THE ITCTITGAN DAILY- i i r rrn.oi r iwi ns iww r w rr swr i i rr i r rrrrr rr+rrar.r ' r r rrr. rrirrrr iriinrrr r r ., I I Saml Blrcbfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can D~eliver the G1ioods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO 106 EAST HURO0N STREET i Senior Caps and Gowns X11 Seior1s1lre Irequestid to)leavetheitr measures with usat on11e0that ther_ may 11e 111af'tetrtdelay 11111disapp~loitmIlent You i liil~ ) riot(jreqired to take thta from the stare before you nteed ttem and it xwill greatly 1aid the toattofactorers as well 0111u11elves to bare yourI 111rderil as Oelrly as ptossible, All styles of gowns for sale in gooml mat 't ml 1and at reason- abIle prices, MACK ft CO. 1 1 1 THlE FARMEtRS AND MElCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS5 Capital, $50,000, Sur-pins and Profits, $65,000 Does a IGeeral ilatkilig II111111i ,il11 laiy t~ie~ts. 't.RretyV Deposit 1 111)1o0(11t li itt (1 ani 1dtupwdns 0 V P. 13.innit 81.Catsh. I.NIA L tAns Ast.. 0. M. Maruin R. R Itesidenee 302 S. .5th Ave. 1' 1 14. AMBULANCE 0N CALI +/ r mmm-.-M J MEUHLIG & SCHMID'S Ailnual May Festival MAY 8. 9,10O, 11 A. A.Stanley Cntco: Frtedrik Stock I kiderKetsey... .. ..So rn SchumannHeink Janet Spencert-trlo E~dwardJohinso~n Tnr Theodore Van 11)1) Camipanarit aioe Hon land Withers-pon ..... ... B s Lockwood Pins MESSIAH I horl SAIISON ANDiDE LAit Works-I Gineral Admisstion.. ... .$3.0{) Inciading ekerve d Sealt . 4.0045.001 wht1111 y1e111 wi 111 at1tiffs SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD) StRE.F.i Saluting the Flag! 31 1 {I t E t Foster's Art Stores s r w r 'r I Friar Pln MicigaamPlans Signm X Charms it 1 Gold $2.50 $2.50 $4 $6 300 South State St. 110 F~ast Liberty St. It- .1 i [,, IS o \I X '2 I1) - -7\F l 10 S t ).k cr scat f;)r Mayill 111 l(0;alhell 1873. 'IIe coltlege jet-- v.Il, , '11 5 ~l 1(). C 1c 11 . 1 alto 's Jewlry 51t1re, SMaitt 4I 2111It 111111al~lt III !} 15sat y1 1' O11IE I111 a t;O DEAN \)) ; 200 12th l 3 ' V 15 ' R N FI I' , ICC LrCaIII I Ih 'I'll, \ ei i nt I, r Jill I", S It( ,I 1 I 1ll1 1 I l I I l, Inw ,111 n i cI" J111 im Iii All - Il lIllll 111 111 111111 t(11 11111 111 11) i t141Sl F S A 1 LAI 11111 ) ll 'i1? t in II l11)1 ~ i(I trit 11111111B , d l c .t I,, T'n t i cinIl the II 11111 1111 Smidwidh F~or Your D~essert Sunday 1115on kit- l'. il y h aveill any10 1111111ino 1 ('a'ut 1111utti t', 111 11ite' 1apl-l l r ie fi t81.1 ) ti Wn in.TeBB't s e move fro ~ontain72,1 houseill I J~ v It our itl~'1r) rNow. Rcntsch icr, Photographer SBAILEY & EDMUNDS ! portiioj($oobs 121 E.ASr LIBEIRTY S l FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi ANN AltIm, IMhia. It 1) Krone, Pid'1lent. I [i sn SO1)11 11110 Vice-Pires111eat, S.55W.(Clarton1, (Cashitt Capia1,$uxt 1511) NOTICE My I 111111 StoIl II «ftAIIIIwroHtl Pipes at Cost 10 nnd 21) ilfon all It-tI [R. E. JOLLY i I < till~ tiet the 1w,' aucl insist oil 1l:tvilll; the best -tll,- eaY Catchers' Mitt !teas lk C att t!r rw' Mitts and Base It tlt (:ttti till rr.c ttrltiied an tll, ifIIf I ard try all ttl log t"oI Ief rK ,r l 11 1l atu t'N. ( ,tI Oj 19' .4lrtie tr(. Mad. f ,,r rigy{IfI it it It Ir tr 1III-, I(EA(;II tIVF I ( ' I t I, A1IKItI( AN I,1%AI F, ItA1,1, is Standard with it;l 1,11,. 1) 1 l; I, Itu 1, n ltrttl oIII, !It I w1t.Ir t1, t- AIrtt^rlt it II lxugl e. $1.264.;wh. THE REACH GUARANTEE T h,, No -h'1'riI.d,-. mlfLrk on all nt,.,l11r 1, t trcxls irs fi yttxar- alllt",. ,r nri nrlwti.,,t a nt w art :t" or Your tnurey back tr at t it on 1 ;:t 114 fill-] l'tal.s nude! %I 'I 11F K I t. 11 trl"F°ICIA1, IIA41, I: \ f I r;1; 11>I for 1907 nuw 1 "ad _ ,I11,t1nsthe lrlayiw rtll 1]1" 1!lttru:irtrirsti E' Ifiatury a!l I lllIrl ,;, tr i'>tr+, rr1+1'K j ("I ,. 1l It s !tt dt-alels', or by t. ail EAC U.~it /,. d, r dAes not deep rr rrt y,-,V will err P1rly 11,114 Y art . ...... ,,.r r jwi«. .......... 1 ith 1 1 i.eri lialle hall Catalogue FICFE'. Mq A.J. REAL Ii CO.. 1727 Tulip St., Phlluda. The Newsboy IIt' l' C I; t (i tl Iat " iflli MSiles 1from) Klll) foi- a II I " Hw'l ;11 11 ' I f'-, of l i(? ' cod Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue St l il'l i ns 1111fob adlos. H11111 at- Ic's Jewflty Store. MainI street. told r 1 I:' 1 i Electricity Supplied to College. Men and Women for All Purposes. Waslitenaw Light & Power Co. 200 E. Washington St. OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING of Suits, op Coats and Cravenetes Special line of Merchandise for Easter. Swell Faster Shirts, a com- plete variety of the new designs, colorings and styles, in all sizes. Gloves, the correct new styles and shades in such well known makes as Dent's, Perrin's, Fown's and Dempsy & Place. Fancy Vests, all sizes. Hats and Caps, all the newest. WADH AMS (Q Co. See Show Window Fa shion. Store 121-1235S. Main St. VAUDET TE Continuous Performance 1:30 TO 5:00; 6:00 T0 10:30 P. SAND) '1'(Yt-,DAy[. Won'to tll) i I'llll to0 hily, I ('Ill b aWoan 220 5. State St. ATISFATION FIRST, then a osumts to(Order fr(m mn.0nu1s ft-nm0 AVINGOF'1000to $15.00 ohull UilComlanly!118 ELiery1t is WHY we are r e seli ng the goods.~ AAOt11i o thingAAQ U llU lLbrt t J. K. Malcolm, Mgr.