THE MICIIICAN DAILY 4 _ _ IC IG N AIY Alarml Clocks B irea o' ay Signial, (7c Pert ia aw-i-9 2 9 Shiando B Iells Ti let Soa Ica Box HOAG'S llomc Supply Store. Car ,"l it W it n ts. (I it ]Fresh PRoanted, b r - 10c We buzy in car-load lots and roast daily. DEAN c. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. C'AIENDAR. 1, i lac c°7t 11f i ii' * i No ilil y0u like to learnt pyiiarso ol iprove (yourv preser \We wiil give yo crefl v cling whn 1( sircd, 1) B Tros. to iv I 1. 1 I l l l ,11 E rt. N'ix , Ii i.t I' l F 111lachi tickeit go(1 for snail )V,11111ilr', faialid or scalp tretattoej Al; 'arNilho. 7(07 N. Unversity arms~ eoil 1 18 rcl kill col '111 .11 'lx to ij . '1.1 GIis sti't(Miredl. Eyes carefullyt htt- mi tertd. George loller, Main sAre- Occidental Hotel We CaIterInoIBanquets, Etc. [Hixson Lunch - Ypsilanti DOITt(I, _ACKSOPI and CHiICAO) Y. I 1 11 1 N Il- i 1 t } 1 i i li- r &II ill C ii itc ililk al t t ttt1 Ift(7 lflhh 111iiuf ill 1 1t C ' fti (rlli i l iiill. iiiii iii r . r1 1 * s ilac lt 11i~tol r.1 ;0 lull Iitl ,llti r f 7 lix iiiu ii it] l "1t1 1 ii t' 1{ 1111fi ]i ~ ftl} i' . .; ilt ,;r) a 'H. S asslfaitary taiiiititg ,t- i~> lwl ':,17. 111, (1pries, huiler & fOttisiorc,s17Si M ii l i l I t'iii 1 S'tI' 11111i1( 1 , o c-i . iii In 1c Twelve Good Breakrasts In One Package ofSHREDDED WHEAT I IIf tttx Is twoakagesof shredded Wheat Biscttit for aptuarter -te to 01(1prooe soo ishave a delicioUs, ttttso It-to kittiesttt Ilit h-o tttg broekfast for a petttty- itt tte wo(rll for 110e sattttoney.tto It contaitns ALI rhe itodyidingltlemen tt. ts ttt the. whole vitoat, tttde10dilgesti- hIe bx 'toettt oookttte ito a sdintg tandl haktng Itf you soe)ve SHREDJDED WHEAT 'BISCUIT properly yott wileitbetrh0ttert hen tttx other.creal odi.ot ITs~ S I()_I) AI Al XBXFI-II.1A IFI) IN T 111: ()X AI Njutst entoutghttto store crtspnetss tttd flavor.Ior hrt.akfast, pourtt ittlk oveor tt, thtenriaddt a ltttle creatt and ai ciash tf salt. It is alstoleliieotts in cotmttnattott with frutst, If you like the Bitsoutfor creatmed breakfast, y'outwtll lie t IRIS- oxvsters ttr CU IT1-the ShredloloolNVXheait vegetables. \Wafer-as a Toast w titbt- tor or cheese, for iluchotnor any' meal as asubtixtte for wvhite floutr breao. Outr tew .illustrated \ ciok btttkis sent free. S The Natural Food Co. il 1 - 1 Niagara Falls, N. I. a ~/ . 'd Simts presscdit 25c0; trousers, tots iler & IO'C.otno r tf 1(;1GAN Cl :NmIA ROE NI) 'FRI I EXCURSION SUNDAY, MAY 12, '07 Ja .ckson,. - 60 eta. Grand Rapids, $2.00 Special'T an txla en al 8:015 am. FI itrt icltt 't) Ctttsultoal Ticket Agt. Rowe's Laundry '1 Yf)MAS RI5O\ EProp. 320 N. FIfth Ave Nct I'o it' till Itlo c 4 7 HAAot Ltunch At T'''s, 338 S. State IBIJOUl T F 7 High Class Clothing The largest display of Fine Clothittg eer brotght tn this market. We ate iesiotus of allintgyotur attentions to the beanliftilcrentio. se htave in blue attd gray' suits. These snils are mstssly of wvorstei. The coats are miade eillher single or dtuble beassted, fit so perfetly tat wene Oa stioure of grat o 'x l it'tce tte tailors It woul Ie a pltasure ttal k cotingttlttt th yott 'ny timae. Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Soxsth Man St. HENRY ( CoI. 'ILOS To ~ oua High Class UV I RNISHERS /iiiv l Merchandise [ATTER.S A oplrPrices Diretly North of Law Buildintg 09-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE The Harvard Medical School BOSTON, MASS. IIlig, or areIvA ) tede tiyto lahira t in ealin am re ach Th nmru OSpiiAisoBTU ~ReladaY, Mrtntt~ o eiiAY 10~rrto Thndwle o llestpac .DTRI F in ea ugeyath eig inraiath lanc Th tsho ea ~enbfrySptmer: Icua towhe':1 rs Tendf Bilsrnieat tfalou Elad ectia onaz The owstplceiDETROweT Shoot theSotse pRl ~ se ansd dozens of other Axhnz-naking a rnd arnnaarment devices. 7----Acres of Solid Fun and Amusement-_.7 60 L VG HS IN 60 MINVTES electric Park - Detroit JEFFERSON AVE. end BELLE ISLE BRIDGE HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE THE BEST BILL OFFERED THIS SEASON Teaching Charles Crenyon and His Buinch of 131 ck-Heads Which is a screanm. Two Shows Nightly, 7:30-9 20c Maiinees, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, l0c m ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYVL ES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING .IN TAILORING