. V. [). athletic style, knee length, union and two-piece. STAE BLERc. (0 K aWUVE KT H "'! . I E C WALK-O VER OXFORDS" $3.50Q-FOR MEN AND WONTEN $ioo 'Illhs stronlgest character of ts'\'il the sSix is is _:ccilfic construLctiion. x x si i it ix i c ha c . i i NN' xi t )vows xfl' Iti t o slast. Imilt for eel) k itI. i;, I (. lisA(s : sx h; isslth it :1ft a~i' Wdik-Over Shice Cow Ill S.Main :street 'a._ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ __"Ji Annual May Festival M AY 8. 9, 10, 11 A. A.Stanley Cnutr Ride.=Kt Isey . .. . Sprano, S IIa nn t' lls,,s idward Johnson Withespoon r..B ss Mi SAA, aChoral SAMlSON AN[) 1DELILAn + Work's Inci g Rei rv d Seat,, . $4.00$5.0 w ihna hl tii red t $the (i SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARI) 'lIiiFT THEATOR 1DM The Clown and the Statue The Picnic Hamper MIoe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue I S~ N. till) 1"' ()\ 1NV IN ?t N\I 'SINs I NT.\K I In i ii ( a n a eh'ii ig t 'tgieer. r1by lmw I4'sa ilis has naval tanklit he\ ~ miiicrn i s ii tixi n i ;t hes' t id l s d i t Ists ril it i lii ith amsl im sh ds he" x i iltweknsis A i-I aa k idlad iti ita verred, 'but not Ni liii xxx1 heIi his x ax tlt iis (isiii !). a ti tati iii xstud n a 'm 1>. 15551te aii nt of cynnsi iin \sii s.te n id ha t 4) beit c11111 *'1111111 liii a i ttiis-p xxihas111111 he 111111hat11hse1 1 n i i i 11 Pesimti ts 11 1111 11}, fit 11 111 that in time the. fla i /t ilt l gow i 111111111isi 11111111 }ri~st 111,1 N i iii 11 siims menace.1111 w 111 aisein iforce111a til/iidthe ma-lii Me (gneig '1rnct c upm CALENDAR. I I 1 12 Ilt I1 l'Jilllit i : -IcIg n v ai -1i \ i i IdI(sit ililt c I str r11 msirlisiVIII i i ll NIix ' li s pit xI.l i ~ut\i xx l uh lt ls'ixiitssiu vi i'sixx Rdltsdhilcr, 121 I + 1 ' 1 l1t I/N '5 FIRST N O~ ~1I Tim., Pr< sidollt. 17x11icis t haurl itimusial cttu 5'ti~rctit it it i r clA lclmll. Ma 2ii is r lwas ltac iict 1s I vrNititt/tu ka~ch ll icliia1 'liii ('liitagt 'f's'lsiixxsxi ' 5utttits Is o lxi the rap id r)th sinitsvaiu deatn~islnsit ns i'saryto placeus pc ii st's w' eng'tineesi cisi,}lifi ttt iiic 'IhIis is an excetonal opportun555555 fxa im isitedi innnsi sr of telicalsists iitc ' i t ile' 5 l s tt ini the'sit- its i ltttiN l'\i15l5' 5i N vt5 ilts. Psitls diII'retsit uilt ,t l ii ii l N IH'1( itxvtit' titiet c' rixss"(iic $101tIs $20, NI ii , IS ipe2sllsit Cost ALIEN, Ihe (;Iother 1 td2 )i Before anA After Jpa e p ti e k n ce li ts ttu sll 5 111) LI Axi f. N9.209 East Liberivtya"tree 4)1 t'(1 t'i ge" ' ti/t(-c o i' xchti i i its(' tilt'r' lx' N a ts igtiti St., f'iCh i goi, l. esit 12 SihtlslieeIeritigit slitis.NNWagneir ill Glasses repairedl. Eyes carefully fitteid { Stats' st retN.' IsisI antit ested. George Hailer, Main street. I $25,00 Two Piece ssuite--in lgray shadow weaekve worsteds. We eekre equipped to get out work on short notice. WioAGANER.(iCA CO., Imrp or*t m Tailors. State Street NION[Y IOAN[D liniWatlis, 0Dis iiids..Je s Ir and Ia ll -h(;lass Chattel andCl liat(rlsecurity. W. J. LOURIM4 104a4thsAve. iOiposteCouirtHous Two doors suthlofnewY..CA. OFFICisHOURSic; 3tl~o 11:30, 1 to a; 7 to 01 Buiniess Si'tric Cnidential i Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo XIMPAix~iNG :strictly "lest-I lass Wosrk. SCHIAEBERI-E & SON 114 W. Liberty St. ANN ARBORO U. of M,. BARBER SHOP Vibrassage, 25 Cents Shower Baths, - 15 Cents Shine, 5 Cents J. Mt. Ti ofmvo wski. 322 S. Staite Next to S'ih'ia's Booskstoire. Epkoch Dietet-le COOK HOUSEi rihe Lendimg Hiiaiae Iiathe, City Embalmer and Funeral Director iOppositei' I ls(-x. AtII xo£riis Ambuilanie on Call Irsiii~ori rs 'i $.0 $2.50 $3.00 2101S. 401 Aive s t'. do, statint' We Cater tosandifor llCoilewe Pestill l'lisrte404. AnnArts i'Sundtay iiii s5 (. }iat' l 51isl 'oaiI $2 Sprliin~ Term $ 2 STATE SAVINGS BANK At Scott's Academy W =>, t lits V lx W.J.Kt y ppitm nt I.I 'sKy rr ttiii,i,' i .z,rls r iN ii 336 South State Street 1)ss 1,. J/i srf r.ritrtir IdealIBrber Sho i 717 N. IiirIAv IverytinagJust l Pi ,li J. F. SCIHUH-1 SAN IARY IIil'tINti and tElectric Stodeilt, s' Suppli A SPIKCIAIIY J. F SCHUH, 2117 E. Wshingssin Si. 1 VATISFATION FIRST, then $1.0t a1.0(1fii ~moi is WHY we are selling the goods. Conume l olk) IUIIIb UIIj tll Sist Orefrm118 li, liberty St. tltl )7l .J. Kt. Malcolm, Mar.