TlEr MICHIGAN DAILY S Alarm Clocks Wieakio' lDay 75c Signal 89C 29C 3 and in I ei{ I i let nap 1(1 dlBOX IIAGS I LL ]ehPEA-NUTS ' We bu~y Ina oar-load lots anad roast dally. DEAN (a. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Mai n St.; X131 I lt o(l EG I1 ... I High Class'Clothing~ CALENDAR. Ma a ii tor ip cpl sale.t i sti lica N Barbou I. t i,' AKilit for a Diay" i The largest ilaya of Fine (9 olliiigevar brought to this market. XVW are desirotis of calliing ottr ittentiont to the beauitiful creation..we hiavr itiblueiand gray sitita. These snits are itostly of wxorsted. Titicoats are nmade itier single or idoitle breasted, fit so perfecty that we area source of (rr ~it innioance toiihtain.lors. It swould tie a iileasuretotalk rclothintg i tthaon any tone. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 So~cxth Main St. "Bet i.* V~ Ctit A N itM1KEB It NIt I". a(: iii it ilI i ti ii itl iirr iiit ii Si I l c ii , I '' rri ]c d it, Bur fiitit.,lyrotr ti n su r 7 o t . ti iI ay t ....J1I o ll'i I } tcrct ay. itt-Baseball: ii tit Lti v . il Occidenital HotelIM tL, J i , J i aSpiquets, ltc. i - the A bo)" ngI t '.ivitiii r:iit a ' A ti t id c \ki a, 25niLi r P!. Q viiii ' h krnii t i iitiitiiitimiii . i t 11 ft La ta i iity a'i11 TIwelve Good Breakrasts In One Package of SHREDDED WHEAT It yu }'t o acprkages of ShtreddedilhXaBitltsctit fit a iuateir-rtee rgular prie-yott have a deltciouis, it it -tat-in. tistreng-ii't g gbreakfatst for apennty - Itr real nuiiii tinit tat lis to befnt ~id in an) other food Itt th ittotrld i lothticsamett e itv.It ciottins ALL.the lii utI t 1v e t ~l cIle its ItItrivhiihle wxheait) tmade digesti- SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT proprl ryou i ik e Iti.ttbetter thain ianyother cereatl tood. lZ 110'1.1) lX ALWAS BEI luATu 1) IN '101 ()I: Jus N t iitrhI to restiore crispness atod flavor. For brctt';ti't, ptor tot tioler it, then adda little creams attd; ashit of salt. It is alii delicious it o eotitnatton1 With1"I11 ts)If yott like the Bisctuit for cry c 1, reakfalst, ytott will like T RIS- cf C.U IT--the Shredded Wh eat Wafer-as aTt ioat rwith butt ter or cee se, for leuneheon or any mteal as a substitte for white floor bread. Ouriiei i liutted coolk hiok is c s~ent ree. 4" The Natural Food C a Niagara Fals, N. Y. I ln I ~ giini h eii ti arti. II pay .111 om isio divite lasi I r I I t ci t i 1gi1.1 itt iiii 1)iie:i opae i. an e oi tb handle a a lillropoitiiin s" ii , i ne \511t171tor Islgodter io i "Th prge Pbling Coml p Ray" " T UNiraFalsRP. EXCURSION SUNDAY, MAY 12,1O't To Jeckson. - 60 eta. Grand Rapids, $2.00 Special Train Leaves at 8:05iSaam. Fr Particuar Cnsul Loal Tikt Agi Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 320 N Fifth Ae .You an he~gt a. Hot Lunch At Ts-tta's. 338 S. Stat BIJOU HIGH CLASS VAUIDEVILLI THE BEST BLL OFFERED~ THIS SEASON FEATURING Charles Crenyon and His Bunch of Bock-Heads ' Which is a scream. DtiiforiageiCeida- tgiii-A sitiost t N i. Cisiprze of $5,0Sa. tey- i iiiiyiiiei l e. xudetsii4 getiss'y. Two Shows Nightly, 7:30-9 .2c Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 10c I - The Harvard Medical School BOS [ON, MAS. L~~ h ot l ilix£th tt:Sll Sii t \,ii i lii ' I I iiai..iirl liii lii 19i, it holl m as£itiigx iiiiaae;ili~. r tI .i I iiaiai l w va xoihanclso wei tainI, wryiIi iii i I 1 1 1. Of 1 1 ive lmut 15,1 11four area devotedireseari-h. It. theefori e arn e, h lydcieol e uciii I t . . I wra i +. 'iie.ghnra srt V -an HitC spcia ._.__ ON SATU 0 'y Y 10 The jolliest place ir DETROIT will open, wide its gates to the puiblic Ele ctr'c 'ar k Pr~esenting MESSMORES Fighting thc Flamcs The B aby Incubators The Beauitifu~l Elecezical Fou~ntain The Down ;isra"d Ou~t Tower Shoot the Shoots --.- Roller Coekster atnd dozens of other f'unmaklrag and armtaseerxt devices. 7-- -Acres of Solid Full and Amusemnt--7 60 L *VGHS IN 60 MINUTESi Electric Park- Detroit JEFFERSON AVE. ,and BELLE ISLE BRIDGE TAIO K High Class TAVRIO RS 0/ R Merchandise HATTZSER T IlMilPopuiar Prices Direly North of Latw Biildirtg 709-711 NORTH UNIV ERSITY AVEUNUE JL .1 ALWAYS A EAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOGRIN 0